>>T W E N T Y S E V E N<<

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TWENTY SIX: New Years Party
***Due to the comment last chapter, and with their permission, this chapter is dedicated to @Onedirection_llnh***

Turning the TV on, Harry rushed around the house grabbing Liam's converse and Louis' Vans. "Lou? Babe I need you to get dressed. Ashton is going to be here any minute!" Reminding Louis that his friend was coming over helped motivate the boy. Dressed in grey skinny jeans with a blue button up, Louis slipped on grey vans laying on the couch waiting for his friend. His daddies were having a party for New Years, therefore Louis invited his own guests. Last year he was stuck with babysitting Liam who's only interest was being held by Zayn. Hopefully this year Liam can distract himself. Squealing when the front door opened, Louis' face fell when he saw Zayn, "Ugh! Papa!" Zayn frowned, "Sorry I'm me." Louis shrugged plopping back down on the couch, "Where's Liam?" Zayn asked, "Daddy has him." Louis replied kicking his feet, where was Ashton at? 

Things had settled, Louis now up and staring at the table filled with food. "Don't touch anything Lou." Niall warns directing chefs to different places, "I not Baba." Louis assures going towards the man being lifted into his arms, "Ready for tonight?"

"You friends 'comin too?" 

"Yea, my friends are coming too." Louis pouted, "'Dey not gonna touch my ears, are 'dey?"

"Louis, Kevin never meant to upset you. He had a hybrid of his own that loved having his ears touched." 

"Not me." Niall rolled his eyes kissing one of the furry ears, "Well as your baba, I'll touch your ears as much as I want." Louis giggled wiping it, "you's 'gonna get spit on 'em!" Soon Liam entered the room with a pacifier in his mouth a bottle of formula in Zayn's hand. The youngest matched Louis with the grey skinny jeans, though he wore a white button up with blue converse. Niall noticed Liam was in a fussy state and helped out, gently removing the pacifier, Zayn thanked him replacing it with the bottle. 

Ed Sheeran and Andy had arrived, The Vamps also did. Liam at in Harry's arms content to watch the party that had just started. Louis sat on the couch pouting as he continued to wait for his friend. It wasn't until the front door was opened again that Liam made a noise. The pacifier he was sucking fell to the ground as he wiggled from Harry's grasp being sat on the floor to tackle his mothers in a hug. Sophia cooed scooping her boy up with plenty of kisses, "Hello baby boy!" Eleanor kissed his as well before moving towards Louis, "What's wrong squirt?"

"Ashton not 'ere."

"Your friend?" Louis nods staring at the floor. He had a perfect night planned for the two of them. First they could play guns, than eat all the dessert they wanted, and finish it off with watching the ball drop. More people came, the door opening each time. Eventually after waiting another fifteen minutes, Louis stalked off running into Zayn. "Hey bubba." The papa greeted kissing his forehead, "papa?"

"Yea?" Zayn asked crouching down, "Why he not 'ere?" Louis asked feeling his eyes get a bit wet, "Sweetheart, I thought you knew! Baby I'm sorry, their running a bit late. Luke was throwing a fit-,"

"They 'bringin Luke?!" Louis exclaimed, "Yes Lou, why?"

"I no 'ant Luke." He complained, "If you don't want a spanking than you play with him just as you do Ashton. Understand me?" Louis huffed but nodded as he ran off. Guessing he had a few more minutes, Louis needed a plan. Scanning the living room for Liam, he gasped seeing the hybrid on the couch playing a game on Sophia's phone. No wonder he hadn't heard Liam scream yet from the amount of people. 

"Lee! Lee-yum!" Louis called hurrying, his brother picked his head up grinning at the older one, "B-bubby." Setting the phone aside, Liam watched Louis scramble onto the couch, "Luke is 'comin too!" Liam gave a weird look, "'Dat means you 'pway 'wif Luke and I get Ashton." Louis stated fearing that Liam wouldn't agree. "'otay." The small one mumbled, "Okay?!"

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