>>T E N<< 2/2

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T E N : Newest Member

**Sorry its not a video :/ I couldn't find a good one. But this is a cute picture! Baby Liam is close to all his parents and Louis is showing his wild personality with those jeans.

"Say Daddy." Harry encouraged a baby tone lacing his voice, Liam watched him stupidly. Putting his hands in front of his face Harry gasped, "Where's Liam? There he is!" Harry gushed removing his hands, Liam giggled at the game of peekaboo. "I made him giggle!" Harry cheered continuing with the game until Liam decided to be bold. When Harry covered his face again, Liam put his hands over Harry's moving them himself grinning at his daddy, "Hello baby!" Squealing Liam covered Harry's face back up waiting for the man to take them off, "Where's Liam? There he is!" Harry beamed as the door opened the doctor entering. "Mr.Styles, Mr.Malik, good seeing you again. Hello Louis, and this must be Liam. All the nurses were cooing at the new Stylin boy." Bryan announced shaking hands with both Zayn and Harry, "Good see you again Bryan." Zayn returned, "So what are we doing today?"

"Louis needs his annual checkup and Liam needs everything. Blood tests, S-H-O-T-S if needed, we just want to make sure he's safe." Harry replied rubbing the youngest hybrids back, "Also he hasn't talked yet, I-is that a bad thing?" Harry questioned, "Not at all, depending on where he came from that could factor into it or maybe no has taught him how. With mistreated hybrids they are usually seen not heard." Bryan exclaimed as he started his check up on Louis finishing quickly, "Healthy as could be." Louis clapped, "Yah! I healthy!" The parents chuckled as Harry moved to help Louis down getting Zayn to lay Liam down on the bed. "he's going to listen to your heart baby." Zayn explained taking off Liam's shirt stroking his hair for comfort as Bryan moved the stethoscope around, "If you could have him sit up, I want to listen from his back." Zayn nodded sitting Liam up shushing him when a cry escaped the hybrid due to the coldness. Patting the below his spine Bryan listened a little more before hanging the instrument back around his neck. "I'll have a nurse come in here and draw blood, the results will take a moment or two but they'll be back soon." Bryan remarked before leaving the room, Zayn put Liam's shirt back on him handing him the snake he was playing with that morning at the house. "Can you say snake? SSS-Sn-aa-kke." Zayn sounded out to receive a questionable look from Liam.

"Daddy look out 'da window!" Louis gasped, they were so high up you could see everything. To Louis at least. "I see baby. Liam do you wanna see?" Harry asked holding his arms out for Liam to go too, kissing his hair Harry stood Liam on the window seal letting him bat lightly at the window before the door opened with the nurse. "I'll get some from his arm." She announced holding up the needle, Harry set Liam down on the bed again taking Louis out of the room as Zayn stayed next to his baby who was clueless as to what was about to happen. "Alright sweetheart, deep breath for me." The nurse commanded wiping a spot off his arm as she pointed the needle at the spot. Liam recognized the painful instrument jumping into Zayn's arms sobbing loudly. Sighing Zayn returned Liam to the table, "It'll just hurt for a minute." He promised, however he didn't know that Liam used to take a needle as a punishment when his mommy got really sad and "just needed him to sleep for a few hours". Thinking this was another punishment Liam shook his head, "Nn-no! No! 'sss-ssow-sowwy! N-No!" Zayn gasped hearing the hybrids pleas, even Harry barged into the room, "D-did he just talk?"

"I wouldn't call it talking as much as blubbering. Liam look at me baby, she has to take your blood so we know if you're sick or not. Can you take it while I hold him?" Nodding, the nurse slipped in the needle taking the blood as quick as possible before pulling it out handing Zayn the band aid. Taping it over the area, Zayn set with Liam in his lap soothing his cries. "I missed his first words!" Harry pouted, "Babe I wouldn't count those as his first words. You could barely understand him. He'll say plenty more at a happier time." Zayn assured rocking with Liam in the chair. It had been ten minutes when Liam has fully settled only small whimpers leaving him if Zayn moved to much, "Hand me his sippy cup Lou Lou." Zayn ordered pointing to the clear cup with a blue lid, Louis did as told, Zayn thanked him showing Liam the water they packed. "Are you thirsty baby?" Sucking on the nipple Liam grabbed the cup from Zayn's hand holding it himself as he sat on the mans lap.

