>>F O U R<< 2/2

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F O U R : Grandma's House Part Two

Usually the boys struggle with the grueling task of waking the boys. However this morning Louis sprung awake on his own wandering around until he was met with Robin, "What're you doing up so early bud?" Louis shrugged curling into the man as he was taken into the kitchen placed in a booster seat, "Is Lee awake?" Robin questioned kissing the hybrids hair, " 'Nup, Lee Lee still 'sweeping." Louis replied waiting for Anne to serve him pancakes. Robin gave a nod heading towards the room where they slept to wake the boy when his phone started ringing. Now Robin was old but he wasn't young. The technology age was beyond him, "Honey why is Harry's picture on my screen?"

"It's a Skype call papaw!" Louis returned remembering that his daddies always joked about how his papaw was clueless to his phone. Robin furrowed his eyebrows pressing the green button, "Hello?" Robin called, Harry popped up with Zayn in the background both looked tired but happy, "Hey dad, where's the monsters?"

"One monster got himself up and is eating pancakes, while the other monster is still asleep. I'm about to wake him up, wish me luck." Robin added peeling open the door hearing Liam snoring softly in his sleep from behind the pacifier, "Waking up the younger monster isn't so bad." Harry smirked as Robin laid the phone on the table to where they could still see him. "Are you going to sleep all day? Hmm? Bubby already woke up, he's eating pancakes." Robin remarked his voice gentle to pry the hybrid from his heavy slumber. A whine escaped his throat as he slowly sat up his hair everywhere, Harry and Zayn cooed at their adorable son until tears flooded his eyes pleadingly peering up at Robin, "Hey now, no need for tears. C'mon, look who I got Lee." Robin announced scooping him up as he also grabbed the phone showing Liam the screen, Harry waved grinning, "Hi baby! Why are you crying? Hmm? Daddy hates when you're grumpy." Liam groaned hiding in Robin as a pout of being woke up. Sighing Robin carried him to the dinning room setting him in his highchair, "Louis daddy's on the phone." Robin handed the phone to him tying a bib on the struggling Liam. Tears coursed down his cheeks as he fought at nothing. Today just wasn't his day. He absolutely despised not waking up to anyone but his Papa. Even if Niall or Harry attempted waking him, it always ended in a fit unless he was promised a snuggle with his Papa. Their relationship was special.

"Liam James Stylin! That is enough, you and Louis are already promised a spanking for fighting at the concert, don't make it worse for yourself." Zayn growled through the phone catching his baby's watery stare. It was that one threat that caused the boy to instantly straighten up him fisting his eyes before sending Robin an apologetic glance.

After Breakfast's fit, Liam remained mute only responding with a nod or whimper when asked something. Louis didn't worry to much knowing he just didn't want a spanking where as Anne and Robin felt horrible. "Alright boys, let's get you dressed." Anne called holding out a pair of grey joggers for Liam sliding on a long sleeve white One Direction shirt. Louis dressed himself in black joggers with a Long sleeve blue One Direction shirt. "Grandma I no tie." Louis whined showing her the vans that had became untied. Anne warmly smiled tying them for him, "There you go my love. Liam can you hand grandma your shoes?" She questioned seeing as though the hybrid had become distracted by Blue's Clues. "Liam? Oh Liam." She called softly, Robin chuckled at her, "Liam!" Snapping his fingers as well the hybrid glanced towards him, "Grandma is calling your name bud." Robin remarked as Anne reached out grabbing Liam's sweatpants pulling him closer, "Can you hand grandma your vans?" Liam nodded retrieving them before returning to the show, "You have to put them on bud." Robin reminded lifting him to set down Anne's lap sideways as she slid his shoes on him tying them tightly so he couldn't pull them off. Liam liked to do that often. "D-down." he mumbled pushing at Anne's hold on his hips, "I haven't held you this whole time. I miss my cuddly baby. Louis won't let me cuddle him anymore." Anne pouted, Louis grinned turning from the TV., "Cause I's a big boy." Robin relaxed in his recliner, "Not to big for his papaw." He teased seeing Louis playfully glare at him before returning to the adventures of Blue's clues. Liam resumed struggling on Anne's lap wanting to join his cool older brother on the floor. However with his feet not being able to touch the ground due to his short height, all he could do was whine and squirm, "I think he's just sleepy." Anne hummed patting his backside soothingly as she leaned back having his peer up at her pleadingly, "You're not getting down. It's nap time, not playtime." Her stern voice only resulting in the hybrid crying.

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