28- The First (First) Time

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Blaine's POV:
Kurt rolled up his sleeve, it read, Blaine Devon Anderson. Then I noticed his scars.

I saw that some were new, but not that new. Like a 'one month ago' kind of new.
"Kurt, when was the last time you did this?" I asked gingerly.

"I'm sorry, Blaine. It was a while ago, I just felt depressed, and I haven't felt that depressed in a long time. So that's what it usually leads to," Kurt said with tears coming to his blue orbs.

"I'll help you, I would do anything for you," I said while taking his hands into my own.

"I know, I just didn't want to upset you!" Kurt sobbed into my chest. I just stayed there and cried with him.

"I miss her Blaine, I only knew her for a week, but I love her and miss her!" He said while sobbing more.

    "I know, I-I miss her too, lots, she looked a lot like Santana," I said with more tears and a small smile.

We just stayed in each other's embrace for a while, just crying and smiling.

Then we heard a piercing cry next to us.
It was Tracy.

    Kurt got up and took ahold of Tracy, I got up too. Kurt held her and rocked her back and forth, I was right next to him holding Kurt too.

    "I still can't believe how much she looks like you, your not even related," I said surprised. It was surprising, she remind me of Kurt with her deep Glasz colored eyes. But she also had beautiful light brown hair, she couldn't be more perfect.

Santana's POV:
    "I don't know how I'm going to handle this, I don't know how Kurt and Blaine are going to handle this!" I said to Rachel and Carson.

    As much as I hate being a third wheel, I needed to go out and do something!

    "I know your going to hate me for saying this, but it will be okay," Rachel assured me.

   "It's not going to be okay, we will learn how to manage, but it will always hurt," I told them.

    "Well guess what Satan? I heard that Karofsky and Sebastian have been caught, there was a lot of evidence!" Carson said with a giant smirk.

    "That's good! When we get back home we need to tell Kurt and Blaine!" I said finally smiling.

    Brittany was at work right now, so I was  going to tell her after her shift was over.

    "When you get home, we wanted to give you 3 your alone mourning time, so Carson and I are going to stay in a hotel for 2 days," Rachel said smirking at Carson.

    "You don't have to do that, it's your home too-Wait! Are you guys going for a romantic getaway?" I said smirking.

    "Yes," Carson said putting his arm around Rachel.

    "Ooh, you guys are so going to get your wanky on tonight!" I said with a little more of an evil smirk.

    "That," Rachel started. "Is none of your business." Rachel said a little uneasy, I can tell when someone is lying.

    I love my gifts, my comebacks, my ability to tell when someone is lying, and my awesome gaydar!


    Once I got home, I opened the front door and shouted "I'm home!"

    "You are so lucky she just got up from her nap!" Kurt said walking out of his and Blaine's room.

    "Hey, where is Carson and Rachel?" Blaine asked while also coming out of their room.

    "They said they were going to stay in a hotel for a couple days because she wants to give us some mourning time by ourselves. But I suspected they were just getting their wanky on," I said with another smirk.

    "Yes! It's happening!" Kurt said happily.
    "What's happening?" I asked.
    "They are having their first time," Blaine cut in.
    "That's cute, they were lying, I so knew it!" I said with a dramatic stomp.

    "Tracy? You want to see your mommy?" Kurt said while handing her to me.

    I then grabbed Tracy carefully and held her gently. "She is beautiful, I'm so glad she has such awesome and kind parents to take care of her," I said to them.

    I looked up and they just stared at me in shock. "What the hell are you guys staring at?" I said confused.

    "Satan herself gave us a compliment! Mark it on the calendar and celebrate this day forever!" Blaine said shocking.
    "Oh shut up!" I said to him scoffing.

    Things were already starting to get better.

Rachel's POV:
    Once we got to the hotel, the room was beautiful. Apparently Carson had already got a room for us, because when I walked in, there was flower petals all over the floor.

    We first started out with just talking, and then we kissed. Soft, and passionate, but it soon became very steamy. Then it was as hot as hot can be!

    I'm pretty sure you get what happened after.

    "I love you," I said to my boyfriend. He just looked at me with love and lust filled in his eyes.
"I love you too," he said back as he kissed me.

This is going to be a good getaway! 😉

A/N: a little short, but I wanted to update, I also started a new story! It's called Trying. Go read it! I think it's actually pretty good.
Also, I wanted to wish my best friend Caitlin a happy birthday! I love you so much! You are the best! I'm so glad we are friends and I can't believe your 15! Have an amazing birthday!!!! I hope I annoyed you throughout the day with my snapchats and text messages! Caitlin_palfreyman

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