38- Goodbyes

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A/N: I'm so sorry don't kill me
Blaine's POV:
I woke up the next morning feeling terrible. Kurt, my true best friend, my one true love, my soulmate, the father to my child, is dying.

Kurt was still asleep in my arms, cuddled into my bare chest, he had tear stained cheeks and his eyes were a little red and puffy.

    I hurried and got up and replaced myself with a body pillow that laid on our bed and I got up to go see Tracy. She was about nine years old now, and was sitting at the counter eating cereal.

    "Hey sweetie," I said as I walked in and kissed her head.

    "Dad? Can I ask you something?" She asked nervously.

    "Of course baby, what's wrong?" I went over to her and stood next to the counter.

    "What's wrong with Papa? I heard him crying last night before I went to bed." I froze, I can't let her know what's going on with Kurt.

    "Honey, Papa, he's just really sick right now," I tried to explain without saying he's dying.

    "Then take him to the hospital!" Tracy said. Only if I could tell her.

    "The doctors can't do anything yet, but he's okay for right now," I smiled a believable smile and went to the bedroom to tell Kurt I was leaving to drop off Tracy.

    I walked in and saw that Kurt was laying still, but staring up at the ceiling awake.

    "Hey baby, I'm going to go drop Tracy off at school," I said as I walk over to my husband.

Kurt looked over at me and just replied with, "okay."

I walked out of the bedroom to see a small fourth grader that had her shoes on, and her backpack ready to go and on her back.

Tracy said she was going to tell her papa goodbye and she'll see him later. I don't know how she could handle losing her father so soon, and so young.

Kurt's POV:
I sat up in our bed. I felt different, not like I was getting better, but different. Then I knew what was wrong.

Tracy then came into my room wearing a cute blue dress and her hair was curled.

"Hey baby," I said with a smile. "You look gorgeous today."

"Thank you Papa," she smiled and twirled around showing how her dress poofs out.

She then walked over to me and hugged me tightly. I hugged her back tightly knowing this would be our last hug.

I held back the tears an kissed her cheek. "Tracy, I'll miss you so much, I live you so much, don't you ever forget that," I said with a sad smile.

"I love you too, don't you ever forget that," she said pointing at me and then smiled.

"Have a good day!" I shouted at her as she walked out of the room. Then she yelled back, "You too!"

I laid back down and heard the front door shut, and I shut my eyes, I could feel it beginning. My dad and I went to a support group after my mom died. Scientists say that when your dying of this certain thing, you can feel when your about to go. You just...know.

I felt my head pound and my breathing going slower than normal. I pulled out my phone knowing that Blaine won't look at it until after he drops her off and is not driving home yet.

I wrote a new message to Blaine,

I can feel it, it's my time. I love you so much baby. Please believe that none of this is your fault and there's nothing you could've done. I've said my goodbyes to Tracy without her knowing it's my last day here.
Please try to find someone else to love, don't stick just with me, and mourn forever.
You can find someone else, I'm giving you permission. I love you and this is my goodbye...
~Kurt Hummel-Anderson

I hit send and I closed my eyes. I felt my breathing go slower and slower, and suddenly everything in my head stopped pounding.

I saw the whiteness, it was my time...

Blaine's POV:
After I dropped Tracy off at her elementary school, I felt a buzz in my pocket and I saw it was a message from Kurt.

I can feel it, it's my time. I love you so much baby. Please believe that none of this is your fault and there's nothing you could've done. I've said my goodbyes to Tracy without her knowing it's my last day here.
Please try to find someone else to love, don't stick just with me, and mourn forever.
You can find someone else, I'm giving you permission. I love you and this is my goodbye...
~Kurt Hummel-Anderson

As soon as I read through it all, I ran to my car and raced home, tears pouring down my face. It's not Kurt's time, it can't be.

I pulled into the parking lot and and I jumped out and slammed the car door shut. I raced up the stairs and I opened and shut the front door hard.

As soon as I got in, I heard no noise, just quietness. I ran into the bedroom and saw Kurt laying on our bed, his chest wasn't moving, and neither was he.

I ran to him and held him in my arms. I checked his pulse, there wasn't one, so I started CPR.

After a minute of CPR, I called 911.

"911 what's your emergency?"
"My husband, I came home and he wasn't breathing and he has no pulse, CPR isn't working,"

They sent paramedics on their way, and not only 3 minutes later they arrived and I was sitting on a cold bench in the ambulance next to my husband who wasn't breathing anymore.

Later on at the hospital, I was sitting in the waiting room with tears pouring down my face.

Then a heard a female voice call out, "Blaine Hummel-Anderson?" I shot out of my chair and went to the doctor.

"Mr. Hummel-Anderson, there's not an easy way to say this, but your husband, he's dead."




Something I never wanted for anyone, but has happened to my soulmate.

As soon as she said that I collapsed to the cool, hard ground on the hospital floor.

My chest felt heavy and like it was pulsing but contracting at the same time.

That's when all I saw was complete white.

I know it's evil. And I wasn't going to end it like this when I first started writing the story and I had my plot worked out and everything. It just happened. Also the epilogue is the next chapter, then the story will be marked as completed. Bya😭😭😭😭

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