>>O N E<<

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O N E : Aggravating

Sliding his shoes on, Harry scampered around the house as he pre-pared the two hybrids diaper bags. Louis' was packed, however Liam found his dumping half of the items out. Sighing at his babies work, Harry grumbled to himself placing the toys, wipes, spare keys, formulas, pacifiers, and bibs back into the bag zipping it up. "Let's go!" He called hearing both boys come tumbling downstairs, "Missing one aren't you?" Harry smirked seeing Liam hiding behind Zayn, "You're right, where is our little monster?" Niall gasped scooping the boy up, "I found him!" As the family shared a laugh, all seriousness returned when the hybrids were strapped in their car seats with Niall in-between them as Harry drove to the photo shoot of that day. "Daddy no, why we not stay with grandma?" Louis complained, the photo shoots were boring and they always made him partake in the picture taking. "You're not with grandma because I didn't drop you off there. You will have a good attitude or you and Papa can have a talk." Harry warned staring at the boy from the rearview mirror, Louis sighed before nodding. He didn't feel like "talking" to his Papa today.

"Lee, come see me." Harry begged patting his lap seeing Liam watch from his spot on the floor as Louis played on Niall's I-Pad. Zayn and Harry were in the process of getting makeup done as Niall had his hair styled. Liam patted over climbing into Harry's lap grinning at his daddy, "Hi baby boy." Zayn greeted tickling his side, Liam giggled shifting on Harry's lap before settling down to laying his head on Harry's shoulder his ears tucked away in his hair showing how tired he was. "Is my baby sleepy?" Harry asked rubbing his back softly, Liam watched as Lou -the makeup artist- applied foundation to Zayn's face. "Are you ready for pictures?" The photographer- Mary -asked holding her camera up, "Yes, Liam? Baby go over there while we take a few pictures." Harry ordered gently standing Liam off his lap directing him towards Louis who sat on a bench engrossed in his game. Liam went willingly as he dug through their bag looking for his D.S.I. Once finding it Liam ran back to Niall who had skipped the first two pictures to have a finishing touch on his hair, "Baba? Turn on, 'pwease?" Liam begged his bottom lips poking out, "There you go bud. Go sit by Louis, watch your little brother!" Niall reminded to Louis who gave a simple nod. Liam climbed onto the bench a few feet away from Louis playing his educational game.

Minutes passed before Louis' worst nightmare happened: He ran out of lives for candy crush. Grumbling to himself Louis shut the device glancing around for something to do. Louis was about to give up the search when the idea to torment his younger brother popped in his head. Sometimes he really was a pure genius. Strolling over Louis sat next to Liam, "That colour is Blue, Lee." The younger hybrid shot him a glare, "Lou stop it." The eldest one nodded holding his hands up in surrender, "Lee that's green not yellow. Don't be silly." Louis snickered, Liam whined loudly showing his distaste for Louis helping him, "Lou Lou no. My game."

"You don't know how to play!" Louis pointed out, "Yes do!" Liam argued, Louis sighed rolling his eyes as he checked making sure his parent's weren't around. Wrapping his arms around Liam, Louis kissed his cheek, "My baby 'broder." Louis cooed, Liam groaned pushing him away as he tried to concentrate on his game. "Lee-yum, I 'jus tying to see how to play." Louis returned ignoring his brothers whines, "Lou off! No 'ant cuddle." Liam cried as tears pricked his eyes. His naptime was close and with Louis tormenting him it only made him grumpy. "I just wanted to snuggle." Louis reminded loudly when Harry waked over hearing the arguing, "That's enough for the both of you, I don't want to hear another complaint." He scolded, Liam whimpered setting the device down as he reached towards Harry sobs starting, "Is this another fit?" Harry questioned, Liam sniffled curling into him more, "Louis what's the story?"

"I no know. He was 'playin his game, and I's tried 'helpin him." Louis explained innocently, Harry gave a look knowing Louis loved to aggravate his little brother. Laying Liam on the couch the room provided, Harry held a finger to his lips, "Shhh, we don't cry over little things. Do we? No, that's right. Is it nap time baby?" he soothed slipping a pacifier between the hybrid's lips. Handing him his stuffed bear Harry covered him up, "Leave him alone Louis." Harry ordered returning to take pictures. Louis sighed after he left. Tip-toeing over to Liam, Louis sneakily slid the pacifier from his lips laying it on the ground waiting until the hybrid turned for him to realize his dummy was no longer in his mouth. Whimpering, Liam sat up wiping the sleep and tears from his eyes searching for his dummy. "Fell on 'da floor." Louis pointed out picking it up for him, holding it over his mouth Liam whined reaching for it. "Mine!" He growled, "Aw! You growled! I 'tellin daddy!" Louis gasped to have Liam burst into tears. Only this time all three of the parents ran back, Zayn scooped Liam up stuffing his pacifier in his mouth to quiet him, 'What happened? He was almost asleep when I left." Harry questioned placing his hand on his hips making him look scarier, Louis gulped, "H-he dropped his dummy on 'da floor. S-so I picked it up for him and he growled." Niall crossed his arms, "He just all of a sudden growled at you?" Louis stared at the floor, "I-I, yes." He lied, "Alright, Liam you know what happens when you growl. We do not growl at our family." Zayn chastised sitting down to stand Liam up to deliver ten spanks. "No! No, I no give him his dummy so he growl. I sorry." Louis confessed not wanting the guilt of Liam being spanked for nothing weighing heavily on him. Especially by Zayn, he spanked the hardest. Liam continued his sobbing still thinking he was getting a spanking until Niall took him into another room to calm him.

"So another day of aggravating?" Harry asked arms hung across his chest, Louis nodded quietly, "Louis you're the older brother, when he starts crying don't you think he's had enough?" Harry pushed, "Yes."

"What do you think Zayn? Ten or Fifteen spanks?" Harry questioned glaring at Louis who snapped his head up shaking his head furiously, "Don't tell me no, you made Liam cry for nothing." Zayn scolded. Louis sighed trudging over to Zayn bracing himself for ten, "I think fifteen is good. SLAP you SLAP do SLAP SLAP not SLAP fight SLAP aggravate SLAP or even tease SLAP your SLAP SLAP brother. SLAP Am SLAP I SLAP Clear? SLAP SLAP" Louis quickly nodded as tears seeped through his own eyes, "I Sorry!" Zayn kissed his temple, "You should be apologizing to Lee, whenever he comes back out." Harry reminded seeing Niall enter with Liam who watched curiously as the camera people set up a new stage with a Christmas Tree. "Lee? I sorry." Louis apologized kissing his cheek, Liam nodded, "It 'otay bubby." Harry smiled warmly, "Now, I think they want a Christmas Picture of us all." Louis groaned, Liam giggled copying.

>EMMA :)< 

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