24-The Truth

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Carson's POV:
Well, shit to fucking hell! I might've just screwed Kurt's life up. Remember when I did that research on him? Apparently he is gay and is married to Blaine. I don't have anything against gay people, I don't care if your gay, straight, bi, lesbian, or a purple unicorn. I'm not that inconsiderate.

    "Hello?" I heard a males voice say as he came in through (what sounded like) the front door. "Oh thank god your home!" I heard Rachel say.

    "Rachel, can I come out now?" I said out loud. "Who is that?" The voice said. Before I could get an answer, I heard Blaine's curtain open. Uh oh.

    So I peeked out of Rachel's curtain so I could see the whole thing that was about to go down. "Kurt I'm going to talk, and you're going to listen" Blaine said straight to Kurt. "Wait, what?" Kurt said really confused.
    "Don't 'what' me! If you were questioning your sexuality, you could've told me!" He yelled at Kurt.

    "What do you mean? I am 100% gay! I like boys, not girls!" Kurt scolded him. "Then why were you kissing Rachel? Out of all girls, it had to be Rachel!" Blaine said now pissed as hell.

    "Okay, what the hell are you talking about? I did not kiss Rachel!" Kurt said back. "Don't lie to me! If your going to be like this, maybe we just shouldn't be married!" Blaine shouted. I couldn't take it anymore, so I opened the curtains and stepped out.

    "Stop! I kissed Rachel! Kurt didn't, it looked like he did because he is my twin brother!" I yelled. "Oh, what the hell!" Kurt said. They were both staring at me wide eyed. "What? How? You look exactly like me!" Kurt exclaimed. I didn't want to give him the 'birds and the bees' talk, so I just said something else, "No shit Sherlock! We are twin brothers!" I shouted back.

    "How?" Kurt said again.
So I started to explain.

    "Holy hell! We are twin brothers!" Kurt said. "Why didn't you come and find me sooner?" Kurt asked me. "I didn't get told until like a month ago!" I also had to travel from California to here" I said to him.

    To break the now awkward silence, I decided to say something, "I should get going, I need to drive to my hotel"
    "No. Your staying here. We don't have another room, but we can make it super comfortable on the couch!" Kurt said to me.
    "Okay" I gave in. "No, he can sleep in my room, he is my....boyfriend" Rachel said with a bright red blush. "You guys are dating? Oh this is the Carson!" Kurt said smiling.

    It feels weird to have someone actually care for me. My mom is a bitch, that is where I get the term, 'son of a bitch.' And my dad didn't care for me at all. But my high school peers, they all despise me, like literally hate me! But when I supposably die, everyone all of a sudden cares! What the hell!

    After thinking all of that, I realized I was actually crying. First time in forever, am I right?

    "Carson? Are you okay?" Kurt asked me. "Yeah, I just don't think anyone has ever actually cared for me in my life" I said with tears streaming down my face. Then all of a sudden, all of them gathered around and hugged me.

    I honestly have never felt so loved.

Kurt's POV:
    Oh my god, I have a brother, and actual brother. Blood and all.

    "Kurt, can I talk to you?" Blaine asked. "Yeah, we need to talk" I said pulling him into our room.
    "I'm sorry, apparently I walked in on Carson and Rachel, not you and Rachel," he said apologetically.

    "It's fine, I can now see why you would think that. We are literal twins, the only thing different is our clothes!" I said flabbergasted. "Yeah, let's go. We can all hang out" Blaine said.

    Later, we all walked out, hopefully  for some brother bonding.

Okay, yeah, this is weird I know! Carson crying? Well that happened! Enjoy and stay tuned!

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