>>N I N E T E E N<<

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With Liam's birthday being a week away, Harry was becoming very stressed at the thought of his baby boy growing up. Some would call it a mid-mid-life crisis considering Harry wasn't past forty and cried for thirty minutes whenever he found his first grey hair. With this fresh on his mind, Harry shook the rattle he had dug out. Liam used to love the toy so much that the parents would hide it until everyone was up. Because at three AM no one wants to hear that annoying rattle followed by Liam's giggles. Liam smiled widely putting his hands over Harry's shaking the rattle to create its jingle.

"How did he find that? I hid it under tons of toys." Zayn asked amazed, "I found it for him. He loves it" Harry gushed pulling the boy onto his lap kissing his hair. Liam was settled for a minute, shaking his rattle with joy before he squirmed wanting more toys in his hands, "What baby?" Harry asks rising, "How about a bottle and nap?"

"Harry it's only ten." Zayn remarks, "Mid-morning nap Zayn." Harry excuses starting towards the kitchen with Liam in his arms bouncing to be put down, "Shh, settle down baby boy."

Niall quickly entered Zayn and Louis on his trail, "I have a surprise! Nana has agreed to meet us on the boat for a fun day in the sun!" He beams taking Liam from Harry who whimpered after him, "b-but Liam's fussy."

"He'll be fine in the fresh air. Besides, we have the cutest outfit!" Niall assures rushing upstairs as did everyone else to dress for the day ahead.

"Nana!" Louis squeals running into her arms, Liam walking on the boat holding Zayn's hand as he sucked on a pacifier Harry had given him. Currently he wore swim trunks with little grey whales on them, a white T-shirt and vans. Louis wore the same except his swim trunks were red instead of blue. "Hello little one! And hello baby boy!" Trisha greeted kneeling down to accept Liam's hug along with Louis'. Both boys adored Tisha, she was the cool grandma. Gave them anything they desired. Rising with Liam in her arms, Trisha greeted everyone else, Yaser doing the same. All the adults had moved to the couch, Niall in the process of getting sunblock on Liam who didn't enjoy it one bit. Zayn grabbed the new pool float they had purchased, it was one where Liam could sit down with a visor over top to protect him. The daddies adored the item thinking how cute he would look in it. Harry stripped off his clothes carrying Louis into the water letting him swim around in his floaties, as he waited at the side for Zayn to hand Liam to him. "I don't know what your problem is, but dry it up. You have no reason to cry." Zayn warned slapping Liam's backside, the hybrid sniffled letting the fussy cries escape him as he was handed to Harry, "Hey now, quiet down baby boy." Harry soothed setting him in the pool float kissing his forehead. Liam glanced down at his new "seat" not enjoying it at all. Beginning to sob, Liam bawled in is hands wanting Harry to save him from this new contraption they had put him in. Shushing him, Harry brought him deeper into the pool hoping seeing that Louis was having a blast that Liam would too. However the boy only cried louder. Harry sighs taking him in his arms carrying him to the side, "A nap would've done you well." He mutters resuming to carry Liam to the couch, Niall staying with Louis in the pool.

Zayn held conversation with his parents, all three turning towards Harry who tried soothing Liam. "Bring him here." Zayn called grabbing a towel, Harry sat Liam on his feet, Zayn pulling him between his legs wrapping the towel covered in whales around him, "What's wrong, bubba?" Liam shakes his head more sobs coming, "Shhh, you're okay. Papa's gotcha." Liam sniffles at that, "He's just fussy today." Harry mumbles ruffling the damp hair, scratching his ears for him. Smiling weakly at the gentle touches, Liam goes to Harry letting his Daddy rock him to sleep like he wanted.

Sitting on the couch with his baby in his arms, Harry pats his backside soothingly starting to hum. It was when Liam clutched Harry's thumb tighter in his sleep that his worries were put to rest. Liam would always be his baby boy.

>>I know this sucks and I'm sorry but I have such terrible writers block it's not even funny! AH!  

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