3-Falling for Him

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Kurt's POV:
About 5-10 minutes later Blaine helped me out of his car and picked me up and carried me in the house.
"I'll be right back, I have to go get some medical supplies." Blaine said sweetly. Why would he help me? All I will do is cause him pain, that's what it seems like I do to my other friends. If they're even my friends anymore.
A few minutes later Blaine came out of the bathroom with medical cream, bandages, and other items like that. "You got hit pretty bad, didn't you? Are you sure your okay?" Blaine asked me.
I nodded, lie. "Do you want anything? Food? Water?" I simply shook my head, another lie. "I know your lying, it's obvious." How did he know? I know he's my soulmate, but other than that, we know nothing of each other.
Blaine's POV:
"I know your lying, it's obvious." It was so obvious! He won't look at me in the eyes. "Listen, I know we are soulmates, I found out last night, it's my 17th birthday today." I finally admitted to my soulmate. Kurt reached out for his bag for his phone. He started typing and showed it to me once he was done. It read 'I know, it's awkward you probably don't like me, everyone hates me' "I don't hate you! I will admit it's a little awkward, but not everyone hates you." I said to try to make him feel better.
He started to type again and showed it to me. 'I am going to go, before you hate me.' Kurt got up and took a step, I then grabbed his hand and it felt weird, like a good weird. He looked at me shocked. "Sorry if that scared you, I just, just wanna help you." I said to the taller boy.
He nodded and sat back down. I took out some cream and put it over the cuts and bruises on his face and arms. I then realized he was probably injured on his stomach and chest too. I pointed to his shirt and asked "Can I?"
Kurt started to take his sweater off and I examined his body, besides all the cuts and bruises, he was hot. Then I saw his wrists, right as I saw them he panicked and hid them behind his back. "Kurt? Is all of the bullying really that bad?" He nodded as his beautiful Glaz eyes tested up and he broke apart sobbing. I quickly pulled him close to me and hugged him, he hugged me back.
"I'll help you with this." I said as I grabbed a piece of paper and pen and wrote down my number. "Call me any day, if you need help, someone to talk to, or just to say hi." I said while trying to comfort him. Kurt looked up at me and nodded, then he actually spoke to me.
    "Okay, thank you." When he spoke his voice was a little raspy so he coughed to get it out. "Sorry if this sounds rude, but I didn't know you could talk" I said softly. "I actually trust you, so I decided to try talking to you." He responded.
    "Can I still put the cream on your cuts and bruises under your shirt? I promise I'll be careful"
    "Yeah, thank you, sorry, I don't have any friends anymore to help me out"
    "We can be friends, now I am going to you some water, your voice must still hurt"
    "Yeah thank you, and sorry"
    "Stop apologizing, I'll be right back!"
    Kurt is a very sweet boy, his voice is just as beautiful as I imagined it to be. I just love everything about him, I think I might be falling for him.
Kurt's POV:
    Blaine is very sweet and nice, with his gelled down hair, his hazel eyes, his cute triangular eyebrows. I think I might be falling for him.
    I was soon snapped out of my thoughts when I heard Blaine walk back into the living room with a cup of water. "Thank you, for everything, no one cares enough about me to do any of this. Mercedes and Rachel used to, but I think they got sick of that and me." I said carefully to Blaine, my new and only friend. "You were friends with them? " he asked me. "Yeah" I felt safe enough to tell him this kind of stuff. "I used to be in glee club, but I just got bullied more because of it so I quit. But after I quit it just got worse, so I stopped talking and just let it happen." I said back.
    "Just remember, have courage! Also remember to text me." Blaine said to me, I really like him, am I actually falling for him?!

This is another chapter I am trying so don't judge me!

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