>>Z E R O<<

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Z E R O : Candy Crush Problems
"Throw me a shirt, would 'ya?" Zayn called glancing at Harry as the two prepared themselves for their concert that night. Tossing him one Harry reapplied deodorant checking his image once again in the mirror. The room bustled with management when suddenly Niall barged in holding Louis in his arms, "Where's the other trouble maker?" Zayn chuckled narrowing his eyes at the eldest hybrid, "Where's your brother?" Louis giggled shrugging, "I no know." Harry sighed loudly hiding his smile, "Well I guess Liam won't get to hug us again before we go on stage. I was really looking forward to cuddling my baby boy." It was silent before Liam came running from behind the couch jumping into Harry's arms, "Daddy!" Catching the youngest Hybrid, Harry smiled warmly putting his forehead to Liam's temple, "I love you baby boy."
" 'Wove you too daddy!" Liam beamed holding Harry's face as he sloppily kissed all over it. Louis groaned at his brother being a dumb baby again before he was also scooped into Niall's arms, "Baba s-stop!" Louis squealed as his Baba tickled him. "Alright, Louis watch your brother, we'll be back after four songs. Be good." Zayn added as Louis plopped on the couch with his iPad, Liam crawled beside him watching Louis play candy crush. All three men cooed at their babies before running through the curtain hearing the loud screams from girls and some boys.
"Thank you Nashville!" Harry gushed waving to the crowd. "Our first song tonight is Walking in the wind." Niall announced strumming his guitar.
Backstage Louis growled annoyed as his little brother continued his so called "help" at candy crush. "You're just a baby Liam!" Louis finally shrieked, "You can't play!" He added, Liam hid his fury ears under his hair as tears welled in his eyes. Running from the couch Louis sighed loudly following him, "Liam! Liam no!" He gasped seeing the boy run through the curtains onto the stage looking for his parents. As the band sang Wolves, Harry stood at the front doing his solo when the crowd screamed louder. Thinking it was his epic singing skills, his confidence dropped when he felt two arms tugging at his shirt, "Daddy?" Liam called, Harry sent a glare to Louis who had been caught by Zayn, " 'Wouie no 'wet me 'pway." Liam exclaimed sadly, the microphone picking up the sound causing a coo from the crowd. "Louis won't let you play what baby?" Harry asked setting Liam on his hip, "No 'pway games." Zayn scowled towards Louis who sent daggers to Liam, "Well sense these monsters can't get along, why don't they just stay out here?" Niall suggested hearing the crowd burst out in cheers obviously meaning "Hell to the yes". As Wolves started up again Harry continued singing as Liam got down walking next to him holding his hand tightly. When the song ended Liam raced Louis to the couch on stage both of the hybrids bouncing on it for fun as their parents resumed their concert. "I would personally like to thank each and everyone of you guys for coming. Louis! Liam! Anything to add?" Zayn called opening his arms for the two boys, Louis beat Liam grabbing the microphone, "Merry-"
"I 'ant to say it!" Liam whined, Louis rolled his eyes lowering the speaker, " 'Mewwy Christmas!" Both said together, only Louis pronounced "Merry" right. He wasn't stupid like his brother. As the fans squealed from an overload of pure excitement, the boys left the stage, Liam in Harry's arms as Zayn and Niall held Louis' hand. Playing with his daddy's sweaty hair Liam giggled kissing his cheek, "Are you tired baby?" Harry asked setting him down on the couch making him a bottle. Zayn sat with Louis his stern look causing the hybrid to shift a little, "Why wouldn't you share the game?"
" 'Cause Liam no know how to play!" Louis exclaimed, "No need to raise your voice." Zayn reminded, "Well, couldn't you have helped him play it?" Niall offered softly, "No." Louis pouted, "Why not?" Zayn questioned crossing his arms as did Louis, " 'Cause he a baby, no need to play my game. He has toys!" Louis complained, "You have toys too. Both of you guys play together. He can understand the simple game of candy crush. Its three in a row of colours." Zayn remarked, "He no know his colours!" Louis reminded, "Well as the older brother you could teach him that." Niall added, "He has teacher." Louis snapped angry that he was getting lectured for not letting his brother play his game. His parents were just unethical at times. Groaning, Louis was happy when Zayn let him up. He knew they weren't too mad at him. When it was time to go for the night, Liam was already knocked out where as Louis fell asleep in his car seat.
When the band returned to their hotel, Zayn carried Liam in, Niall handled Louis who awoke with sobs when he was moved. "Shh, its okay baby. I know you're sleepy." Niall soothed pressing countless kisses on his eldest baby's head. When his cries settled themselves Louis was laid in bed with his daddy as Liam got the playpen. Louis was glad he was old enough to be trusted in a bed. Liam always rolled off them, silly baby, Louis thought. Staring at the baby hybrid in front of him Louis blew a kiss, though he got annoying, Louis loved Liam. Harry cooed slipping beside his baby, "My Lou." Louis grinned puckering his lips for a kiss he received, "My daddy."

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