>>F O R T Y T W O<< 1/2

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Prompt by and dedicated to: Foooooddddddddd and ballash1238

"Papa!" Liam calls with a giggle, he's raising snakie over his head, Zayn bending down to kiss his boy's lips as the hybrid sits in the playpen, "Hey Bubba." Louis strolls down next pulling Harry by the hand, "I's did it!" He cheers, Harry stands with his arms crossed his hair in a messy bun and fingers having more paint on them than the nails. Zayn laughs scooping Liam up to feed him a bottle, "My My, look at my handsome husb-wife." He jokes puckering his lips for a kiss, Harry instead smirks twisting his nipple, "Call me wife again." He dares. The two fathers smile at one another, Louis raising his arms to be held, "Daddy is 'pwetty yes?" Zayn nods, "You're mumma is going to kill you for using her makeup." Harry chuckles, "That's what she gets for leaving it at a house with two monsters." Louis grins sweetly, "We's buy Mumma more." 

"You have no money, love." Zayn inquiries, bouncing Liam to keep him content before he turns heading to the kitchen where he makes him a bottle. 

Harry follows the Papa sitting Louis in his booster seat, "Are you ready for lunch babe?" It's when Harry's profile is on display that Zayn bursts into laughter, Louis has expertly put the highlighter on his cheekbones making him look all sparkly and shiny, "What?" Harry asks furrowing his eyebrows, "You're just so hot," Zayn muses, "or should I say pretty?" Threatening to twist the nipple again, Zayn backs off placing the bottle between Liam's lips. 

It's not long, Harry had enough time to make his babies both sandwiches when Niall is entering through the garage door with a person in his arms. "There's our little girl!" Harry coos waving to the baby Niall held, Lucy, perked up smiling in greeting to her uncle Harry. "Who 'dat?" Liam asks softly rubbing both his ears soothingly to himself, "This is your cousin Lucy, she's staying the weekend with us." Niall announced, expecting his hybrids to be joyous to have another playmate, both parents are taken back when the two groan in unison, Liam shaking his head furiously as Louis pouts, "No!" 

Niall frowns sitting Lucy in the Vacant highchair, "You two had better be nice unless you want to spend time in the naughty corner." He warns pointing mostly to his monster Louis. The older one whines kicking his feet, "Baba no! No girls 'llowed!"

"Girls are allowed baby, girls are sweet." Harry gushes kissing her cheeks hearing her giggle. She clearly didn't mind the teasing of her cousin. Huffing, Louis turns to the table waiting for his lunch. Liam watches the girl wearily, his hands sneaking down from his ears and wrapping around Zayn's arm near the ZAP tattoo, "what's wrong Bubba?" Zayn worries kissing his babies head, "Pa-pa." Liam mumbles kissing the inked spot, "Zayn it's N-A-P time, don't you think?" Harry says sitting the sandwich he made for Liam on Lucy's tray and giving Louis one, "He can eat when he wakes up, he'll cry if we try and make him eat now." Harry reminds knowing his fussy son. 

With that being said, Zayn is laying Liam down in his crib kissing his cheeks as the hybrid sleepily stares up at him with trusting eyes. The Papa returns to the kitchen once Liam is down, Louis rushing through his lunch getting down to gather all his toys into his special crate. Both hybrids had a certain crate, Harry called it Reserved Toys. The container could hold a few of the boy's toys, the toys that neither boys wanted to particularly share. Usually, Louis kept his Power Rangers in his and Liam didn't really understand the concept yet so he would put everything in his. Louis, however, understood and loved the idea of not having to share everything with Liam. 

Hurrying to cram as much of his property as he could into the box, he glances around seeing all his toys still on display. If they weren't in his reserved crate, that meant Lucy could touch them! She could play with them! Never in a million years would Louis let that happen! Grabbing Liam's crate, he dumps out the few stuffed animals rolling his eyes at his stupid brother. This crate was for important stuff, not stuffies. 

Adding the blocks, Louis' stuffed Superman doll, and his other cars only he played with; he sits the two crates where they go on the shelf. He spots Liam's trucks sitting by the end of the couch, surely his brother wouldn't care if Lucy played with his stupid trucks. He had to understand. Trucks were replaceable, Louis' power rangers apparently weren't.

When Lucy had finished, Harry carried her to the living room telling his husbands he could handle watching the two kiddos while Niall and Zayn had alone time. The girl walks over towards the chest of toys peering into it to see it almost empty. Louis innocently watched her with wide eyes, worried she'd find a toy he forgot about. Instead, she returns to Harry's side staring at his fingernails. "I do this?"

"No lovely, Louis did them."

"He no did good," She states, Harry chuckles not noticing how pissed the comment made Louis, "Not the best nail job I've had." Louis growls storming to his daddy crawling onto his lap pushing Lucy away, "No! My daddy!" Harry slaps his son's backside, "You say you're sorry, you have to share me this weekend." Louis doesn't apologize glaring at the girl that smiles sweetly waiting for the two words Harry ordered. "Lewis Stylin you're about to get a spanking, apologize."

"I sorry."

"It okay, Louis," Lucy assures, "Wanna play?" She asks gesturing towards the trucks, Louis shakes his head leaning back on Harry who sighs but turns on the TV hoping to distract the two by cartoons.

Knowing his son well enough, Harry isn't shocked to return from grabbing Liam that Louis is glued to Spongebob whilst Lucy looks bored. "What's wrong honey?" Harry questions pausing the show, "Papa!" Louis groans, "Lewis!" Harry warns sitting Liam down not caring that the hybrid started crying. Lucy shakes her head, "I fine."

"Why don't you take a break from TV and play with Lucy?" Harry suggests towards Louis who shakes his head, "No!"

"Either you play or you can go to bed." Louis huffs climbing down from the couch, Harry picks Liam up again going to get him yogurt. Lucy grins wickedly grabbing a truck, "Play?" Louis huffs nodding taking another one. He watches Lucy line hers up from the bookshelf pushing forward watching it crash. Louis gasps worried his daddies would come running at the noise, although no one but Liam came.

"Liam? Liam baby?" Harry called turning around when he didn't hear his baby anymore. He had set him down to open the fridge, not thinking that the boy would wander off. Sighing, Harry exits to the living room almost dropping the yogurt when Liam screams.

As if it's his worst nightmare come true, there was his truck being played with by someone other than him and one of his daddies. Louis had only ever touched his brother's trucks a handful of times. Liam was very protective of his trucks. "Okay! Okay!" Harry soothes sitting the yogurt on the end table going to lift Liam up settling his sobs, "Shh, Daddy, has you. Lucy honey can Uncle Harry have that truck? Louis go get Liam's crate-"

"He no need it!" Louis complains, Harry glares, "If you can't already tell he's upset about you two playing with his trucks. I think it's only fair to put them in his crate so no one makes the same mistake." Louis whimpers his eyes flickering from the crate to his brother's pitiful face when he reaches towards the truck Lucy hands him. 

Sighing, Louis takes the crate dumping the toys he put in it onto the floor. Setting it down in front of Liam, Louis climbs back on the couch knowing it would be a hell of a long weekend as Lucy immediately reaches for his precious blocks. And to make it worse, once Liam is calm Harry gets down on the floor building a tower with Lucy whilst he's feeding Liam. Harry only ever built towers with Louis. Sometimes Liam. Well, mostly Liam now because Louis was old enough to build by himself. But still. Still, he shouldn't be building one with her. How would Louis ever make it to Sunday?

>>Thanks for the prompt!

>>If any of you have any prompts please send them to me!!!<< ~Emma :)

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