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Read the authors note at the end please, once your done reading❤️

2 months later:
Santana's POV:
    Eight and a half months pregnant, it's been one hell of a ride so far...

2 months later:Santana's POV:    Eight and a half months pregnant, it's been one hell of a ride so far

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    Today is March 16th, it is 9:00am. Kurt, Blaine, and I are sitting at a glass coffee table in the living room right now. Rachel and Carson are on a date at the moment. I have to admit, they are a pretty cute couple.

    But the off-side is that when they are kissing and/or sucking each others faces off, it looks exactly like Kurt and Rachel.

    But it's not.

    "I'm going to go and make some tea" Kurt said standing up to go into the kitchen.

    Thank god he broke that awkward silence!

    About 20 minutes later, Kurt came back with three cups of tea. Blaine had his mug, which was decorated with bow ties. God that man.

    Kurt's cup was a baby blue, and was decorated with red and yellow roses. Now that makes more sense! Blaine has the same cup, probably a gross shitty couple thing.

    My cup was red and black stripes, with red lip prints, imprinted around the cup.

    I grabbed my cup from Kurt's hand and    it instantly dropped to the-


    I felt a warm room temperature of water dripping down my leg, and I sharp stabbing pain in my lower abdomen.

    I am going into labor. Now!

    Shit. Shit. Shit. Shit!!!!!!!!

    "God!" I yelled, with tears coming to my eyes. It hurt like hell.

    "Santana?" Kurt asked worried and instantly standing up. Blaine followed his lead and asked, "the baby?"

    "Yeah, the baby, it's coming" I said with pain in my voice.


Karofsky's POV:
    "Are you done yet?! Hurry the hell up. Use your stupid speed!" I yelled at Sebastian. He was basically a moving machine!!!!

    "Okay, apparently, Santana just checked into the emergency room. She is going into labor, having a kid. Wow" he said to me. He is a bitch.

    "And?" I said interrupting him. "Let me get to the fucking point! Sorry for my language," he started.

    "Santana's baby girl is going up for adoption, but the parents happen to be 2 fathers. Kurt and Blaine," he said with his casual evil smirk.

    "And! Before you interrupt me again! The files say, she is having twins, but Kurt and Blaine only know about one" he added. Now we can get the party started. "Now, this is just perfect!" I said rubbing my hands together in joy.

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