>>N I N E<<

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N I N E : Papa's Home!!

Giggling, Liam clapped as Louis balanced a basketball on his finger. When it fell to the floor Liam pushed it further squealing. "No ball in the house." Harry called entering the living room narrowing his eyes at Liam who frowned. "We's go 'outide?"

"No we are not going outside." Harry returned sitting on the couch with his laptop, "'pwease d-addy?" Liam begged crawling over to the man, "Begging me will only get you put down for a nap sooner. Go back and play with bubby." Harry ordered his look turning stern when Liam pawed at the couch before heaving himself onto it, smacking his bum that was in the air Liam met Harry with tears in his eyes, "It was in the air, I couldn't help it." Harry explained smiling softly as Liam laid his head down in his lap watching Harry type an email to Simon. "Daddy?"

"Yes Lou?"

"When we get Papa?" Louis questioned pulling his blocks out, "Later tonight. Go back and play Lee, it's almost nap time." Liam sighed returning to Louis who had started building a tower, "You build 'da bank. Robbers 'gunna come." Louis warned, Liam gasped "W-woddy save 'em!" He assured running to get his Woody doll that laid on Niall's floor where he had left it last night after a marathon of Toy Story. Starting the game again the boys resumed playing loudly, "Save 'em Lee!" Louis shrieked as the robbers stormed the bank, "Buzz!" Liam called having him shoot them with his lasers, "P-Pow Pow! Z-Zap!" Louis giggled having the robbers fall to the ground high-fiving Liam for saving the day. "Harry! Zayn called, his flight landed early!" Niall rushed bounding into the living room, Harry jumped up grabbing both boys who had matching black Nike joggers on with different coloured shirts on, Louis' was blue, while Liam's was grey. "Their sneakers should be by the door, we'll put them on when we get there. Come on." Harry hurried strapping both of them in. "Go see Papa?" Louis questioned, "Yes baby. We're going to see Papa now." Niall replied turning to put Louis' shoes on him, doing Liam's after his. "If you take these off then you're getting a spanking." Niall warned sternly seeing Liam pout but nod. Parking, Harry unbuckled Liam tying his shoes quickly as he grabbed the diaper bag and the hybrid hoping to beat the crowd of fans and paparazzi. "His plane landed." Niall announced hearing the roar of fans. Running through the airport with Liam, Niall followed close behind with Louis. Paul waited at the front helping the boys through to see the guests leave the plane.

Time slowed as Liam kicked until Harry placed him on the floor as he anxiously searched for his Papa. When he spotted the familiar black hair a gasp sounded from him as he ran towards it hearing Harry call his name. When he reached the body of Zayn, Liam was lifted off the ground into arms that held him tightly kissing his face several times, "Oh I missed my baby boy!" He cooed spinning with him before Louis ran over climbing to be sat on Zayn's other hip. "I missed both my babies so much." Zayn cried carrying them both over to Niall and Harry who grinned at home, "I wish I could kiss you both right now." He whispered seeing his husbands with tears in their eyes at the return home of their man. "Save it for home." Harry chuckled taking Zayn's bags as Niall's smile faded slightly trailing Zayn, "He's wearing long sleeves again." Harry arched an eyebrow, "Huh, maybe he's cold."

Sitting Liam in his car seat Zayn smiled at him kissing his cheek, "Hi baby boy."

"Zap Papa!" Liam gushed tapping his arm, "Zap baby." Zayn hummed not lifting his shirt sleeve up like Liam had wanted. "P-papa up." Zayn shook his head kissing Liam's hand that rested on his arm as he moved to buckle Louis in, "We still 'pway 'wangers?"

"Of course! I wouldn't forget something as important as that!" Zayn gasped kissing Louis again before sliding in between the car seats as Harry drove them home.

Niall worked on laundry, Harry kept himself busy in the office, Zayn entertained his babies. Liam stayed between Zayn's legs on the floor as he watched him play with Louis. "Power Rangers!" Zayn beamed making the action figures fists touch, "Silly Papa." Louis giggled handing a stuffed octopus to Liam knowing he wanted a toy but didn't want to move. When Louis had moved on to watching football Zayn set Liam on the couch going to make him a bottle. Returning to see Liam half awake his head resting on Louis' shoulder, "Lee, look what I have." Zayn cooed pulling him onto his lap, Liam wrapped his arms around Zayn's arm that had Zap tattooed on it, as he drank his formula falling asleep rather quickly. Sliding the bottle from his mouth Zayn resumed patting his backside soothingly until he felt Liam spit up a little on his shirt, sighing, Zayn set Liam up leaning him against his chest as he took off his shirt laying Liam back down having his face his chest snuggling closer. "Son of a Bitch!" Harry bellowed after a loud crash, Liam jolted awake as Louis gasped scooting closer to Zayn. Niall entered the living room glancing at Zayn before going to the office, "Hazz? Babe are you okay?"

"Don't let the boys in here, I dropped glass." Harry returned annoyance laced in his voice. Niall sighed grabbing a broom, "How the hell did you drop glass?"

"I saw Perrie's newest tweet and threw it." Harry admitted frowning at his temper, "What did it say?" Niall asked sweeping the glass into a dustpan, "Why do you think Zayn's been wearing Long sleeve shirts? He got a tattoo of her face." Harry grumbled, Niall only sighed again taking the glass to the trash can, "Harry he was probably drunk."

"No excuse."

"Of course Harry, never any excuse with you. You're perfect right? No excuse." Niall snarled, Harry stepped back at the man's tone of voice, "N-Niall I didn't mean it like that." Harry stuttered, "J-just stop Harry. Go see Louis, you know he hates yelling." Niall ordered softly needing time to himself to calm himself.

After a quiet dinner, Niall bathed both boys putting Liam in the den with Toy story on, while Louis went to his room watching football. Zayn had sleepily strolled down into the den seeing the baby gate put up, "Lee?" he called opening and closing it. "P-apa." Liam returned grinning at him. He had another sippy cup of formula, Niall had hoped he would drink it and pass out like usual. Zayn plopped in the recliner kicking back watching Toy story and hearing Liam play quietly in the background by himself. "Come lay with Papa Lee." Zayn pleaded waiting for Liam's taps to be lifted up. Adjusting him on his lap Liam turned having his back against Zayn's chest with his sippy cup between his legs. Zayn's hands held Liam's stomach rubbing softly until the man felt Liam fall asleep holding his two thumbs.

Niall tip-toed to the den that night smiling when he saw Liam and Zayn asleep, taking a picture he posted it, "Liam really missed his Papa :)"





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