22-I'm Back Bitches!

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1 week later: Rachel's POV:
    Today is the day that I can finally go home! I am now healthy enough, my body is still a bit slim, but I gained some of the weight back. I am now getting my regular clothes on and waiting for Santana to pick me up.

"Rachel?" A voice said as I turned around, it was a person in a black jacket, they were covering their face. "Who are you?" I asked the mysterious guy.
"Santana told me to come and pick you up. Don't worry, I won't kill you" he said with a light chuckle.

"Okay" I said following him out, he sounded a lot like Kurt, but his voice was a little deeper. Who is this guy? And what the hell does he want? Money? Jewelry? What angle is he playing?

Mysterious Guy's POV:
Im back bitches! And no, I am not going to kill Rachel! I need her help with something very important.

We got into my car, it was a dark red,and required different tricks to get it started. "What are you doing to your car?" Rachel asked me. "It's called my car sucks" I said while kicking the bumper. "Your not kidnapping me, right?" She said being really scared.
"No, of course not Rachel, I'm a close friend, but I can't be shown just yet" I said while opening the door for her.

"So the creepy guy is a gentleman" she said. "Yes I am, I can be a bitch, but I can be nice" I replied. Then I brought her back to her place, I know for a fact that Santana is hanging out with Brittany, Kurt is at classes, and Blaine is at work. Don't ask me how I know that.

"Can I go in with you?" I asked. "Yes, come on! Follow me" she replied.

Once we were in her bedroom, I braced myself, I was now going to show her who I really was. "Okay, first of all, don't freak out, I already am!" Then I took off my jacket, and my sunglasses. Now showing my messed up light brown, chestnut hair, and my Glasz eyes.
"Oh my god!" Rachel said appalled. "You look exactly like him!" Rachel gasped. I can't believe I'm doing this, I traveled 2,922 miles to do this.

"I know, it's so real it's scary, but before you say anything, I'm not him!" I exclaimed putting my hands up in defense. "Also, don't tell anyone yet, I will. My whole school doesn't even know I'm here, or alive for that matter!" I said to her.
"I won't, but please explain this to me!" She said with wide eyes. I never noticed how beautiful her brown eyes were. I then started to explain everything about my life.
After an awkward silence, I finally got he courage....to ask her out.

"Hey Rachel? This might be a bit weird and sudden, but would you like to go on a....date?" I asked putting my head down. "I-I mean you, you are beautiful, kind, and very funny from what I know. I-I don't know" I stuttered out.
"Yes" she said. "How about a place called the Spotlight Diner? We can go tonight, Blaine won't be working" she said to me with a smile.

Was she for real? She wants to go on a date with me? Carson? I never thought a girl would like me like that. But now I'm going on a date.

Rachel's POV:
Later that night, I was getting ready, Carson said he had a hotel, but I am going to try to get him to live with the 4 of us, but without them knowing.

We were meeting at 7pm, so I am leaving now (6:30pm) so I can make it there in time. My dress was a Long-sleeved pink lace dress that went down to my knees. "Where are you going?" Kurt asked me suspiciously as I was going out to the door.

"On a date" I simply said. "Ooh! With who?!" He said in a singsong voice while clapping his hands together. "A guy named Carson, you can't meet him yet. I'll be back around 9 or 10" I said as I ran out the door and went to the diner to meet my date.

Okay I know, I brought Carson into this, and his love interest is Rachel. I had this idea and I just died because I thought it was just perfect. I'm also trying to ruin my friends life by doing these plot twists!

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