"Alright, we have the results." Bryan announced entering the room with a crème coloured folder, "Liam here has one kidney. So no drinking, and certain medicines are off the table. His heart sounds good, seems to respond to things like he should, yadada... over all he's going to be okay. However I do want to put him on a weight supplement, it is a daily injection that goes in his arm, use this for a week and he should gain at least ten pounds." Bryan rambled writing out the prescription, "Oh! Also, there is a certain type of formula you can put in water makes them tired of course, but at the pharmacy there is one specially made for safe drinking in a way. Meaning it won't affect his kidney at all." Bryan added seeing Liam drinking water, "So no shots. He's safe." The parents chuckled carrying their babies out seeing the nurses wave at them, "Bye!" Louis called waving in Harry's arms, Liam whimpered hiding in Zayn.

"Hey! How did everything go?" Niall called from his seat at the table, Louis ran to him snuggling in his lap, "I healthy!" Niall smiled, "Of course you're healthy baby." Zayn set Liam in the highchair they provided, "Our baby only has one kidney." Niall gasped, "I-Is h-he going t-to be okay?"

"Yes, he'll be fine, just no drinking which wasn't going to happen anyway; and certain medicines are off limits." Harry reported entering from the pharmacy where he filled Liam's prescription. "Also he will have a little shot every day to help him gain some weight." Zayn added as Niall grabbed a roll feeding bits of it to Liam. "Well good, he is too skinny."

As the family ate, Niall stood up scooping Liam in his arms, "Say bye baby, we're going shopping. Louis are you coming with us or staying with daddy?" Niall asked bouncing Liam who smiled at the man who held him, "I's stay 'wif Daddy." Louis replied slumber begging to take over. "Good, we'll both take a nap when we get home." Harry chuckled rising with his eldest baby, "Bye Liam, I'll see you at home baby. I love you." Kissing his cheek, Zayn tickled his side earning a giggle, "Give Papa a kiss before you go." Zayn ordered tapping his lips, Liam leaned forward sloppily kissing Zayn like told. "Love you too baby boy." Niall smiled warmly carrying Liam to his Lexus buckling him in the carseat, "Are you gonna take a nap?" Niall questioned handing Liam a(n) octopus, "Louis left that in here." He mumbled returning to the drivers seat. Stopping at the busiest stoplight in the city Niall sighed glancing in the rear view mirror, "Did you have fun with Daddy and Papa?" the hybrid did a small nod moving the toy across his lap, "Can you say Baba?" Niall questioned driving when the light turned green, "B-a-ba." Liam hummed resulting in a(n) excited squeal from Niall, "Ha! I love you too Liam." the hybrid giggled not knowing why his Baba was so happy. Parking he got Liam out carrying him inside the store. Placing him in the baby part of the cart Niall started pushing it when he heard Liam repeatedly mumble, "B-a-bababa." Getting his camera on Niall staretd filming, "Liam? What's my name?" Niall asked as the hybrid glanced up, "Baba...Ba-bb-babababa!" Liam sang giggling at the end, Niall turned the camera towards himself, "Favorite parent award, right here." Ending it Niall posted it to Twitter: shopping with the newest member of our family. Also sending it to both Zayn and Harry.

When Niall returned home with a passed out hybrid in his arms he showed Zayn and Harry the adorable outfits he had bought along with diapers, pull ups, cups, bottles, and tons of pacifiers. Laying him in his playpen the parents sat at the table, "What made Liam say Baba first? What did you bribe him with?" Zayn accused jokingly, "I'm just his favorite." Niall answered smirking. "D-dada?" Liam called sitting up in the playpen, "Favorite huh?" Harry shot running to scoop his baby in his arms, "What's my name baby?"

"Da-da." Liam gurgled slowly but surely becoming comfortable with his new family.





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