19-A Child?

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Rachel's POV:
    "Oh my god, I'm alive!" I said happily, but then remembered I am trapped inside my own coffin, where I'm supposed to be dead! No food, no water, what the hell am I going to do?! "Help! Help! Anyone, please?!" I yelled at the top of my lungs, then I felt my eyes get watery, I then just cried. The hot tears streaming down my cheeks. Now I could actually die!

Day 2 of survival:
    It is now my second day of being trapped. My stomach is killing me, and I am very frightened. What if I don't make it out? I'll sing a song, that usually brings my spirits up to soar. So I then started humming the chorus of 'Don't Stop Believing', it helped a tiny bit, but I'm still just as scared.
    Sooner or later, my arms and legs would become slimmer and slimmer, and my cheeks would become hollow.
    Then I would be really dead...

4 days later: Santana's POV:
    It's been about three months since Rachel has died. Us three have finally calmed down, I know it seemed like I hated her, well everyone, but I did care about her. And I still do.
    I am now 6 months pregnant, I have been interviewing so many parents, but no one seems like the right fit for my child, my baby girl.

    All of us have been busy lately, but tomorrow we are all going to go and visit Rachel's grave.
    We haven't visited it yet, with jobs and NYADA, where is the time?

    Tomorrow we are all free! I finally got a job at the Spotlight Diner with Blaine, it's hell, but I manage. Life is hell! I have mood swings daily, cravings, constantly tired, and always needing to pee! But it will all be worth it when the parents see their child.
    Wait, what the freaking hell was that?! I'm being emotional, what the hell?! I need to stop being around klaine so much. They are too cute and sentimental, oh god...

    "Hey Blaine!" I called from my room, it was about 5:30pm. Two hours ago I took a nap, and now I can't get the hell up! "What Satan?" He replied from his and Kurt's room. I also really like the choice of nickname. Blaine then came into my room, without a shirt on.
    "Wait, you don't have one of your Hobbit shirts on, what were you and Lady Hummel about to do?" I asked with a disgusted look on my face.

    Then a bright, red, cherry colored blush formed on his already pink cheeks.
    "Wanky goes the two teen gays!" I said flaring my arms above my head. "Whatever Satan, what do you need?" He asked me. "I need help up, I am six months pregnant, and it looks like I'm going to end up having twins!" I said slightly annoyed. Blaine then helped me up and I wobbled a little bit before finding my balance. My feet were purple and swollen, and my stomach looked like a pumpkin.

    "You okay?" Blaine asked a little concerned. "Yeah, just trying to stand!" I said sarcastically. "You can go, thank you so much!" I said to him. As he walked out, I stared at my pregnant belly. 'Only 3 more months of all of this' I said to myself.
    I then looked at the time and realized I had been staring at my stomach for at least 10 minutes. I then decided to go and ask Kurt and Blaine if they wanted to watch a movie with me. I walked over to their bedroom and heard them talking. So I eavesdropped.
    "Are you sure Kurt?"
    "Yes, I want this, and I know you do too"
    "Okay, I can't believe it! We're going to have kids!"

    Then I heard those five words, 'We're. Going. To. Have. Kids.' You know what?
    I think I just found the perfect people to care for the baby I'm carrying in my stomach...

Okay, here is the next chapter, what do you think will happen to Rachel? Also Klaine is having kids!!!! Also just wanted to say happy 29th birthday to Darren! He is BAE. This story has made it so far. Thanks to everyone who has ever read, commented, or voted for this story. Love you guys! Stay tuned, stuff is getting real...

How big Santana is, is down below:

How big Santana is, is down below:

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