>>F O U R<< 1/2

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F O U R : Grandma's House

Rubbing his backside gently Louis groaned at the ache it held. Niall had spanked him a bit for saying a naughty word. The total was six slaps but they still hurt. "Are we ready to go?" Zayn asked locking eyes with Louis in the rearview mirror, "Yes Papa." Louis grumbled fully sitting in his car seat as Niall buckled him in. "What're the rules for the concert?" Harry questioned turning in the passenger seat to see both hybrids, Liam was sucking on his Tiger's ear happily watching out the window before Niall removed the toy, "No water on Lee." Louis mumbled grudgingly, "Liam? What're some rules for the concert?" Harry pushed, "N-No fits." Liam replied firmly his look playfully hardening, "Yes, but what's another one? Like when daddy or Papa is singing what are not supposed to do?"

"I no's 'inrupt 'dem." Liam responded looking for approval, "Good boy, you don't interrupt us when we're singing." Niall cooed as Zayn drove them to the concert.

"Louis settle down bub." Zayn ordered his look becoming stern when Louis gave his famous look of testing. Deciding to listen the hybrid did in fact calm himself as he sat on the couch with Liam next to him, "Lee?"

"What?" The younger one returned tipping his head back to drink from his sippy cup, "Will you play with me?" Louis asked knowing Liam would agree instantly, "Y-yes!" Crawling to the floor Liam squealed as Louis pulled out his power Rangers that he never let Liam play with unless his parents were present so they could scold Liam when he tried chewing on them. "You be black one." Louis ordered as he kept the blue and red one to himself, " 'ant that one." Liam pleaded pointing to the red one, "No Lee-yum." Louis chastised copying his Papa's stern glare, Liam huffed pouting before Louis pointed his finger at him, "Stop pouting or you can't play!" Liam gasped unfolding his arms quickly, "I 'anna play!" Louis rolled his eyes moving his Rangers arms, "Gonna fight 'ya Lee!" He growled playfully, Liam giggled fighting back.

When they band heard the screams from the audience Harry cleared his throat looking to his hybrids, "C'mon, Zayn take Liam, I'll get Louis." Niall readied himself as he sprinted on stage, "Alright! One man show tonight! Just kidding, Harry and Liam are preparing our babies with protective ear equipment. Now I would like to establish ground rules tonight, No Dirty Jokes! I'm talking to you lady with the Ziall sign, we all know it's real!" Niall had the crowd bursting with laughter when finally two hybrids came running on stage, Liam following behind Louis holding his hand. Both waved to the crowd as Harry and Zayn entered bringing cheers. "Thank you! Today we have a very special concert planned for you, because after we get done singing you can meet us right outside!!" Harry announced feeling two arms wrap around him, knowing it was Liam Harry ignored it as he ruffled the hybrids hair continuing, "The boys and I will be signing and greeting until ten P.m. So call your friends, tweet a message, vine a video, let the world know." Harry rambled, "Enough talk Harold, lets sing!" Zayn gushed hearing the music for A.m. start.

Liam had let Harry go during his solo as he ran to Louis the two play fighting. When it turned a bit violent as Liam rolled on Louis the two struggling for dominance. Liam would've always given in, but his brother had riled him up. A specific rule: Do not provoke Liam to fight. It was always a struggle to calm him once his testosterone levels kicked in. However it turned worse when Harry was the one that caught them. If anyone of the parents hated fighting more it was Harry. Storming over, Liam was ripped off Louis, both hybrids panting with giggles, "I do not find this funny Lewis and Liam Stylin." Harry snarled, "Both of you go sit down, were about to start a slow song." Liam whimpered taking Harry's hand as he was led to the stairs of the stage with Louis trailing behind. Sitting them down Harry smiled once again resuming their happy concert.

"Alright our last song is Walking in the Wind." Zayn announced setting on the stairs where the boys had moved from sitting on the edge of the stage waving to the fans that cried for their attention. "When we raised our glasses, I noticed you were 'missin." Zayn sang, Liam glanced over before rising with a grin. Running to the man, he tackled him, "Oh! My baby boy." Zayn hummed into the microphone as the song ended throwing Liam over his shoulder as he carried the hyper hybrid off stage. "Thanks to Louis, this one's insane." Niall noted aloud narrowing his stare at Louis who snickered, "We's 'jus 'playin." Harry rolled his eyes mixing formula into a bottle for Liam, "Well I don't think playing involves fighting, you'll both be getting spankings when you get home from grandmas. As of right now, we have thirty minutes before they expect us out there." Harry rambled taking Liam who quickly snatched the bottle drinking the warm milk. Everyone changed, Liam now having on a pull-up in case he had an accident with black jeans and overly large grey sweater, Louis wearing the same thing pull-up and all. Only the older hybrid threw more of a fit when Niall had suggested he wear one. "Baby we won't be able to take you to the bathroom, we'll be busy with the fans." He soothed Louis' tears, "B-but I no has accidents! Only Lee Lee!" Niall sighed grabbing one of Liam's extra pacifiers, "I'm going to give you one last chance to fix your attitude before you get a spanking and then a nap. No fans for you." Louis only sobbed in his hands embarrassed that every time he moved the crinkle of the pull-up was heard. Niall slid the pacifier in the boys mouth pulling him to his lap, "Do you need a spanking?"

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