>>T H I R T Y T W O<<

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THIRTY TWO: Homemade tattoos

Dedicated too: rebecca16432 , 1DPuppyLiam , CeciliaDryan , ziamfan , ZiamAllovaMayne

Thank you for the Comments and Support!!!!!

"Boys settle down!" Harry called rounding up Louis and Ashton. "Daddy we's 'jus 'playin." Louis grumbles rolling his eyes, "You do that again and it's a spanking." Niall remarked sternly slapping Louis' backside, "Don't show off just because your friend's here." Louis scoffed his adorable glare sending daggers, "Ash is my 'broder!" Ashton giggled, "'Wee-yum can 'ave Lukie." Louis burst into laughter at his best friends joke nodding, "Can we's trade 'wee-yum for Ashton?" Niall laughed, Harry gasped, "Lewis Stylin you love your little brother, don't talk like that." Liam perks up at the sound of his name whining from behind his pacifier, "Speaking of Mr.Grumpy pants." Louis sighs strolling towards the other hybrid scratching behind his ears, "Baba 'bein mean Lee Lee?" Liam giggles reaching up to pet Louis' ear as well, "He needs to take a nap Lou Lou, let him sleep." Harry calls pointing upstairs, "Why don't you two go see if Luke is awake?" Louis frowns, "Do we 'ave too?" Niall again smacks his backside, Louis stomping his foot, "Baba if 'wuke is up 'den he 'anna 'pway 'wif us!" Harry cocks his hip out scooping Liam into his arms, "Then it looks like you and Ashton will have a playmate, go." He adds before peppering Liam's face with kisses, "why're you so fussy today baby boy?" Liam cries grumpily stuffing his face in Harry's neck.

Opening the guest bedroom door, Ashton enters first saying as though it is his brother, "Yes!" Louis cheers, "He still 'asweep!" Not realizing that Luke wasn't as used to sleeping with a loud Louis in the house, Ashton groaned when his little brother shot awake. "Lou! look what you done!" Ashton complained, Luke rubbing his eyes, "N-no no, go 'sweep." Louis rushes worried he had messed up big time.

Luke sighed rising from the bed, "We's play now?" Ashton huffed, "Yes you 'ave to play with us." Luke grinned fist bumping, "Yes!"

The three boys played in Louis' room, the older ones building a tower with blocks, Luke trying to help but stopped when the other two kept fussing. Instead he kept himself busy with coloring.
"Are you boys ready for lunch?" Harry asks peaking inside the room, "Yes!" Louis beams pulling Ashton to the table thinking that Luke could get himself there with little trouble. "Louis I don't think you're being very friendly," Harry mumbles his tone warning. Louis says nothing knowing his smart mouth would only make his parents more mad. Instead he glanced to Liam who sat in the highchair with a grin eating cereal off his tray, "Hi bubba, 'wat's 'ya 'doin?" Louis asks crossing his eyes to get Liam to giggle loudly, "'Wou 'Wou!" he chants, Ashton cooing, "I 'member when 'wuke was a baby." Louis scoops up some cereal feeding Liam himself, "Lee is a baby, he's my baby 'broder." Niall coos at his two sons actually being loving to one another taking a picture sending it to Zayn who wasn't there in the moment to see it.
"Alright boys sit down, here's pizza." Harry calls setting a plate in front of each boy asides from Liam. "He no get some?" Louis asks, "I'm cutting Liam up a slice, don't worry." Harry soothes with a smile. All fathers loved how protective Louis could be over Liam.

When the meal was over, Harry and Niall sent the three to the play room. It was only after that Louis swore he would be nice for the rest of the day that Harry carried Liam up to the room letting him play too.
It wasn't any secret that Louis loved being an older brother, it was just quiet as to why he loved it so much. Truth be told it was the only person he could boss around.
Pulling Liam onto his lap, "You's 'gunna 'elp us build a tower." Louis states starting again, Liam stayed still for a little bit of it when he wanted to play his own games. It wasn't often that he got the chance to play freely without one of his parents hovering over him. Harry especially, he was a helicopter parent. Zayn would watch him fall and tell him to get up before moving from his spot. Niall? Well he did both, if Liam fell he was by his side in a second, though he would sit on the couch and let Liam roam over the living room freely.

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