36- Sydney

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Rachel's POV:
It's been a few years since my child has been born. Her name is Sydney Wyatt Phillips.

    She is almost 5 years old and she has Carson's eyes, and my brown hair.

    She is our perfect little angel. She is just great.

    But Kurt isn't doing so great.

    He seems okay now, but Santana and Blaine told me about the doctor visit. He fainted and of course, just like he said, the doctors said there was nothing wrong.

    But now, he is acting perfect, too perfect.

    He gets headaches sometimes, but he acts like it's nothing bad at all.

    But Carson and I, we are great.

    Since Brittany and Santana, and Kurt and Blaine moved out, we have had the place to ourselves.

    So it's been spacious, but just lovely. But I feel like since everyone moved out, all we are doing is having sex or taking care of a child. But hey, it's true.

    I was sitting on the green couch, sipping my green lemon tea, feeling the warm liquid fall down my throat.

    Sydney was currently with Brittany and Santana, they loved babysitting.

    Then Carson walked up to me.

    "So...you have no plans tonight, right?" He asked a little flushed.

    "Nope, I'd tell you if I did," I replied.

    "Well, I got Santana and Brittany to watch Sydney tonight also, and we are going out!" He said with a huge grin.

    "Aww babe, where are we going?"

    "Nope. It's a surprise!"

    "Come on, is it a restaurant? A rooftop look at the stars?"

    "You're not getting it out of me, so scotch over so we can cuddle and wait for Sydney to come back,"

    He knows I don't like surprises, but he can make it work. I don't I think I could ever get enough of him.

Santana's POV:
    Since me and Brittany don't have our own kids, we are the babysitters.

    We currently have Sydney with us.

    She is such a beautiful little girl, it makes me want to have my own child. But that can wait, unfortunately.

    Sydney is a little band geek as I call her. She likes to just sit on the couch and listen to music and sing along to a lot of it.

    No doubt she's Rachel's kid.

    As I was making lunch for her, Brittany walked in to get a cup of coffee. She wore a light purple shirt on that showed two kittens cuddling and a pair of short blue shorts.

    "Hey Britt," I greeted her.

    "Hey San, how is little Syd?" She replied.

    "Perfect. Not now, but she makes me want to have a kid of our own,"

    "I do want kids, just not at the moment, I like to babysit these little monsters,"

    "That's why we are also babysitting Syd tonight too! I suspect Carson and Rachel are going to get their wanky on tonight," I said waggling my eyebrows.

    But if we can hear them I will go all Lima Heights on their asses. I'd rather watch mine and Britts sex tape.

    "SYDNEY IT'S TIME FOR LUNCH!" I yelled to her.

    "Hello," the small brunette said as she walked into the kitchen.

    "Hey little one, I see that Santana made you a peanut butter and jelly sandwich, would you like a drink also?" Brittany said.

    "Sure!" Sydney said waving her hands in the air.

    When she was just a baby, she would eat like her life depended on it. She still hasn't changed.

    In about 5 minutes the sandwich was gone. But the milk we gave her was still sitting there, untouched.

    "Why didn't you drink your milk?" I asked Sydney.

    Then Sydney replied with, "I suspect that milk is just white water that comes from cow nipples..."

    I just stared for a second before moving on to a question she could answer truthfully.

    "Weren't you hungry?" Brittany said while picking her up.

    "Yes, I felt like I haven't eaten in days!" She complained dramatically.

    "I've got an idea! How about you and I do a duet?!" Brittany said happily.

    "Can we please?!" She squealed.

    "Yeah! Now what is your favorite song?" Britt asked her.

    "Umm, how about, Death Of Bachelor?" Sydney suggested.

    "Panic! At The Disco, right?" Brittany said.

    Panic! At The Disco was our favorite band and we knew all of the songs.

    Brittany went to the tv to go find the audio on YouTube, while I sat on the couch and watched.

    As the music started, Sydney grabbed a purple microphone and held it tightly to her lips as she took a deep breath and sang the first few lines.

Do I look lonely?
I see the shadows on my face
People have told me I don't look the same
Maybe I lost weight
I'm playing hooky
With the best of the best
Put my heart on my chest, so that you can see it too

    During the rest of the song, Brittany's and Sydney's voices poured into our apartment.

    Surprisingly for a five year old, she is really good!

    Sydney has a wide vocal range that booms out loud, it's like she took on Rachel's voice. She can hold notes longer than you expect her to hold them.

    "Oh my god Sydney! You are amazing!" Brittany said picking her up and twirling her around.

    "Thank you, but I probably wasn't that good at all," she said.

    "Don't let yourself down! You are actually so good! You are so your mother!" I commented.

    She blushed and ran to the couch to hug me and gestured to Brittany to come join us.

    Yeah, Sydney is going to be a good part in our lives.

A/N: OH MY GOD I AM SO SORRY I HAVEN'T UPDATED AT ALL!!!!!!!!!! And I said I was going to update more😑The child's name is Sydney and I got inspiration from my friend too! Also I am going to extend the chapter left I'm going to write and I want to say more about Sydney's life too! Also the child is based on a real person who is very special to me and they help with the inspiration too! So shout out to them! Also known as klaineotp101 they are amazing and awesome and go follow them and read their story!!!!! I'll try to update soon! BYA!!!🐢🐢🐢🐢🐢🐢🐢🐢🐢🐢🐢🐢

Also the picture on the top is real life Sydney and I made that😂😂😊

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