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T W E N T Y: Next time we'll knock

Even though Harry was usually the cuddly one of the fathers, today Niall had both babies on his lap. Liam was asleep, whilst Louis watched the people bustle on about their day. Harry stood next to Niall, Zayn sitting next to him. They were currently at some golf tournament. It was something for Niall's birthday, saying as though he loved golf and family time. So even if that meant that the two hybrids, Zayn and Harry had to suffer through the lame game, then so be it.

Things were quiet until Niall started clapping, Harry glancing at Zayn before joining him. Moving to stand closer to him he furrowed his eyebrows, "Why are we clapping?"

"I think we clap whenever he hits the ball, like now." Zayn replied clapping to realize that he was the only one. Blushing, Zayn frowned looking to Niall who watched the game intently. As did Louis, which shocked the parents. Harry sighed again, checking his watch, "how long are these things?" He groaned, "I don't know, I almost wish I was Liam right now." Zayn returned, their voices hushed as both parents glanced at the youngest hybrid that resumed his nap on Niall. His ears flickering whenever someone hit the ball. Harry agreed with Zayn. Glancing around to see people moving, "Oh? Is it time to leave?" He asks trying to sound sad, "'course not! The games just begun." Niall answers standing Louis off his lap as he carries Liam and his chair to the next spot. Harry pouts at the answer sharing a look with Zayn who frowned as well.

Louis instead went to Zayn's lap, Niall laying Liam more comfortably on his lap as the baby slept. More clapping, more hitting a small white ball, Louis had grown tired of watching it going to chase a butterfly instead. Finally though a round of clapping awoke Liam who yawned cutely sitting up all the way holding onto Niall's thumbs as he watched the "fun" game.

Another hour later, the game ended. Niall staying behind a bit to talk with his friends. "I'll get the boys." Zayn announced telling Harry to go start the car, "C'mon Lou." He called, the older hybrid next to Niall hugging his leg, "Boys let's go." Zayn repeated, both ignoring him as Niall gave him a look. Niall's friends left, Zayn walking over, "Louis Stylin, you know better than to ignore me." He chastised, "Zayn they were fine." Niall remarked, "I can handle my kids." He added grabbing Louis' hand dragging him to the car leaving behind a shocked Zayn. Niall wasn't always soft-spoken, infact he had a scary side, but it was rare for him to show it towards Zayn or Harry.

"Going to eat?" Harry asks, Zayn sliding in the passenger seat as Niall sits back with the babies, "Home." Niall replies, "We can order pizza, but I just want to go home." He adds looking towards Louis with a smile, "Hello baby."

"I not a baby, Baba." Louis returns his nose scrunching whenever he argues, "Well you're always going to be one of my babies." Niall muses. Arriving home, Niall brings both boys into the playroom, "sit tight while I change out of my clothes." He commands entering his room to see Zayn shirtless, Harry stripping down to shower. It had been a while sense any of the parents had sex. Chewing his bottom lip, Niall couldn't help but stare at Zayn's back and how muscular it was. "Sweetheart, a picture lasts longer." Zayn gushes turning to grin cheekily at Niall, "Well, I'm still pissed at you, so I don't want a picture."

"Baby what did I do?"

"They are my kids, Zayn. I can watch after them perfectly."

"I never said you couldn't." Zayn informs, "I just didn't like how you sounded like they Had to come with you." Niall returns his walls starting to come down, "Babe, I didn't mean to make it sound like that. I just thought you wanted some alone time with your friends." Zayn soothes, "Never, my kids are always first."

"Yessir." Zayn hums leaning in to kiss Niall's lips. Harry enters the room, "You didn't wait for me?" He asks hurt, "Oh we did, you're on bottom tonight, love."

"Oh hell." Harry curses, being attacked by Zayn both falling onto the bed, Niall stripping his clothes off quickly as the three men alternate between kissing and sucking each other off. It wasn't until Zayn slid into Harry when Niall rammed into Zayn. "O-oh F-fuck!" Harry screeches his fists curling into Zayn's hair, Niall clutching Zayn's shoulders as all three men are hot with sweat.

Liam giggles as he places rings back on the stand, Louis helping him when needed. "N-no, lee, the red is big so 'dat go on 'irst." Liam nods in understanding placing the red on first. "Now 'dis one." Louis commands, "'wou 'wou I know!" Liam rushes not wanting anymore help. "Not know! You baby!"

"No baby."

"Baby 'broder." Louis points out, "I is no 'aby 'oder." Liam argues getting angered by the fact that Louis continued to tease him. "'ere Baba?" Louis asks rising to his feet, "c'mon Lee Lee."

"No 'omin."

"Yes! Lee-yum!" Louis demanded grabbing him by his bicep helping him to his feet. "'ere dummy?" He asks helping Liam look for his pacifier knowing he'll be crying in a minute because Louis yelled at him. "n-no."

"that no make 'ense Lee-yum."

"N-no." He repeats heading towards the door, "Lee-yum!" Louis whines hurrying after him because he's always the leader. Not Liam. Louis was born first, it's only fair. Grabbing Liam's wrist, he pushes his parents door open screaming as he covered Liam's eyes.

Niall fell out of Zayn, Harry pushing Zayn off of him as all three parents scrambled to get on some form of clothing as both hybrids screamed.

Niall was the first to tie his house-robe scurrying to the door scooping both hybrids in his arms, "Babies, babies it's okay. Baba's gotcha." He soothes, Louis whines pushing off him, "N-no! G-go 'ash! Go w-ash!" Louis shrieks, Liam following his older brothers actions. Harry can't stop laughing as he sits on the bed collecting Liam in his arms, "guess that'll teach you two to knock won't it?" Louis makes a disgusted face, "N-no daddy, 'asty." Zayn joined in on the laughing, Niall as well after he showered. Harry moved to sitting up against the headboard, Niall next to him kissing his cheek as he laid on his shoulder. Zayn laid propped up on an elbow at the end of the bed with Louis next to him sucking on a pacifier calmly watching a movie on his Ipad, as Liam built a tower with his plush blocks with the help of Niall and Harry. "Best birthday ever." Niall hummed leaning up to kiss Liam's forehead.

>Again, not the longest, I know. However, this one is hopefully better than the last. Also can you believe it's Twenty Chapters in?!?!?! Crazy?! I'll let 'ya go, bye bye.

>>PS: I really really really want a baby Louis and baby Liam. Like they are so cute it hurts! 

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