>>S E V E N T E E N<<

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SEVENTEEN: Cuddle Bug and Fussy Baby

*****PLEASE ignore the other person in the picture!!! This was the cutest one!!! 

Another whine emitted from Liam as he held onto the bottom of Zayn's T-shirt like his life depended on it

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Another whine emitted from Liam as he held onto the bottom of Zayn's T-shirt like his life depended on it. Glancing down at the boy, Zayn said nothing for the time being. He knew Liam's death grip was due to the amount of people in the small coffee shop. Harry sat in a corner booth talking with Louis who was acting insane today. Niall was included in the scolding, his face stern as well, Louis feeling ganged up on. It wasn't until Harry slapped his thigh that Louis yelped shooting his look to them, "Look at me when I'm talking to you." Louis huffed dropping his head again, Harry shared a look with Niall both sighing. When Zayn moved to the cash register, he finally picked Liam up tired of hearing his whines. Slapping his backside to quiet him, the hybrid got the hint laying on Zayn's shoulder. Taking the bag from her, Zayn made it to their table sitting Liam on the booth seat shushing him instantly, "If you don't stop we're going home." Liam sniffled bringing his fists up to rub at his eyes extremely fussy that day. Zayn finally sat down, his finger twitching as it wished to be holding a cigarette, "thank you." Harry mumbled knowing his husband wasn't to comfortable being in public with both hybrids. Especially when both were acting up. Zayn cared a lot about what people thought. Handing out the muffins, Zayn tied a bib around Liam letting the hybrid tear at it. Louis watched for a second, his eyes feeling with tears before forcing his way under the table onto Zayn's lap curling into him. The Papa sighed slapping Louis' backside hard, "Dry it up, I don't know what your problem is but it stops right now. Do you understand me?" The eldest hybrid continued crying on Zayn until a pacifier was placed in his mouth, Zayn rubbing his back gently. Liam glanced at the two cuddling wanting to join, "P-apa, t-too." Liam begged scooting closer, Zayn wrapped his arm around Liam kissing the top of his head, "you too bubba." Niall cooed taking a picture posting it to Twitter: Papa gets both babies!

After the short breakfast the family headed to the mall. The main point about today was to get pictures and buy clothes. With Liam growing older, he needed another whole adorable wardrobe then just simple plain V-necks with light colours and T-shirts. Today he wore a baby blue onesie with off white overalls, white converse. Sitting in his stroller with tear tracks on his cheeks, he suckled on a blue pacifier that was clipped to the overalls due to the fact that Liam had begun the stage of "dropping" things so someone has to pick them up. Peeking over the side of the stroller, Liam snapped his head up when he heard someone clear their throat, "Sit up or I'll buckle you up." Harry warned knowing all too well that Liam was looking for his diaper bag with a bottle. Not liking that answer, Liam sat up bringing his hands up to cry in them. Louis felt bad that his brother was crying though he knew it was just him being fussy. The eldest hybrid sat in Niall's arms being carried how he wanted. Louis had given up his pacifier, but he still wanted to be held. He just wanted cuddles that day.

Entering a Nike shop, Harry held the stroller still as he browsed through shirts. Liam noticed he had stopped moving and wasn't happy about it. Kicking his feet restlessly he started to cry louder, this time for a specific person: "Papa!.. Papa.... Papa!" Harry ripped the visor back slapping Liam's thigh, shoving the pacifier back in, "Zip it." He ordered, "We aren't spending our day like this, Either you fix it or I will." Liam sobbed at the harshness Harry was sending him, Zayn sighed stepping in; even though he didn't get his morning cigarette, he knew that Harry didn't get his coffee. That made him hateful all day. Zayn could fill his bliss anytime and have the same effect, but that morning cup of coffee is a one time a day thing. Lifting the tray on the stroller, Zayn grabbed Liam's hands standing him on his feet kissing his forehead. "P-apapa...papa." Liam whined from behind his pacifier pawing at Zayn who scooped him up swaying with the boy. Once Harry had ten shirts on his arm, all saying something about Nike, he grabbed a pair of sweatpants, going to a dressing room. Zayn entered along with Harry, Niall sitting outside with Louis the two playing a game one Niall's phone.

