Sai X Reader

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*Your Pov*
I was sitting under a tree outside of the Academy (the tree that naruto used to swing on) drawing in a notebook of mine. I was currently drawing Sai, my crush. I found him to be gorgeous, and good at drawing. The bad thing is I don't know if he likes me back since he says he doesn't understand emotions and what not.
"What are you drawing, (F/N)?" I quickly recognized the voice and slammed my notebook shut and turned around to see Sai giving me a fake smile.
"N-nothing important." Really? Of all times to stammer.
"Let me see, I'm sure you did well." Sai walked around out in front of me and held out his hand waiting for me to give him my notebook.
"Umm hang on..." I held the book up so he couldn't see the picture of him I was drawing and ripped it out.
"Huh? Why did you rip it out? Can I see it?" He leaned his head to the side and looked at my with a curious expression.
"No, you can't." I replied back coldly.
In a blink of an eye Sai had ripped the paper out of my hands and was now staring at it.
"Hey! Don't look at that!" I stood up and tried to get the drawing out of his hands.
"Too late. I've already seen it. I think you did a good job (F/N) but why would you draw me?" Sai gave me another fake smile.
"You....inspire me." I looked down at my blue sandals and played with my hands nervously.
"I read in a book that when a girl gets nervous it means she likes you. Do you like me? I think you're ugly." I felt my heart start to shatter into little pieces and I started to cry.
"Why are you crying? Are you mad at me because I like you back?" I looked up at him and wiped away my tears.
"B-but you j-just c-called m-m-me u-ugly." I started to cry again. Why did he call me ugly and then say he likes me?
"I thought girls liked to be complemented."
"Calling a girl ugly just makes her insecure about her looks."
"I'm sorry, I think you are beautiful." He pulled me into a hug and kissed me cheek.
"I love you, Sai." I said while hugging him back.
"I love you too, (F/N)."

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