>>T W E N T Y N I N E<< part 2

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Even though Liam had only been with the family for a short week, it was the day of moving into the tour bus and first time both hybrids together would be introduced on stage.
However busy the day was, it all started with waking up both monsters. 
Gently shaking Liam from his slumber, Harry kisses his temple numerous times hearing a deep whine from the back of his throat. 
In the course of the short week, Liam had been very quiet. He didn't play much, instead he sat comfortably on anyone of his Parents laps. Carrying the baby to his changing table, Harry smiled seeing Zayn in the hallway with Louis in his arms groggily rubbing the sleep from his eyes. Liam too was rubbing his eyes with balled fists sucking harder on his pacifier. "My goodness baby boy, did you sleep good?" The questions goes unanswered, Liam too busy with the bottle of lotion in his hands. Harry chuckled gently taking it, "Can Dada have it? He needs to rub some on his baby's legs." Liam agrees silently handing it to Harry who smiles changing his nappy before pulling on black skinny jeans and blue V-neck. It matches what Louis was going to wear something the older one was bound to hate, but they had to dress them nice for the interview before they boarded the bus. Scooping Liam up, Harry grabs his converse before taking him downstairs sitting him in his highchair having the hybrid cry out. "Hey now, you're okay." Niall soothes from his spot at the table, Harry kisses his head entering the kitchen. Louis too is in a highchair busy on Zayn's tablet to keep him from pouting about it. Liam sniffles as more tears make their way to his eyes. He was just fussy today. Dada had woke him up too early. 
Zayn soon showed his face to Liam that morning as he entered with a bowl of mashed bananas. Liam's favorite for breakfast. "Morning bubba," He greets pulling the pacifier from his lips. Liam furiously shook his head sobs starting instantly in return, "Liam, you can't have dummy if you want breakfast." Zayn reminds setting the pacifier on the tray, the hybrid not letting up on his cries until the tray was removed and he was in Zayn's arms. Harry sighed, "I'm sure he's just tired. Give him this." Handing Zayn a bottle with formula, Liam is eagerly drinking the milk in his Papa's arms. Patting his backside soothingly, Zayn sways hoping to put Liam back to sleep. The last thing the family needed was a fussy Liam was an always sassy Louis. 

With Liam's diaper bag on his shoulder, Zayn balanced Liam on his other hip walking into the interview. Louis was in front of him pouting that he matched with his younger brother. Taking Niall's lap, Liam cried when he was placed on Harry's, "Baby just sit there for a minute, Papa has to go pee." The hybrid refused shaking his head with more cries. Harry waved Zayn off, "He's fine." Pushing Liam's head to his chest, Harry rocked with him kissing him plenty of times like this morning. 
Not five minutes later the interview started, Liam quiet on Harry's lap holding onto his Dada's hand for dear life. Zayn soon returned apologizing for his late arrival having Liam start up again. "This is the newest member, yes?"
"Yes, this is Liam our youngest one." Niall replied hardening his look, "Our youngest who's throwing a fit." Louis tensed at those words. His Baba was strict when it came to just a few things: Talking during an interview, lying, and throwing a fit. With those, he did not play. Just spanked. Letting Liam cry out for a few more seconds, Niall stands taking Liam from Harry ignoring his heart wrenching sobs. "Liam Stylin we do not throw fits. If Papa puts you on Dada's lap than that's where you stay." Standing Liam up, Niall smacks his backside three times fast in a punishing manner shocking the latter who hadn't been scolded yet by anyone other than Niall in the moment, "You're getting this for throwing a fit, understand?" Liam whimpers though nods.
Another ten slaps are directed to the hybrids bum, ending the spanking Niall gave with a hard heart. When it's over he's scooping Liam up kissing and cuddling him endlessly. "You're okay baby boy, Baba's gotcha." Bawling himself to sleep, both return to the interview. 

1 Week Later
Slapping his backside, Harry raises a stern eyebrow towards Liam who huffs lowering his hand from the laptop he's been told repeatedly not too touch. It was something Zayn said was, "Off Limits." whatever that meant. Ever since Niall's spanking, Liam had opened up. He was clearly more comfy with all his parents, though maybe it had more to do with the fact they were all on a tiny tour bus. Either way they were happy to finally have two happy little hybrids. Even if they caused a little trouble now and then. 

>This ends part 2! Thank you @Avamys3621 for the wonderful idea and for letting me Dedicate it to you! Both parts are short, but you get too. So no complaining :)! Lots of Love! 
~Emma :) 

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