>>T W E N T Y T W O<<

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Twenty Two: Liam's Day

Niall had taken Louis to his mothers that day, wanting to spend time with his oldest knowing he often got pushed to the sides because of Liam. Especially recently. Liam had furthered his game of dropping things, he now dropped them and screamed if no one returned it to his hands. Another thing is that the young one has begun the "No." Stage. The fathers thought he surely wouldn't go through it saying as though they each thought with a stern household and loving parents, he'd be smart enough to know that it wouldn't fly. However, none of the fathers could bring themselves to punish the baby that refused simple things they knew he wanted. Liam was just that cute.

Currently the morning was going well, Niall had left, and Liam sat in the living room playing with his toys contently as Zayn and Harry worked in their office. Entering the room to retrieve a drink, Liam catches sight of Zayn who was trying to be quick, "P-apa!" He gurgles with a grin, "Hey bubba." Zayn greets cursing himself. Now that Liam saw him his work would be "complete."

"Go back to playing, bubba. Papa has to go to work."

"N-no." Liam whined, "It's okay, I have him. Let's do some laundry!" Harry beamed scooping the boy into his arms peppering his face with kisses. Putting Liam in his highchair, Harry handed him some toys rolling it to the laundry room where he started the washer and dryer. Liam drove the cars on the plastic tray giggling as he drove one over the side watching it crash on the floor. "Oh no! A crash!" Harry gasped returning the car to his tray seeing Liam stare up at him innocently. "What baby?" Harry asks laying his lips on his forehead, "We's 'atch 'onge-bob?"

"you want to watch Spongebob?" Harry questioned, "No." Liam replied smiling, "I think you mean yes!" Harry bargained, "No." Liam mumbled grabbing the hem of his shirt stuffing it in his mouth, "What are you doing silly boy?" Harry chuckles, Liam ignores him sucking on the cloth before it's removed by Harry, "No!" Liam cries, Harry quickly filling the open mouth with a pacifier. "No crying."


"Is that all you can say?"


"Who do you love?" Harry beams grinning widely as he's expecting the boys usual "Dada and PaPa!" Only to hear the firm, "No." His face falls, "You don't love Dada and Papa and Baba?"

"No!" Liam cheers excidetly, Harry purses his lips narrowing his eyes, "I'm starting to think you don't really know how to use that word correctly." Liam giggled, "No." Harry nods along, "Yep. Nope, you sure don't."

Taking Liam in his arms, Harry grabs a bottle with apple juice taking him to the couch with a basket of clothes to fold. Sitting Liam in the crack to where he won't fall, Harry turns on Spongebob letting Liam giggle at the cartoon he more than likely didn't understand. Zayn exits the office again shortly after, Liam to distracted to notice. "Did you wash my new shirt?" Zayn calls from the kitchen, "It's in there now, why?"

"don't dry it." Zayn reminds, "I know babe, I've been doing laundry for years." Harry assures folding the towels that went in the boy's bathroom. His phone dings, Niall sending him a picture of Louis asleep in the car; "He was quiet for more than five minutes. I turn around and see this." Niall texts with a laughing face, Harry grinning as well. Putting his phone down, he's stopped with two hands that hold the phone still so he could see. Liam has crawled on his lap entranced by the phone he was never allowed to see. "Look at bubby. He fell asleep in the car." Harry cooed ruffling Liam's hair petting his ears, "Are you tired baby?" He questions patting the diapered bum that sits on his lap, "N-no's." Liam gurgles settling down on Harry's lap completely putting his head on his chest nuzzling in his neck. "I think you're pretty tired."


"Get him dressed, Simon wants to meet us for lunch!" Zayn calls entering the room again on his phone. Harry groans lifiting himself off the couch with Liam in his arms. Entering the nursery, Harry lays him on the changing table grabbing ripped light blue skinny jeans, and his black long sleeve onesie that had pumpkins on the front saying Liam in white letters. "We get to go see Uncle Si!" Harry gushed tying his black converse, "Mama?"

