>>E L E V E N<<

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"It's kind of a stupid idea." Simon blurted out "accidentally". The band and man all came together to discuss the men adopting a child. "How in the hell is it dumb?!" Harry snarled angered by the comment, "Well, you all are on tour and constantly doing interviews. I don't think adopting a child would be the best fit right now." Simon explained, "Well it's a good thing it's not up to you." Zayn snapped pulling his phone out to make an appointment with the adoption agency. They were going to get their baby.

As the men eagerly waited for morning to come Harry was the first one up dressing in tight jeans with a T-shirt, "Zayn? You awake?"

"Of course sweetheart." He replied kissing Harry softly, "I'm so excited to be a daddy." Harry gushed grinning wildly at Niall as he entered, "We are all excited to be parents. I just can't wait to see him."

"W-Who says it's going to be a him?" Zayn questions pulling out a cigarette, "I thought we all agreed on a boy." Harry remarked chewing his bottom lip, "What if I wanted a little princess?" Zayn exclaimed, "Wouldn't you rather have a Prince?" Niall suggested knowing Zayn had always wanting a little boy to play ball with. "Y-Yea I guess."

The car filled with nerves as Niall drove to the agency, Zayn had busied himself with strapping in the car seat they had bought that night. Parking he glanced at his husbands, "N-No matter what happens in here, w-we're all in this together. Forever, right?" Harry smiled warmly knowing Niall was terrified to become a Baba, "Forever Niall." He repeated both men looking to Zayn who chuckled at them, "Yea, I'm stuck with you two." Niall groaned rolling his eyes, "I forgot heaven forbid you be a sap." Entering the building their hearts slowed seeing the children playing on the floor, some being rocked to sleep. Five girls sat huddled in a corner playing dolls as other boys played with a football. "Hello, I'm Kourtney, I'll be showing you around." She introduced, "Hi, you obviously know who we are." Zayn returned charmingly as the two shook hands before Kourtney lead them into the hallway, "Those up front are young, probably wouldn't like those on tour and everything. These back here are a little older, they have PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder) sadly so these children are teenagers with headspaces of ten and under. It's also naptime soon so they'll be really fun." She added sarcastically smiling as she unlocked the door entering. Harry walked in first gasping at the kids, one girl sat at a table colouring a princess, her curly hair beautifully resting on her shoulders. Another child, boy, played with some stuffed animal gurgling to himself. The nurse in the room rocked one boy whilst another nurse read to five of the children. "Lewis get that out of your mouth!" Kourtney scolded narrowing her eyes at a boy who peered up at her innocently his earthy eyes melting your heart. The boy resumed nibbling on the rubber ring he had when Zayn crouched down, "Hiya cutie, why don't we get that out of your mouth? That's pretty nasty." He cooed gently taking the ring from him, "Chole it's okay!" Kourtney soothed rushing off to tend to another child. "Your name is Lewis?" Harry asked bending down beside Zayn, Niall stayed behind the two his eyes filling with love as Louis grinned at the men, "H-Hi's." Louis beamed waving at Harry, "You're so cute sweetie pie." He chuckled taking Louis' tiny hand in his larger ones, "Adorable." Niall added getting to his knees as his heart beat sped. Louis glanced at him from behind Harry smiling softly, "H-hi baby." Niall whispered as Louis unsurely smiled back before sitting up straighter. Getting to all fours Louis crawled over to Niall holding his hand up, instinctively Niall lowered his head as Louis pat his hair as if he was searching for something. Removing Louis' hands from his hair Niall stared into the boys eyes, before Louis touched his own hair before two furry ears popped up. "O-oh my god... I-it's a hybrid." Zayn mumbled shocked by his own words. When Louis saw that he had worried the men he lowered his ears bowing his head sadly, "Hey no, we love your ears. They make you different. W-Would you like to come home with us?" Harry rushed watching as Louis perked up his ears unfolding, "I-I no know's. I's 'ave to 'ass m-mss.K." Louis replied as the three men laughed at his speech, "Oh my gosh, we have to have him. I think Ms.K will say it's okay baby." Zayn assured rising as he scooped Louis into his arms smiling as the boy buried himself in his chest, "I-I's 'sweepy."

"You can go to bed sweetheart, we'll be home soon." Niall hummed kissing his forehead before Louis drifted off.

When Louis awoke he was in a crib, he always slept in them at the adoption house, although he was old enough to receive a big boy bed. Ms.Kourtney always scolded him for reminding her. Sitting up Louis whimpered feeling a nappy secured around his waist. He was potty trained! Why didn't they ever trust him? His new owners must think he's such a baby. Louis hated being babied, he loved helping with the babies at the adoption house, but he made sure to tell Ms.Kourtney that he wasn't one. Crying out at his current predicament soon Zayn strolled into the room, "Look who's awake! Hello baby boy."

"N-no." Louis cried shaking his head, they had this all wrong! Louis wasn't a baby. When Zayn laid him on the changing table he got out a new nappy seeing as though Louis had used his, "Why are you crying baby? It's just Papa." Zayn soothed unbuttoning the onesie, "Shhh, calm down baby." Louis worked himself up throughout the change bawling into Zayn's shoulder when he was done. Carrying him downstairs Harry scowled at Zayn, "what did you do to him?!" Zayn returned the hateful look, "Nothing, he just started crying. Shh, it's okay... Shhh, Niall! Make a bottle." Zayn ordered handing him to Harry who bounced the boy, "Baby it's okay. Baba's gonna make you a nice warm bottle." Louis finally calmed slightly abeling himself to explain his problem, "I-I's n-no baby!"

"You no baby?" Harry repeated sitting on the couch with him in his lap. "Lewis calm down, talk to us. Tell daddy what's wrong."

"I-I's n-no ba-baby. N-no name L-Lewis."

"you're names not Lewis? Is it Louis?" Harry offered wiping the boys tears as Niall brought out a bottle, nodding, Louis sniffled pointing to the nappy, "N-no 'ant."

"Well, after you drink this we'll go get you some big boy stuff. Deal?" Louis happily nodded at Harry suggestion curling into him as he drank the bottle. Dressing him in grey nike sweatpants he wore a one direction shirt as Zayn buckled him into his car seat again sliding in the driver's seat. "No more crying bud, okay?"
"Y-yes Papa." Louis mumbled bringing his thumb up to suck on. Parking at the mall Harry carried Louis inside pushing his face into his neck until Louis kicked his legs, "D-down! D-daddy down!"

"No Louis, not yet." Harry mumbled entering a store, "D-down. Daddy I 'ant down." Louis repeated bouncing in the man's arms. Sighing, Harry placed Louis down grabbing his hand before he could run off. The men thought they were safe when five girls screamed, "Niall Horan! Zayn Malik! Harry Styles!" They cheered hurrying over to them, "Please, we have our son with us. No hovering please." Niall announced shushing the girls when they attempted screaming over the announcement of their son. "We will inform everyone over twitter, please respect that." Zayn begged scooping Louis up against his wishes. As they finished shopping Louis was much happier knowing he had big boy toys, a big boy bed, and even big boy clothes! Giggling at the snake Zayn handed him Louis kissed it, "S-snakie, I-is he my's 'foever?"

"Yes, he's your's forever." Niall assured grinning at his new family.

>V O T E<
>E M M A< 

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