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E I G H T : Dining with the Devil

"Baba you doing it again!" Louis reminded rudely as he sat disturbed at the dining room table attempting to complete his homework. Niall exhaled lightly a high pitched tone lacing it as he grinned at Liam who gurgled back with giggles and squeals, "Doing what baby?" Niall questioned his voice annoyingly high, "Baby voice." Louis groaned, "What baby voice?" Niall asked keeping the squeaky tone for Liam's amusement, "That one!"

"Well when you find a way to get Liam to eat then I'll stop." Niall returned not stopping with the voice everyone but Liam despised. "He eat if you feed him." Louis pointed out, "Only if it's something he wants. Like yummy peaches!" Niall resumed bringing the spoon to the hybrids mouth as the latter accepted it gladly even though he hated peaches. Niall was the only one who could feed him the healthy stuff. Zayn wouldn't do the voice right, and Harry would make himself sick when he tried the baby food himself after swearing to Liam it was delicious.

"Hey, I'm going to get ready for my interview. Can you watch the boys?" Harry called entering the room, Louis sending him a smile, "I can't, I have a doctors appointment." Niall reminded, "Ugh, I forgot. Okay fine. Louis lets go get you dressed and can you handle Liam?" With a nod from the man Harry turned scooping Louis into his arms causing a laugh from the hybrid, "Daddy down!" Harry chuckled then, "I thought I was holding Louis. Must be Liam." Louis sent a playful glare kissing his cheek as he was set down on Harry's bed burying himself under the covers as his daddy dressed himself. "How does this look?"

"Good daddy!" Louis assured, Harry posing goofily in tight black jeans with a deep blue shirt on his tattoos popping from his arms. Walking Louis to his own room Harry rummaged through his closet, "Black jeans?"

"I don't care."

"How about black jeans and the big brother Jersey and Liam can wear the little brother one?" Harry suggested, Louis groaned, "The fans will adore it." Harry hinted resulting in Louis quickly agreeing. Jogging to Liam's room he saw Niall at his closet, "Put him in his little brother Jersey and black jeans. Black converse for him, I'll put Louis in vans." Harry rambled returning to Louis who had switched his attention to his phone. "Where are your black Vans?"

"I no know." Louis mumbled focusing on his racing game, "Found them! Lean back for me so I can tie them." Harry ordered pushing Louis on his back stuffing his feet in his vans tying them before standing him up fixing his hair quickly, "The messy look fits you well Lou Lou." Harry chuckled guiding him to the living room as he gathered a diaper bag together putting plenty of pacifiers and extra sets of clothes. "Alright, this ones ready." Niall announced as Liam giggled running in front of him climbing on the couch to sit by Louis grinning as Niall grabbed a camera. "Put your arm around him Lou." Louis sighed pulling Liam close knowing it was their matching shirts that caused the picture.

Readying himself Harry adjusted his posture on the couch with Liam remaining between his legs curious but too scared of getting in trouble to move away. He had already been given two swats that morning when Harry woke him up and he threw his toy at him. Liam just didn't like being woke up. "Sit up here baby." Harry mumbled sitting Liam next to him on the couch hearing him whine in protest, "I need you to be quiet. That goes for both of you." Harry added seeing Louis snicker at Liam. "Hi! Harry Styles, I'm Angela Bassett. I'll be doing your interview today. Who are these two joining you?" Angela started crossing her legs in her chair, "These are my two boys, Louis and Liam. Louis is the oldest just turning seventeen. Liam is fourteen about to be fifteen in a few months." Harry responded feeling Liam return to his lap cuddling into him. Moving Liam onto the couch again Harry heard the cry Liam gave when his bottom touched the couch, "So how's everything been going? I know you guys are taking a break from touring until Zayn gets back, yes?"

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