Setting Liam on the ground, Zayn unbuckled the overalls having him step out as he slid his shoes off. Harry slipped a shirt on him holding out the sweatpants for him to step into. When dressed, Harry patted his backside pointing to the corner, "Walk over there, baby." Liam did as told waiting for Harry to wave him over taking off the pants, "These fit well, are they comfy?" Liam nodded once not truly understanding the question though he knew no response would've got his bum beat. Trying on more shirts, Liam whined stomping his foot to show his distaste, Zayn slapped his backside pointing at him with his scary look, "That's enough, this is your last warning." Liam only cried, Harry sighing as he pulled his overalls back on him sitting him in the stroller. Tying his converse, Liam was buckled in, given his pacifier, and the tray was put down. Pushing him out to the hallway, Louis glanced up rushing to Harry's arms, "Daddy." He whimpered wrapping his legs around his waist. Harry patted his backside gently handing Louis his favorite stuffed bear, Mr.Fluff. Niall pushed the stroller this time leading the family to a nicer store where Liam was once again taken out and made to try on clothes. "This is to big, go get the extra small." Harry mumbled having Louis next to him on the bench, Liam in between his legs shirtless. Wrapping his arms around Liam, Harry brought his phone out looking through it, Liam bouncing in the hold as he whined tears flooding his eyes. Crashing to his knees still between Harry's legs, he was brought back to his feet harshly as his daddy delivered ten hard slaps to his backside. Liam bawled completely done with the day, he wanted to go home, have his bottle; and go see his Nana. Liam adored his Nana and Poppy. 

Zayn returned with the smaller shirt grabbing Liam in his arms slapping his backside, "I can hear you bawling all the way out there! Unless you want a belting, this fussiness ends right now. Louis dry it up too, I'm done with both of you today. Acting like you've never been in public." Zayn snarled putting Liam down pointing towards Harry, "Go say sorry to daddy, Louis you come with me." The oldest hybrid shook his head tears rolling down his cheeks, "P-papa I-I'm sorry! N-no spanking!" Zayn rolled his eyes undoing his belt grabbing Louis by the wrist. Slapping the leather belt to the boys backside, Louis squealed jumping from the hold rubbing his bum. "When I tell you to do something, you do it. Now, come here." Louis sniffled following zayn out having his hand grasped in Zayn's bigger one, being led out of the mall Louis sent a questionable look to Zayn who glanced down at him in return, "wipe your eyes baby." Louis did as told climbing into Zayn's arms as the man carried him to a group of girls who screamed.

"Where did Zayn go?" Harry asked buckling Liam in his stroller again, making the seat part lay down more so the hybrid would take a nap. "There were some fans waiting outside, he took Louis to see them." Niall replied crouching down to see Liam, "What's wrong baby boy? Is daddy being mean?" Harry narrowed his look, Liam sat up whining as he made grabby hands. "How about that bottle now?" Niall suggested sitting Liam on his hip, the boy becoming excited about the bottle, Niall mixed the powder into it letting Liam hold it. "Put a bib on him." Harry worried, Niall held up his finger, "Daddy I believe Baba knows what he's doing. We got this, don't we Lee?" Placing a spit rag on his shoulder, Niall carried Liam outside knowing the whole time fans were taking pictures.

  It was at home when Liam was carried in and laid in the big chair in the sitting room. Niall was in the same room doing work, while Harry was putting Louis to bed. Zayn walked in with Liam's favorite blanket covering him up removing his shoes, "Just the cutest little boy I've seen laid my eyes on." Zayn mumbled taking a picture of his baby peacefully asleep. Posting it to Twitter Zayn captioned it with: Even on fussy days, we don't fight naps.

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