>>F I F T Y<<

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FIFTY: Little Brother Jealousy.

"I want the antique look, creme with chips in the paint-"
"Why pay more for something that looks old?" Zayn asks furrowing his eyebrows, Harry makes a face mocking the man, "Because dear, old is in." The Papa rolls his eyes grabbing Liam from Harry's arms, "Why don't we go see your new room?"

With the suggestion being more of an action, Zayn is carrying Liam into the second room on the left, his and Max's room being close together making it easier for the daddies when at home.
Currently in the carpeted room sat Niall, Louis, and Max, the eldest hybrid gently shaking a stuffed animal to capture Max's attention. Alongside them, for the last day, sat a cameraman filming every movement.
Zayn frowns at the extra man in the room, sitting Liam down by Louis. Max sits contently in between Niall's legs. "Pa-pa, 'ere snakie?" Liam asks tugging on the man's shirt, "It's in the car Bubba, sit tight with Baba, I have to run home."

"Papa 'dis is home!" Louis giggles rolling his eyes at his silly father. 

In the turn and uprise in events, the Stylin household had, in fact, bought the house, they had renewed the contract with E! Network for season 2; although the best new thing would have to be the adorable little boy Max that had captured everyone's heart. 

Brushing against the toy with his finger, Max giggles hitting it softly, "I's 'ant it." Liam mumbles also extending his hand for the soft dog Louis clearly didn't want. "No Lee, it's for Max." Louis returns hatefully, Niall smacks his son's thigh, "Stop being rude, Liam just wants to be included too." Louis huffs glancing up at Zayn that had yet to leave, "Why don't we go back together?" Zayn suggests offering his hand for Louis, "No," Louis whines wanting to stay not only with Max his new little brother but Louis didn't want to go with Zayn who would more than likely scold him. 

No one likes to be scolded.

Zayn raises an eyebrow daringly, Louis feeling tears well in his eyes as he slams his hand on the carpet, "Papa no! I's no doing any-thing! I's was 'jus 'playin with Max!" Starting to cry, Louis feeling this being the only way to officially defend his case, Zayn grabs his bicep snatching him up slapping his backside five times fast, "When I said let's go together that didn't really leave you with an option their buddy." Lifting the hybrid to sit on his hip, Zayn exits to the hallway where Harry is entering with a bottle ready for Max, "What happened to him?"

"We're running back to the old house and he's not happy about joining me," Zayn informs rolling his eyes at his son that truly just didn't know how to share his new little brother with Liam yet. Harry sighs rubbing Louis' back, "Stop crying baby, you don't wanna have to take a nap do you?" Kissing his temple, Harry pecks Zayn as well watching his husband and oldest son leave. 

"Look what I have!" Harry calls pushing the door open to see Niall laughing along with Max as the youngest is playing peekaboo with Liam. Though the younger one doesn't know the rules that well himself, he's trying to make his little brother laugh like his daddies do to him. And to Liam, that meant he was the best big brother ever. 

He loved Max, he loved his little brother so much that he even let Max pet snakie once. Just once though because Max started to drool and Liam screamed.

Working himself up to sobbing loudly, Zayn ignores his eldest hybrid buckling him in his car seat with a sippy cup of apple juice in the cupholder if he wanted it. "You need a nap, buddy. You're grumpy today."

"N-no's I-I not!" Louis declares, "Because screaming at me is proving me wrong, yeah?" Zayn muses knowing it drove his son wild when he paid little attention to him whilst he threw tantrums. 

When Zayn turned into the old houses driveway, he shifts into park turning the car off. Instead of exiting, he sits patiently waiting for Louis to stop thrashing around in his seat and throwing a fit before he addresses him again. 

"Louis, you're only digging yourself deeper into getting a belting. Max is Liam's younger brother too, you know that. But just because he's an older brother doesn't mean he still isn't young. He's going to want to play with Max more because he's still very young. You can play with both of them, and you'll have Ashton over some, but you cannot exclude Liam because you just want to play with Max." Zayn finishes his speech, Louis softly crying into his hands by the end of it. Partly because he's sorry, other because he's grumpy.

"C'mon Bubba." Zayn soothes lifting Louis to his feet outside the car walking him to the house where Zayn grabbed his laptop he needed, and Liam's trucks the boy had been begging for all day. Louis stays near his Papa in the house, he's gripping onto the bottom of his T-shirt tightly with whimpers leaving his mouth every so often. 

When Zayn had collected all he needed from the old house he packs back into his car, Louis being buckled back in and falling asleep the second Zayn backs onto the road. 

The Papa orders pizza having them bring it to the house as he returns carrying Louis in along with all the other items he was told to get. Laying his oldest son in the portable playpen, Zayn covers him up sliding a pacifier in his mouth.

"'R-rucks! t-rucks!" Liam squeals happily, he pushes one in front of Max who happily reaches out to play with one. "Aw Lee, that's nice of you to share your trucks." Harry coos with sad eyes seeing his little baby grow up enough to share his toy trucks.

When Louis awoke, he cried out from being placed in what he labeled as "too babyish!". Niall rescued him with plenty of kisses, "Are you in a better mood bud?" Louis nods pecking his Baba's cheek as he's let down to join his little brothers on the floor pushing trucks around.

With one last shot of the three hybrids playing, the man rises clearing his throat, "Well, thank you for letting me film. See you in couple months." Zayn nods extending his hand politely all though he couldn't wait to have those camera freaks out of his life for a little bit.

When the door was shut and locked, Zayn turns to both his husbands grinning, Niall crashing his lips to Harry's, Zayn kissing them both afterward, "Felt good to not have to do that in private." Niall jokes kissing Zayn again, Harry nods glancing at his babies on the floor playing nicely with one another, "N-next year," he starts meeting his husband's eyes, "We should come out."

>>And that does it.<<

>>What will Book 2 Hold? You will all find out soon enough! So I had to post an update tonight to show my appreciation for 500 followers!!! Thank you all so so so so much it means the world to me! I'm beyond thankful for how far this book has gone. I love all my readers and am delighted to be able to give a book that has a bit of everything.<<

Q's and A's

1. When will the Second book be Out?

A- It's out NOW! The long anticipated wait is over!!! (Wasn't that long, right?) Anyway to all my lovely past and future readers the second book to this (Keeping Up With One Direction 2) Is found on my profile if not at the end of this book in the recommended section (It should be) If you need help finding my profile it is: sleepingatlast66 That's me, Emma, If you're headed there go ahead and check out my other stories, I do have quite a few to choose from! And hey, if you think I'm a decent writer, go ahead and hit that follow button or write me a message!! Thanks for the read, I do hope you enjoyed, stay safe and fresh as always! Lots of Love! ~Emma :)

2. Will prompts be allowed for the second book?

A- OF COURSE! Please, if you all have prompts for the second book now, go ahead and feel free to drop them in the comments. I'll carry them over to the second book.

3. What will the second book look like? Basis wise.

A- FLUFF, FLUFF, HYBRIDS, FLUFF!! The second book is set to be much like this one, a lot of fluff, a lot of hybrid cuteness, and some trouble. Just a little, the Stylin hybrids are total angels. Right?

~If there are any unanswered questions please let me know, If there are any other comments or concerns drop them below, please. Thank you all once again for sticking through to the end, I love you all so so much! ~Emma :)

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