35- He Knows

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Santana's POV:
    So something is wrong with Kurt.

    But what?

    "Kurt, you need to go," I sternly told him.
    "No I don't, you wouldn't be able to tell at first anyways!" He yelled at me.

    The receptionist was staring at us, luckily there was no one else in the room.

    "Kurt what do you mean?" Blaine asked him.

    Kurt just looked up at him and then he fainted.

    So I ran up to the receptionist and said, "we need a doctor stat!"

    She got her grey colored beeper out and paged a doctor.

Kurt's POV:
"Kurt, you need to go," Santana tried to tell me. There's no use, they can't save me.

"No I don't, you wouldn't be able to tell at first anyways!" I yelled.

My vision started to go blurry again, but I ignored it.

"Kurt, what do you mean?" Blaine questioned while looking deep into my eyes with worry.

Then my vision just blackened like the abyss I would sooner or later join.

Blaine's POV:
    Kurt needs to tell me what's wrong, now.

    He knows but he won't say.

    I need to get it out of him somehow.

    This is not healthy, not for him, not for me, or our child. Tracy won't be able to stand it if he's gone while she grows up.

    Maybe he'll get better.

    With time...

A/N: I'm so sorry this is so short. And I'm so sorry it took me almost a month to write again. I've been doing other stuff and guess what? I AM FINALLY OUT IF SCHOOL!!!! Yay maybe I can write more! Next chapter will be WAY LONGER, so hang tight and stay tuned...🐢🐢

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