>>T H I R T Y N I N E<<

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THIRTY NINE: Protective in the Park

Prompt by and Dedicated too: bands_4_life_

Sleepily staring at the TV, Louis fights to watch the last little bit of Sponge bob. Liam had already called it quits and laid knocked out on his older brothers lap. Sucking his thumb, the hybrid fusses in his sleep until Louis continues petting his ears. 

"Alright boys, ready for bed?" Harry asks entering to coo at the sight, "My two cuddle bugs." Louis rolls his eyes, "Daddy can I's sleep 'wif him?" Harry frowns, "You can't fit in his crib with him bubba,"

"He's sleep 'wif me?" Louis begs, "No baby, he's been waking up in the middle of the night. I don't want him waking you up." Harry remarks taking Liam in his arms, "Go brush your teeth." He commands turning the TV off. Carrying Liam upstairs he lays his baby on the changing table securing a fresh nappy on him with a short sleeved T-shirt and socks. Removing his thumb in exchange for a pacifier, Harry tucks him in his crib kissing his temple hearing him cry out. "Shh, you're okay baby."

Louis huffs brushing his teeth like told. His tired eyes trail up the mirror to see his fury ears that sag at the tips, Trying his hardest, Louis gains enough energy to straighten them, "Stay 'dat way." He demands towards them ruffling them for good measure. His ears could be so troubling sometimes. 

Grabbing his bear, Louis climbs in bed with Zayn kissing his Papa's cheek, "W-what's wrong bubba?" Zayn slurs wiping his eyes, "Shh, Papa, I's 'jus 'goin 'ta bed." Louis soothes snuggling in the mans neck. 

Niall follows Harry as the two make sure the lights are off and all windows are locked and shut. Entering the bedroom, the two grin and coo, "That little monster," Harry chuckles, "He needs cuddles too." Niall reminds gently crawling in bed next to his husband and son. Harry rolls his eyes joining the three.

Bright and early the next morning Liam's jumping around the living room with Snakie as he cheers hearing the news that the daddies were taking them to a bigger and better park! Louis too is celebrating the news, although he's more subtly holding his bear tighter in excitement. Zayn coos at the boys happiness knowing it wouldn't last too long after his next statement; "So you're both okay to wear leashes?" 

Liam's once glee, turns to gloom as he shakes his head whimpering on the spot, "N-no Papa." His ears flatten, eyes glisten with fresh tears. Harry mimics his sad face, "What's wrong bubba?" Liam turns towards the daddy with an adorable glare, "No!" He declares knowing good and well that Harry was about to start copying him.                     

Niall steps in clearing his throat, "You don't tell us no, little one, and Harry you know he hates that." Harry raises an eyebrow, "Well I hate it when he pouts, yet you don't see me throwing a fit when he does it." Zayn rolls his eyes collecting Liam in his arms, "You will either sit in your stroller, or wear a leash. Your choice." Fisting his eyes, Liam glumly looks a snakie, "'soller." The three parents look surprised, "Okay, stroller it is." Niall states ending the discussion as both hybrids went to get dressed. 

Buckling both boys into their car seats, Harry kisses Louis' head, "Ready bud?"

"Yep!" Glancing at Liam, "Ready baby?"

"y-yah." The hybrid mumbles rubbing his eyes turning to glare out the window. 

It's not too long, three hours, when Zayn is parking at the Amusement Park having Niall get the double seater stroller out, "N-no Pa-pa," Liam cries as the man tries to buckle him in, "Liam we asked you at home and you chose this." Zayn reminds sternly, "No!" Liam sobs kicking his legs out to prevent Zayn from strapping him in. "You're about to get a spanking, knock it off!" Zayn growls slapping the boys backside. 

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