Jakku - Chapter One.

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The last thing you remember seeing was sparkling lights which followed as you fell, then colliding with the earth beneath you...

You gasped, clutching your chest. The pain that ran throughout your body was excruciating, darkness had fallen and the stars twinkled brightly in the sky as you dared not to move just in case you had broken every bone within your body. You began slowly moving different parts of your body first was your feet, then your knees', hips, hands, elbows, shoulders and then gently began moving your head side to side, nothing seemed to hurt too much to think of broken bones.

"What the hell happened?" You began to pull yourself up, noticing droplets of sand covering your clothing "What, where the hell did Sand come from?" you scanned your surroundings, the air got caught halfway down your throat causing you to choke. Quickly standing up to brace yourself for a horrid attack of coughing fits, grasping at your t-shirt to help with the pain.

In the corner of your eye, you noticed lights flashing within the distance but still braced yourself until the coughing was over only then would you decide to adventure towards what seemed like strobe lights?

After five minutes the coughing began to subside, scanning your surroundings again you noticed that all you could see was sand, sand and more sand. "Great, I don't remember what exactly happened but I most definitely wasn't surrounded by sand..." your sentence trailed after seeing more flashing lights. "Might as well go see what that is" shrugging off the rest of the sand resting upon your shoulders.

The sand was hard to walk on, sometimes the texture would be soft so your feet instantly got sucked in, the next it was hard which made you connect too hard into the sand sending a sharp pain up your legs or it would be slippery? I know right, Slippery "Who the hell would think sand could be slippery?!" you cursed under your breath at the disadvantage you had when walking through the deadly sand of betrayal, as you called it.

The strobe light flashing began to come closer into view, you instantly noticed those lights were most definitely not strobe lights...

"Gunfire?!" You instantly dropped into the sand taking cover "What the hell?! I'm in the middle of a war or something?" You glanced again and noticed that this 'war' you thought was happening only seemed to be happening on one side of the fight, the other side had already been captured. An old man stood in front of another covered in a black clock, you couldn't see much more obviously it being too dark and they had their backs to you, the next thing a long red light appeared slashing down upon the elderly man, you flinched covering your mouth to stop any noise.

What was happening? That was certainly a lightsaber, right? But they didn't exist, you knew people were trying to invent them but nothing could come close to the CG in the films you'd watched. But that was most certainly one, you glanced back over your sand over another person was now on his knee's in front of the person covered with a black clock. Your interest got the better of you, you wanted to see what was happening and what was being said you crounched low to make sure no one could see you or so you thought.

As you quickly and unstealthily moved across the sand to now see the figure in black's face was covered by a mask "Wow, talk about secretive or what". You shook the thought out of your head, you strained your ears to hear what was going on, unfortunately, you could only hear parts of the conversation going on.

"Where is the map?" The black figure spoke.

Map? you questioned he's looking for a map, really? You shook your head again trying to stop yourself from thinking up scenarios.

"Don't move" a sudden voice appeared behind you, freezing you to the spot something heavy was pressed again the back of your head and you gulped, raising your hands above your head "I'm no one suspicious" which instantly made you feel like kicking yourself, I mean really? Wouldn't someone who was suspicious say something like that?!

"Get up" the object which was digging into the back of your skull moved sideways, you nodded your head "Alright, I'm going" slowly you moved to your left making sure to keep an eye on the gun now in view, Shit this is bad...

"Move" the only description you could say this figure/person looked like was a soldier wearing an unusual set of armour covering them head to toe. "Alright" you moved into the direction of where the soldier pointed which amazingly was in the direction of where all the shit was going down.

You moved slowly and clumsily, luckily you weren't shot but another soldier grabbed your upper arm to keep ahold of you, either to keep your stupid feet from screwing up or to stop you from running probably both you thought.

The masked figure was now an arm's length away from you, the soldier flung you towards making your face ungracefully meet with the sand in front of you. "Geez!" you shouted, pushing yourself up with your own god damn head.

"Who is this?" The masked figure questioned.

"We found her just over those sand domes, sir" the second soldier answered pointing into the direction you had just come from.

"I see, another resistance fighter?" He questioned.

The man kneeling next to you, completely puzzled as he stared into your eyes. The way his eyes stared into yours, you got the feeling from him that he wanted you to agree with the statement he had just muttered.

"Well" The masked figure grasped your chin yanking you closer to him "Are you?" even those his face was covered, the sheer darkness and evil that you were feeling from him was enough to bring tears to your eyes, without thinking you answered him "I-I-i don't know what a resistance fighter is" you whimpered.

The man kneeling beside you dropped his head, the grip from your chin was released but was quickly replaced with the back of the masked figure's hand, the impact of his hand hitting your face was almost enough to knock you out, unfortunately it hadn't but the ringing, pain and blurry vision still remained.

"Bring them both aboard" the mask figured answered, instantly you felt yourself being dragged across the ground, where you were going you couldn't make out since your vision hadn't returned.

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