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(Everyone, after this chapter, your not going to like me very much- sorry!!!!!!!!!)
Kurt's POV:
    Today is the first day that I will be home alone with my kids. That feels weird to think or even say! My kids, mine and Blaine's. But it's wonderful!

    Blaine has to go with Santana, because they are going shopping for baby things and food.

    They'll be gone for approximately 2 hours.

    I'm already set with things that I'll need, like diapers, bottles, things like that!

    I was downstairs on the couch getting the twins ready for their naps. Tracy was asleep, so I hurried and took her upstairs.

    5 minutes later I came back downstairs and went to go get Arianna. I went to the play place for the twins and she wasn't there.
    The play place is basically a bed with no pillows or anything, but with a net that is 4 feet tall around every side.

    Where the hell is Arianna?

    The baby net thing isn't tipped over, how did she get out?

    The the next thing I knew, someone grabbed me and covered my mouth. What the hell? "Mmgmg!" I muffled. What is going on?

    Then I get tied up, my hands and legs were tied, but I wasn't blindfolded. That's what usually happens, so I was surprised.

    Then I got put on a chair and tied to the chair. There was 2 guys, they had masks on, but I could instantly tell who they both were, I could never forget those 2 hateful pairs of eyes.

    Karofsky and Sebastian.

    Then I looked over, they had Arianna. I then tried everything to get untied, but the ropes, they were so strong!

    Then Sebastian started talking, but his voice sounded modified. Like fast version.

    "Say goodbye," he said. I can't die, I need to take care of Blaine and the twins!

    Then Karofsky pulled out a pocket knife, and handed it to Sebastian. Then instead of walking over to me. He walked over to Arianna.


    I screamed the best I could, but there was almost no sound audible. Karofsky just held Arianna with her neck exposed. This can't happen, this can't happen! Tears were welling in my eyes, I tried to move but, I just couldn't.

    My baby was about to die right in front of me, and I couldn't do anything to stop it.

    Then I witnessed the most horrible thing any parent could ever imagine. They sliced her neck, right in front of me.

    I just sat there in shock for a few seconds, before bawling my eyes out and screaming. But still, not that much sound was audible.

    Then they just left Arianna on the table behind me, from what I could hear.

Then they just left!

For the next hour, I just sat in the chair, tied up. I tried so hard to move and get out. But it was impossible.
Then I heard a car door slam shut. Santana and Blaine were home.

The front door started to move, then they walked in. I screamed muffled screams. They looked up and saw me.

"Oh my god Kurt!" Santana exclaimed. "Who did this?" Blaine said running over to me. "Blaine," I said once they got the tie off around my mouth.

They noticed my eyes were red and puffy from crying. "Kurt, what's wrong? Where's the twins?" Blaine asked me.

"Tracy is upstairs, but Arianna" I said crying again. Santana untied my hands, and then feet. I stood up and ran to the table behind me. "Blaine!" I screamed as I looked at my dead child.

"Kurt? What is i-" he got cut off by the sight. I looked in Blaine's eyes, all I saw was sadness, anger, and so many more emotions.
    "Kurt. Who did this?" My husband said with a flat voice, you could hear his anger, just through those 4 words.

    "I'm pretty sure it was Sebastian and Karofsky, I could never forget the hate in their eyes" I said with tears spilling down my face. "How?!" Blaine shouted, then he just cried.

    Santana was crying too, this was her child too. Then we heard the front door open again. And in came Carson and Rachel.

    "Hey guys!" Carson said with a cheery voice. He was wearing a gray shirt with his signature blue jacket matched with jeans.

    We all turned with tears in our eyes and our heads down.

    "What's wrong?" Rachel said really confused.

    Blaine just cried harder, so I took him into my arms so we could cry together.

    "Rachel, it's Arianna," Santana spoke up, her voice breaking. "What's wrong with Arianna?" Carson said worried. Santana sobbed and moved out of the way so they could see.

    They just gasped in shock.

    Rachel then got out her phone and dialed 911, in the next 10 minutes the cops arrived.


    The next day, Blaine, Santana, and my boss called us all out of work for the next 2 weeks. Rachel and Carson took Santana out to dinner. They offered for Blaine and I to go with them, but we declined. We need time.

    Blaine and I were just cuddling in each other's warmth in our bed. We put down Tracy for a nap.

    I will never leave her out of my sight. Our sight.

    "How could I have let this happen" I thought aloud.

    Blaine just stared at me. "What do you mean sweetie?" He asked a little worried and disbelief.

"When they came in, I was putting Tracy down for a nap, and I came back down and Arianna was gone. I started looking for her, then I was tied up, but not my eyes. I was forced to watch her die" I said, more tears threatening to spill out.

"But-I didn't try hard enough to save her, it's all my fault, if I could've actually tried, she would still be here!" I said with those threatening tears, now streaming down my cheeks.

"Kurt, baby. It's not your fault at all! It would've still happened, but if you did get out, they would've killed you too. I can't handle losing you too," he said, then he rolled up his sleeve. My name on his wrist written beautifully.

Kurt Elizabeth Hummel

I completely forgot about those permanent tattoos of our soulmates name on our wrists! We have been too in love to notice, because our soulmate was right in front of us.

I rolled my sleeve up, my wrist read, Blaine Devon Anderson.

But then I noticed all the scars. That was from my teenage years though. But I could still never forget them, no matter how hard I tried.

I don't like to talk, or even think about that dark period in my lifetime. So I push it back, and Blaine respects that of me.

I don't know how we are going to get through this, we will manage.

It will just take time.

But meanwhile, I have my beautiful, hot, husband, my two best friends, and my other beautiful daughter.

I will never forget Arianna, she will be in our hearts forever.

She will be in all of our hearts, I love you Arianna...

A/N: I know, by now, you probably all hate me! 😜 yes I killed Arianna! Mwahahahah! I've had the idea to have Sebastian and Karofsky murder one of klaine's kids since chapter 17! Finally! The ending will be coming soon, just not THAT soon! So don't worry! I won't say if it has a happy ending or not! You'll have to find out🤐 see y'all later!!!!

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