>>T H I R T E E N<< 1/2

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"Okay, and what colour is this?"

"R-red!" Liam beamed grinning up at Harry who held an apple. Louis rolled his eyes focusing on his own learning. The tutor had left giving strict instructions for the parents to practice the colours and ABC's with Liam everyday, and for Louis to practice his times tables everyday. She was no longer a good person in Louis' book.

"Baba! This hard!" Louis complained throwing his pencil across the room resulting in Liam giggling and clapping his hands. "Louis! No sir. Liam look at daddy, look at daddy!" Harry encouraged, Niall entered scooping Louis up, "I've had enough. Its naptime." He muttered taking Louis into the bunking area. Laying him in his bed with the handle Niall stuffed a pacifier in his mouth kissing his forehead, "I love you, but we aren't having grumpy Louis two days in a row. Take a nap and when you're happy you can watch cartoons with me." Louis cried weakly behind the pacifier before falling asleep, "'ere bubba go?" Liam asked sucking on the rubber bowl that once had cheerios in it, "He's taking a nap." Niall replied gently taking the bowl away. Currently Liam had been the happiest out of the two hybrids. Although even he had his meltdowns, like last night when bedtime was a little late due to the concert running long.

"Is Louis awake?" Zayn asked stirring the noodles in the pot, "Not yet." Niall replied grinning down at Liam who sat by Zayn's feet playing with an extra pot he had found, "Well go wake him or he won't sleep tonight." Niall nodded in agreement going to the bunking area where Louis snored quitely. "Baby? It's time to get up." The hybrid's face crumpled with tears as Niall scooped him up swaying with him, "Shh, calm down sweetheart. Louis look at Baba, what's going on baby?" Sniffling, Louis peered up at Niall sadly, "I-I 'ant mumma." The father sighed pushing Louis' head to his chest resuming to sway with him, "Why don't we call and see if she can fly down for the concert tomorrow?" Louis nodded, "S-stay 'wif her."

"You want to spend the night with her?" Niall clarified, "Y-yes. L-Lee too." Louis added wanting his little brother there as well. "That's up to Liam baby." Louis whined, "But he 'gunna say no!" Niall sighed sitting Louis on his feet, "Why don't you go ask him before jumping to conclusions?" Rolling his eyes, Louis dashed to the kitchen pulling Liam onto his lap, "Hi Lee Lee." The youngest grinned puckering his lips for a kiss, Louis gave one in return resting his head on Liam's shoulder, "Lee?"


"Do you 'anna go see mumma?" Louis questioned, "M-mumma! I 'ant mumma!" Liam copied clapping his hands down on the pot making music, "You sleep 'dere too?" Louis continued narrowing his eyes as Liam whimpered, "No 'sweep 'wif 'addy?" Louis groaned, "No you sleep 'wif mommmy and mumma." Liam chewed his bottom lip glancing up at Zayn who entered, "Time to eat my boys." He announced scooping Liam into his arms as he buckled him in his highchair. Louis climbed into his booster seat glaring at his stupid younger brother, "Louis put a smile on." Harry warned, "I no 'ant too." Louis growled feeling no happiness, "Louis please, Liam will go. I think both of you could use a day or two without fans. Liam dry it up, you love going to see mumma." Niall ordered wiping his mouth with his bib as Liam spit up the alfredo Zayn had cooked, "I n-no 'sw-'sweep 'dere!" He sobbed, "Two minutes in time out." Zayn remarked sitting Liam in the corner of the kitchen, "You are going to stop throwing fits little man." The hybrid cried in his hands as the time passed. Returning to the dining room, Liam went straight to Harry ignoring everyone else.

Liam wore black basketball shorts with a Blue Nikes Shirt, as Louis styled a more proper style: Navy shorts with a white polo. Truth be told is that the older hybrid didn't know Liam would be dressed in the exact same thing after his nap. Sophia and Eleanor had agreed to come to the concert and let the boys stay with them for as long as needed. They loved their baby boys. Liam had been changed, his pull-up and all, as he rubbed his eyes. His nap wasn't near long enough, but Niall awoke him whilst he was putting on the navy shorts. "Let's go rock baby." He suggested sitting on the couch as he rocked side to side putting Liam's head on his shoulder facing towards his neck as the hybrid fell back asleep. "He has on a pull-up." Niall assured to Harry who looked panicked, "Louis saw the matching outfits. He's pouting."

"He'll live." Niall mused chuckling as Zayn dragged Louis behind him. "Last warning to smile before we go talk." He snarled setting the boy down on the floor handing him his blocks. Liam jolted awake hearing Louis throw a block across the room smashing into a glass. Zayn groaned snatching the hybrid in his arms ignoring his pleas, "You deserve this!" Zayn reminded undoing his belt as he doubled it in his hand letting it connect to Louis' backside. He continued belting the boy until he reached ten licks, "What do you say?"

"I-I'm s-sorry papa!" Louis cried feeling Zayn pull down his shorts, "Five more." He soothed delivering the dreaded five more. Fastening his pants in the right place, Zayn hiked Louis to his hip brushing his tears away with the pad of his thumb, "Are you excited to see mumma?" Nodding, Louis sniffled leaning his head on Zayn's shoulder, "Try and take a nap bubba, it'll be a while before she's here." Zayn mumbled strolling out with the hybrid halfway asleep in his arms. "Is he still bawling?" Zayn questioned seeing Niall bounce Liam on his knee attempting to calm him. "I guess both of our babies are getting it tonight. Liam come here." Zayn ordered setting Louis on the couch, Liam timidly walked over wiping his eyes as he did, "Lay over Papa's knee."

"N-o, N-no! P-papa 'pwease!"

"Lay over Liam." Zayn repeated gently taking Liam's wrist as he guided him over, "Now, do I have to spank you or will you quit crying?"

"I-I 's-sop!" Liam rushed blubbering for his bum to be saved and not spanked. Zayn gave him a medium hard tap, mainly to scare the lad, "That's not stopping." Liam sniffled again wiping his eyes more this time, only two sobs breaking through. Slapping his backside three times hard Zayn rested his hand on Liam's bum, "Do I keep going?"

"N-no papa! No!" The hybrid pleaded using the back of his hand to dry his eyes until he felt that they were dry. Sitting Liam on his lap Zayn kissed his flustered cheeks, "When I say stop crying I mean it." Liam nodded pointing for his pacifier, Zayn slipped it between his lips kissing his temple, "Shhh, Papa's gotcha bubba. Calm down for me."

"Both of them had a spanking?" Eleanor gasped holding Louis closer, "My poor baby." She cooed kissing his cheeks until they became rosy, "I love that they match." Sophia added scooping Liam up, "M-mumma!" Liam gushed snuggling closer to her, "Liam will most likely need another nap today because his was short. Louis has been fussy lately, but he'll be fine. Juice makes Liam wet the bed, and he hasn't had an accident in three days so if he does please let us know. But he's been doing so well, kiss me bye baby." Harry ordered tapping his lips, Liam kissed his daddy waving from Sophia's hip, Louis waved to his fathers as well blowing kisses. Carrying them to their car, Sophia drove them to the airport. That's where the real fun with hybrids start!

>V O T E<


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