> F O U R T E E N<

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"Liam it's okay sweetheart." Sophia soothed entering the bedroom of the boy seeing him on his knees his pull up hanging low due to him using it during his mid morning nap. "We all mess up sometimes." She added scooping him up from the playpen where he clutched onto the side his head lowered from shame. Laying Liam on the bed she pulled down his pants stripping the wet pull up off him as well. Cleaning him down with wipes, Sophia slid another pull up on kissing his forehead countless times, "Baby you're okay. Papa will understand." She assured knowing Liam would be most worried about Zayn finding out. Dressing him in skinny jeans with a T-shirt, Sophia carried Liam into the living room where she strapped him in a baby chair that bounced him until calm. Louis was in there shirtless with his jeans on his hair wild as sucked on a pacifier watching Blue's Clues intently. His hands still clutched the bear Eleanor had given him but other then that he hadn't moved in an hour entranced as Blue told her story. "What time will Niall be here?"

"Around two." Eleanor replied to Sophia's question as she started making a snack knowing at the next commercial break Louis would realize he was hungry. It was one forty now, both boys had their bags packed for Niall to hurry and get them bringing them to their hotel as everyone readied themselves for the Britts that night. When knocks came from the door Sophia smiled opening up, "Hey Niall. Their in here."

"My babies!" Niall called entering the living room. Liam gasped making grabby hands as he fought against the straps the chair provided, "B-ba-Baba!"

"Liam hold on baby, calm down." He commanded setting him on his hip letting Liam bury himself in his neck, "Lou Lou, are you ready to go? Louis? Louis!" Niall snapped his voice deeper when Louis finally glanced at him, "Lets go. Tell mommy and mumma bye. You'll see them tonight at the awards." When the farewells had been said Niall led them to the car securing everyone in as he drove back to their assigned hotel walking both boys up to their rooms. "Daddy!" Louis gushed running for the man that sat while Lou did his hair, "Hey kiddo." Harry returned kissing his forehead, "Go to Papa and he'll get you dressed." Louis nodded doing as told, "Liam? Come see me baby." Harry ordered gently, "D-Daddy n-no." Liam whimpered, "Baby mumma already told me you had an accident." Harry informed seeing Liam start to cry, "I n-no m-mean it!"

"I know you didn't mean too honey. It's okay no ones mad." Niall soothed stroking the boys hair. Liam sniffled hating that he used the bathroom on himself, he was supposed to be a big boy. Like Louis. His "big boy" older brother. Grabbing Snakie, Harry shook it gaining Liam's attention as he whined reaching out to grab it. Zayn entered with Louis in black skinny jeans with a nice grey button up tucked in, "Look at how grown up someone looks!" He beamed, "And mumma was so amazing for getting your hair cut!" He added running his fingers through it. Liam cowered away from Zayn not wanting his Papa to punish him for having an accident. Niall sighed, "Liam let Papa get you dressed." Zayn glanced around, "I don't see Liam. Did he come home?" The small hybrid peaked out from Niall's legs, "Lee? Hey baby, what's the matter?" Zayn questioned opening his arms, "He's upset about his accident he had." Harry reported pointing towards Zayn with a stern look, "Go to him Liam before you get a spanking." Zayn rose extending his hand out, "Lets go get you dressed then we'll have a warm bottle before we leave." He offered seeing Liam take the bait. His mumma didn't have as good as formula as his daddies did. They got just the right kind. Sitting on the bed, Zayn laid him down undressing him, "We won't be able to run to the toilets every time you have to go, so you're gonna wear a nappy okay? Its not because you had an accident. Even Louis is wearing a pull up. Shh, don't start up now, you're gonna have to be by me all night." Zayn mumbled taping the nappy shut he pulled up the grey skinny jeans buttoning the navy blue button up he would also be wearing. Tying his white converse, Zayn grabbed Liam's white fluffy blanket and snake taking him to the kitchen where he placed a bottle in the microwave swaying with Liam who sleepily put his head on Zayn's shoulder waiting for the ding.

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