"Not Mama, uncle Si."

"No." Liam giggles, "Okay baby." Harry dressed himself in a button up with skinny jeans meeting Zayn in the car with Liam's diaper bag and Liam of course. "Are you excited bubba?" Zayn asks grinning at Liam who cheered out the window for no reason other than being purely happy. It was quite an adorable sight for the two parents.

Parking the car, Harry sighs seeing Liam sleepily staring out the window, "Twenty bucks saying he falls asleep before we even get seated." Zayn chuckles, "Twenty saying he refuses to sleep." The parents gave each other a look, Harry grabbing the stroller along with Liam buckling him in. Sliding his pacifier in Zayn pushed the stroller towards the entrance Harry holding the door open for them. Simon waved them over smiling as the sight of Liam his phone out taking pictures, "Goodness he's grown!"

"Sure has, my baby's growing to fast." Harry complained sitting down pushing the visor closed, Liam sitting up more his fists on the tray. Zayn waves to his baby cooing when Liam returns the wave reaching over to hold Harry's hands, "I see you baby, do you want snakie?" Taking the toy in his hands, Liam giggles shaking it his pacifier popping out landing on his lap. Harry smiled softly at him clipping the pacifier to his shirt ruffling his hair, "I see he's becoming less fussy." Simon pointed out, "I think it's a good day for one, and two I think that we are learning how not to throw so many fits. So yes, quite the improvement." Harry remarked, Zayn clearing his throat, "Has E! Network contacted you? They emailed Niall a couple nights ago that they wanted a special halloween episode but wanted to clear it with you first and everything."

"They haven't said anything to me about it, but I'm fine with it. Are the boys going trick-or-treating?" Simon asked, Harry grinning, "They are! Liam's costume is already picked out. He's going to be so cute!" Liam squealed clapping his hands, "Seems like he agrees." Simon mused tickling Liam's side getting a squeak in response.

The waitress came, taking drinks and food, Liam staring up at her curiously, "Hi little one." She greets, Grinning at her, Liam hides behind snakie hearing his fathers chuckle. "Baba will have to spend a day with this angel Liam." Zayn inquires amazed at how good Liam's being.

It's not untit the food comes, Harry feeding Liam bits of his chicken he ordered, that the adults leave Liam alone to discuss matters concerning the band. Liam has turned his head away, contently watching the restaurant with snakie securely in his hands. "Someone's sleepy." Zayn announces his look on Liam who yawns cutely bringing his fists up to rub his eyes. Harry coos at him grabbing a bottle mixed with formula, shaking it for Liam who watches him hazily. "Come see Daddy." Harry commands lifting Liam out of the stroller cradling him on his lap to drink the formula as he's patting his backside. When Liam finally falls asleep, Harry returns him to the stroller texting Niall that their at lunch with Simon if he wants to join them.

"Baba look! Lee's 'asweep!" Louis gushes running over to Harry with Niall trailing him, "He is asleep, how did Daddy and Papa manage that?" Zayn smiles taking Louis on his lap glancing to Niall, "He was actually really good today. No fits." Simon sighs in his seat taking the whole family in from his point of view, "you all have to be the cutest family I've ever seen." Louis smirked, "it's cause Lee and I is hy-birds."

"you're hybrids Louis. Not Hy-Birds. You have ears, not wings." Niall corrected laughing with the other two parents, "Baba, I's know what I am." Louis sassed grinning cheekily at Simon who tickled his side.

>>Question Time: I celebrate Halloween, my boyfriend (He's Jewish) Does not. His family has convinced him that it's the devils Holiday so they don't participate. Saying that, Would it offend anyone if I do a Halloween Chapter? It wouldn't be about religion or anything like that, but I don't want to step on anyone's toes by making them uncomfortable. Lemme know in the comments! ~Emma :)    

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