15-I like someone else

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Santana POV:
    There he is! Even though I like girls, I will strongly admit he is cute. "There you are!" I said running up to him, "Is it true? Are you really pregnant?" He asked me. I then lifted up my shirt and it showed my 3 month old baby bump.

"Brody?!" Rachel screamed as she looked at Brody by my side. "Wait you guys know each other?" I asked Rachel. "Uh, yeah! Brody is my boyfriend!" Rachel said trying not to break into tears. "Brody is your boyfriend?" I said to Rachel then turning to look at Brody. "Wait, that night at the party you had nothing to drink! We were hanging out! Why would you do that?!" I yelled at Brody.

    "See Rachel! I told you that he was sleeping with other girls!" Kurt said pointing at Brody but looking directly at Rachel. "I know, and I'm sorry I didn't believe you guys, I wish I had never met him" Rachel said coldly and walked back into our apartment.

Rachel's POV:
I can't believe Brody would do this to me! I loved him, or at least I thought I did. Honestly before Brody, I had tried dating other guys, 3 to be exact. They all had something wrong with them. A drug addict, an abuser, a person who lies and said he hates me, and now a slut!

I need Finn, he was the love of my life, and he treated me right and loved me back. What I would do to have him back is unspeakable. Life sucks! I hate it! I wish I could see him...

Finn's POV: (yes I brought it back)
Oh my god Rachel! I have been watching them for a while. I can't believe he would do that to Rachel, the most beautiful, loving, sweetest person in the entire world! I need Rachel.
Also apparently Kurt and Blaine are getting married in 5 days! I am really happy for them, he deserves a happy life, he doesn't know, but I saw his scars. I was the one who took his box before I, went.

I hid it somewhere he could never find it, literally. I went to a deep lake and threw the small objects in the lake. He doesn't know, and he never will know.

4 days later...
Kurt's POV:
The wedding is tomorrow! I am honestly freaking out! But I can't let Blaine know, then he will freak out. We are ready, flowers, tuxes, dresses, food, music, and a lot more that I just forgot!
But what if something goes wrong? A fire, earthquake, someone objects at the wedding, or worse, he realizes he doesn't love me anymore.

I hope this is just some pre wedding jitters, because I am totally freaking out! Damn it Kurt, calm yourself! The wedding is tomorrow, your okay. You look freaking fabulous, your outfit is perfection, and Blaine does love you. But what if he changes his mind?

Blaine's POV:
Oh my hell! The wedding is tomorrow, we are ready, but I'm scared! Months ago I was so excited, but now? I am scared to death.
Hopefully he won't change his mind, I can't live with that, I feel like I'm hanging by a tiny thread.

Better get to bed, it's 8:30, but we have to get up in exactly 8 hours, and Kurt will kill me if he doesn't get his beauty sleep. I think that won't work, he is already too beautiful.

The next day:
"Wake up!" I yelled throwing. Pillow at my soon-to-be husband. "Let me sleep" he mumbled sleepily. "The wedding is today, you have to get up" I said smacking him repeatedly with my pillow. "If you stop, I'll get up" Kurt said shooting up from our bed.
"Also, stop yelling, Santana and Rachel are probably sleeping" Kurt hissed at me.

"Don't worry we're awake prancy elf!" I heard Santana yell at Kurt. "Bite me hobbit" Kurt said back. "Hey that's Blaine's nickname, not yours pretty pony" Santana hissed at Kurt while walking in the bedroom. "Don't mess with me today, if you piss me off I will get up in your grill" Kurt said obviously already pissed off.

Kurt's POV:
I am pissed off. Just don't mess with me today, I will go back to Lima and get a slushy specifically to throw in your face. So I'd watch your back!!!!

Santana POV:
Rachel is mad at me! Why is she mad at me? I didn't do anything, well I did agree to doing stuff with him, but he took advantage of me! I was freaking drunk!

    "Rachel can we talk?" I asked as I peeked inside the room. "I don't want to talk to you!" Rachel screamed at me. "Hey lets get along! It's a special day, I'm already stressing enough!" Kurt said while walking into the room.
    "Okay, I will be good to you, only for today!" Rachel said with an evil smile.

    "Can we talk about it though? I am so sorry but-" I cut myself off with a sob. "Fine I'll talk" Rachel said rolling her eyes and motioned for me to come in. "Rachel, I am sorry, he took advantage of me while I was drunk. If it makes you feel any better, Brittany kicked me out of her apartment and gave me a half hour to get my stuff, she doesn't want to see me ever again." I said looking down.
    "I'll forgive you, not just because of their wedding, but I realized I shouldn't be mad at you. I'm sorry, forgive me?" Rachel asked me.

    "Yes" I said and we hugged, is it weird that I felt sparks with her touch?

Kurt's POV:
    "Hey babe" I heard Blaine call me. "Yeah?" I replied, "I am going over to sam's, the guys and I are having a small party, and don't worry, no drinking or anything like that" he informed me. "Okay, Mercedes and others are coming over here, I love you" I said back to him with tears in my eyes.

    "Hey, why are you crying?" He said pulling me into a hug. "I am just so happy, but so nervous" I said wiping my tears. "It's okay, I love you so much, I'll see you at the altar" Blaine said. Then he kissed me deeply, it lasted for like 2 minutes until Santana walked in. "Wanky goes the two gay Winklevii twins" Santana  said while clapping.

    "Okay I'm going to go, love you, see you later!" Blaine said and then walked out.

45 minutes later...
    *knock knock* I went to the door and there was Mercedes, Tina, and Brittany, uh oh. "Hey!" Mercedes said to me. "Hey thank you guys for helping me out, I am freaking out!" I said to her.

    "Who's at the door?" Santana said walking in, then Brittany and Santana just stared at each other for a second then Brittany's eyes wandered to Santana's stomach. The shirt she was wearing was really tight so it showed off her baby bump well. Santana then burst into tears and ran into her bedroom. "I'll go after her" I said and ran into her room.

    "Are you okay?" I asked as I sat down next to her. "Can you keep a secret?" Santana asked me really quietly so no one could hear us. "Yeah, what is it?" I asked kind of worried, "I looked at Brittany and I felt really guilty" she paused. "About what?" I asked, we were still being really quiet.

    "I looked at her and I knew she was my first love, but I felt guilty because I like someone else now" she said wiping her tears. "Who?" I said, "she, well you know her very well, just don't tell!" She said defensively, "it's..."

Who does Santana like now? Kurt knows her very well too! Also as you can see I changed Santana's baby daddy too. Enjoy this chapter! The next one will definitely be the wedding! I promise!!!! Love you turtles!           🐢🐢🐢🐢 see ya soon!

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