>>F I F T E E N<<

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F I F T E E N: Days Off

The band had another day off, which in reality meant it was busy. Just not with band related things. Harry was up that morning first, starting on the family's laundry, Zayn arose second plopping down in his recliner to watch the news from last night, Louis beat Niall up who had gotten up with Liam two times last night; the hybrid snuggled with his Papa before Niall strolled into the room, "Good morning babies-" after his greeting, the all to familiar cry alerted them as Niall smiled jogging back to the nursery seeing Liam wiping the sleep from his eyes, "Hi baby boy."

"P-Papa." He slurred coiling around Niall as he tried going back to sleep, "We'll go see Papa." Niall assured taking the hybrid downstairs where he sat on the other side of Zayn, Louis not moving. Both boys had on grey joggers, Louis' shirt a blue Adidas one, Liam wore a white T-shirt with blue socks his nappy sticking out the top of his joggers. In the middle of the cuddling session, Louis stripped off his shirt cheering for his and Zayn's favorite football team. "See 'dat Papa?!" He gushed, "I did bub. I saw it." Liam watched the game quietly whining when Zayn stood up, "I'm going to work on my bike." He mumbled leaving both boys to sit in his recliner, "Brad is coming today!" Zayn announced as Niall poked around the corner Harry following, "Why?"

"To help me work on my bike." Zayn replied opening the garage door, "Whatever." Harry mumbled taking his basket of clothes to the couch beginning to fold. Glancing at the boys he smiled, Louis had his arms around Liam holding his younger brother close. "Is your sister going to be there?" Niall asked, "Yes she decided on Mexican. I know it's not your favorite-"

"It's fine. Foods food." Niall grumbled, "Thank you." Harry hummed puckering his lips for a kiss in which Niall happily obliged.

"I am going to get some actual work done. I'll be in the office." Niall called leaving the room as Harry finished his folding, "Boys I'll be in the dining room. No fighting." Harry commanded seeing both nod.

Louis sat shirtless in Zayn's recliner binge watching cartoons as Liam played with toys on the carpet. They had been up for three hours without any fights, however Louis finally demanded food. Harry poured two sippy cups full of milk, handing each boy a pop tart, "Daddy-" Louis started to whine though being the smart boy he is, he stopped seeing Harry's face. Eating their breakfast, Zayn soon entered again grinning at Liam who gasped crawling over to the man, "Hey bubba. Whatcha got there? A pop-tart? Yummy!" Zayn cooed bending down as Liam fed him a bite. Grabbing his sippy cup, Zayn untwisted the lid sipping some milk too before handing it back to the boy, "Thank you bubba. Olli! Hey man!" Zayn greeted, Olli grinned at him pulling him into a hug, "Hey mate. Where's this bad boy?"

"In the garage." Zayn replied opening the door to hear Liam whining, Harry ran in waving Zayn off as he put the baby gate up locking Liam in the living room. "Play with your toys Liam." Harry ordered returning to his own work which meant sending emails all day about photo shoots and interviews. It wasn't long before another knock at the door alerted Harry, "Andy?" He questioned seeing the man with a six pack of beer, "Hey man, Zayn called me. I bought scotch for you, wine for Niall, and the beers for us. Hey kiddos!" He beamed, Liam giggling at his uncle Andy, Louis waved at him before returning to his shows. "You can't go back here buddy." Andy remarked seeing Liam try and follow him back to the garage, the hybrid whimpered, Zayn entering the room about to ask where Andy was when he saw him, "Hey man, Lee what's wrong baby?" Zayn questioned holding the little boy's hands as Liam stood up trying to climb on Zayn's hip. "Nope, you're staying up here bubba. Sorry."

"I-I 'anna go!" Liam cried as Zayn put him down darting out the door. Niall groaned entering the room, "What happened baby?" Liam only cried in his hands fussy that day. "Go ahead and get them in the bath." Harry commanded passing them to pick out clothes for the boys. Niall ran water placing both hybrids in kissing their foreheads when done, "Such pretty boys. Louis don't splash him." Niall scolded seeing as though Liam was already in a bad mood and didn't need anything further to provoke a meltdown. "I-I 'ant papa." Liam tried again, Niall washing him and Louis while ignoring him. Draining the water, Niall carried Louis to his own room, handing Liam to Harry who laid him on their bed. "Baby look at me, you're okay. Everything's fine. We're going to go see aunt Gemma! And Mumma!" Liam remained crying as Harry secured another nappy on him with a long sleeve navy blue onesie, dark grey overalls to match the converse he wore. Kissing Liam's temple again, Harry carried him to the living room placing Liam in the swing pushing a pacifier between his lips. Going to ready himself, Liam quieted down only to sob again when Zayn entered the room wiping his hands, "P-Papa! Papa!" He bawled the pacifier shooting out. Niall entered the room with Louis who wore grey skinny jeans with a navy blue shirt and grey suspenders. Navy blue vans on his feet per his request. Zayn sighed scooping Liam up putting his pacifier back in its place, "Lets get you buckled up." He mumbled taking Liam to the car where Harry already sat starting it. "N-no... No! Pa-pa!" Liam sobbed fighting at Zayn's hands, the man shushed his baby keeping a finger on the pacifier, "You're okay my love. You are going to have a wonderful day with daddy and Baba, I promise. Give me a kiss.." He commanded seeing Liam to distraught to actually comply. Forcing a kiss on the boy, Zayn told Louis bye before returning to his friends and motorcycle. Harry pulled off, both parents ignoring the youngest ones cries. "Lee stop!" Louis groaned, "Louis leave him alone. He's just throwing a fit." Niall ordered sternly his fatherly look hardening at Liam who hid in his hands crying. Harry soon parked at the salon, opening Liam's door slapping the hybrids thigh, "Enough! You have absolutely no reason to bawl. We are going in here to get your hair cut and I had better not hear another word. Do you understand me?" Harry growled receiving Liam's shaky nod in return. Carrying him in he sat Liam in the chair, "Just a trim." The stylist nodded beginning as Liam sat there staring blankly at her. When the cut was over Harry returned Liam to his hip pushing his head to his shoulder knowing Liam was exhausted considering that he never got his nap. Paying, they left headed to lunch with Gemma and Sophia.

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