17-Gone for good

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Santana's POV:
Last night was kind of blur...
The last thing I remember is being at Kurt and Blaine's wedding, then I went home with Rachel. Then something happens, did we? I looked over and I saw Rachel naked, laying next to me.

"Ahh!" I shrieked. Then I heard footsteps coming near us, "what's wrong? Oh my god!" Kurt said as he entered the room littered with our clothes. "You guys hooked up?" Blaine asked a little horrified.
"What's going- oh my god!" Rachel said as she woke up. "Wait, why is there a camera? Did you record it!?" Rachel yelled while covering herself with a blanket and looking for her clothes.

"I don't remember, we were drunk I think" I said. "Well we are going to go, we have to leave for the airport in 2 hours" Kurt said walking away. "You didn't hurt your baby right?" Blaine asked worried. "No, I don't think so" I said also trying to find my clothes.

2 hours later:
"Rachel, can we talk? I'm sorry, I wasn't thinking, I was drunk and I have baby hormones" I said trying to talk to Rachel. "No, I don't want to talk to you!" Rachel shouted at me.

"Hey, we're leaving now" Blaine said walking in. "Okay, have a good time!" I said with a friendly wave. Now Rachel and I are alone, let's try not to kill each other.

Rachel's POV:
Why does life suck so much! First I ignore Kurt, then all my boyfriends hate me, then I slept with Santana! Luckily I can't get pregnant from her.
I can't take this shit anymore! I hat this so much! Kurt and Blaine didn't even say bye, do they even care anymore?

I really need Finn, I love him so much, he kept me strong and loved me in every way possible. I need to do something about this, I don't want to feel anymore.

Actually I know what I want to do...

Santana's POV:
It's actually quiet around here, what is up with Berry? Is she still mad at me? She is usually doing things, with Kurt and Blaine gone. It is never this quiet. Life sucks, but I am staying strong, I will not let this pregnancy get in my way.

I am going to give the baby up for adoption, today I am actually going to the doctors to see the gender of my baby. I know I am supposed to see the gender in my like, 20-24th week, but I wanted to wait. "Rachel, I know you probably don't care, but I am going to my doctors appointment, see you later!" I said and left.

In the exam room:
"So you want to see the sex of your baby today?" The doctor asked me. "Yes, I'm ready" I said finally ready to do this. "Okay, you are having a girl!" The doctor said with a smile on her face.

"The baby is about 6.7 centimeters, from crown to rump" she said to me. I looked down at me stomach and it was pretty big, but I actually liked it for some reason.

At home:
As I walked into the apartment, it was completely silent. "Rachel I'm here!" I said. I waited like 2 minutes and no response. "Okay Rachel, you're scaring me, please rustle around or make a sound, or something?!" I shouted into oblivion.

I got mad and scared, what if something is wrong, or she left. But I need to check on her, just to be safe. "Rachel?" I said, and the I walked into her room. "Rachel? Are you sleeping?" I said as I walked up to her.

Her chest wasn't moving...

Rachel's POV: *flashback*
I am done with life, no one would care anyways.
Life is stupid, love is stupid, actually no, it's not. I want and need my true love, another reason to go away. So I walked into bathroom and got my anti-anxiety pills, I still had 34 left. I do get anxiety like really badly sometimes, so that is why I have them.

So I grabbed them and popped open the bottle. I took about, well, all of them. I then walked into my bedroom and layed down. I don't want it to hurt, I want to go away in my sleep. Then I slowly started to lose consciousness, then I was gone...

Kurt's POV:
*ring ring* I heard the ringtone Valerie playing, so it was Santana. "Hang on Blaine," I said getting off of him. I answered the phone, "hey Santana what's up?" I said to Santana through the phone. "Kurt! The paramedics are here!" Santana said sobbing really loudly.

"What? Why? What's wrong?" I said standing up from the bed I was sitting on. "Hang on, one of the paramedics wants to talk to me" she said, I was getting really worried now.

After some mumbling, Santana finally came back onto the phone, was Rachel okay? What the freaking hell is going on here!!!!
"She's dead, Kurt! Rachel! She's dead! She overdosed on pills, the paramedics said she took at least 30!" Santana said crying uncontrollably. "Oh my god! We're coming home, we will see you tomorrow" I said and turned to Blaine.

"We are leaving tonight Blaine" I said to him. "Why, what's wrong?!" He said now standing up from the bed.

"It's Rachel, she's dead"...

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