37- Big Surprises

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Rachel's POV:
Sydney was currently with Santana and Brittany, so now Carson and I are on a date.

Carson was taking me to his car and he was being such a gentleman, he opened the door for me and held my hand the whole way.

When I finally realized where we were, I was amused, but shocked.

It was an Italian restaurant, a fancy, expensive one.

To get in you need a reservation and it had chandeliers and fancy wine and it was beautiful.

"Carson, this is a really expensive restaurant," I stated.

"I know, I saved up a bunch of money so we could go here to have dinner, and then I booked us a night in a hotel suite." He told me.

"Aww, you didn't have to do all of that! We could've just had a small dinner and watched a movie at home,"

"Well, I needed something that would tell you even more about how much I love you, Rachel, you're my soulmate."

I blushed and I let him take my hand so we could walk into the restaurant together.


After dinner, Carson took me to our hotel room, it was in a five star hotel and the room was beautiful.

The room was a cute red color and it had a huge bed (A/N:😏), a gigantic tv, then outside was the perfect view. The bathroom had a medium sized jacuzzi, and almost too many mirrors.

You could guess what we did when we first got into the room.

But after 2 rounds, we decided to get out robes on and relax. So we both agreed to watch tv for a little bit.

Then Carson turned off the tv and turned around on the bed to look at me.

"Rachel, you are an amazing girl. I love you so godamn much, and I could not ever live without you." He started saying to me, he looked a little nervous about what was going to happen. Is he breaking up with me?

"Rachel, oh my god, you are beautiful, kind, sweet, attractive, and so much more. There are no ways to describe you because I couldn't ever find the words. I love you so godamn much, and I want to spend forever and more with you."

By this point I was tearing up. My eyes brimming with hot tears as I realize what he is trying to say.

"As much as I love to write, I can't think of many more words to describe you Rachel Berry, you're just that amazing. So with that said," Carson then pulled out a black velvet box with a silver band with 5 small diamonds in the middle. "Rachel Barbra Berry, will you marry me?"

I looked into his blue eyes and could see the love and the tears threatening to spill out. But I only had one answer.

"Carson..." I started as another year fell down my cheek. "Yes, of course I'll marry you."

"Wait, yes?"


"Oh my god you said yes!"

I jumped over the couple feet to hug my fiancé. He wrapped his arms around me and hugged me tight as we both were crying.

I pulled back and smiled. He brought his hands to my face and wiped my tears with his thumbs. Then Carson looked at the box that still laid in his hand and he grabbed the beautiful, silver ring and gestured for me to give him my left hand. I put my left hand in his and he put the ring on my ring finger. All I could do was smile even more.

The rest of the night we laid on our bed and cuddled and just enjoyed each other, knowing just how much love we can give.

Blaine's POV:
    It was about nine o'clock at night. Kurt and I were watching reruns of Project Runway, it wasn't my favorite show, but I would watch it to make him happy.

    Multiple times I caught with my eyes that Kurt would put his hands to his head and scrunch up his face in pain.

    "Kurt, come here," I said to him.

    Kurt scooted closer and I wrapped my arms around him and held him close. He cuddle his face into my shoulder and started crying.
    "Kurt, baby, what's wrong?" I pulled away put my hands on his shoulders.

    "I'll tell you, just, can you just hold me right now?" He cried to me.

    "Of course," I pulled him to my chest and he just cried. I could feel the tears seeping though my shirt, but not through my undershirt.

    About ten minutes later, Kurt's sobs turned into sniffles. I pulled him up and wiped his tears away, his eyes seemed to be even more beautiful when he cried.

    "Do you want to tell me what's wrong now?" I looked into his eyes.

    Kurt took a deep breath and stood up. When he held out his hand, I got the hint, I took his hand and got up with him. We headed to our bedroom and sat down on the edge of the bed.

    "Blaine, as you and the rest of our friends have seen, I'm sick. It's not flu sick or anything, it's kinda like a genetic thing I guess. It was from my moms side of the family. And of course it got passed down to me," he choked on his words at the end as a tear fell down his cheek.

    I just held his hand and squeezed it for comfort.

    "Blaine, I love you so much. And it scares me that I fell this deep, because it's going to be impossible to say...goodbye." He said as he looked into my eyes.

    Goodbye? What the hell does that mean? I felt my chest jump and my heart beat fast when he said those last few words. "Kurt, what do you mean goodbye?" I asked the love of my life.

    "Blaine, cancer and things like that runs in my family. Like I said, it's from my moms side. Blaine, sweetie, what I'm trying to say is, I have a brain tumor. That's how my mom died and how her dad died too. I'm so sorry for not telling you. I didn't expect it to come this fast into my life, my mom was in her early 40's but I'm in my early 20's. We have a child. I wanted to relish in our happiness for a while before I'm completely gone, and I didn't want to go to the hospital because you can't tell this early, in like a few weeks before you go, you can finally tell." Kurt said with his most heart breaking voice as more tears fell down his face.

    "Kurt..." I started but was cut off by his sob mixed in with mine. I just reached my arms out an held on tightly to him. I can't grasp the concept of my beautiful husband who I have loved for so long, dying. So soon.

    "Is there any way to cure it?" I asked with a sad voice.

    I could feel his head shake indicating a no.

    We just held onto each other for the rest of the night, crying our hearts out until we officially cried ourselves to sleep.

Well, that was depressing. I'm so sorry for this drastic turn of events, but hey! Carson and Rachel got engaged! Yay!!! I'm so deeply sorry for how long I haven't written for, writers block, stress and just ugh. I'm going to go write another chapter bya turtles👌

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