13- ➕The New Roomate and the Secret➕

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Before I start this story, I just wanted to give 2 shoutouts, one to Caitlin_palfreyman  she is my best friend and I love her so much and she helps motivate me, along with randomgirly4 she gives the best comments and also keeps me motivated! Also over 100 reads!? That is ridiculous! Thank you guys so much! Also the plus signs are the clue...

3 months later:
Blaine's POV:
    Oh my god we are so close to the wedding date!!!! Only 17 more days! I am going to tell him today though, I am so scared, what if he freaks out and says no? You know what? Blaine Devon Anderson, you are not backing out on this! You guys are soulmates, he is the hottest guy alive and you want to marry him!

"Kurt?" I said while I sat up from our bed, I looked around and he wasn't anywhere. "Wait! Don't you dare get out of bed!" I heard Kurt say from the kitchen. Rachel was again at Brody's house, again! I agree with Kurt, he can in hole and rot, and die, plus Kurt and I figured out that Brody is a slut. He is though! We told Rachel but she won't believe us, I swear that girl.

"What are you doing? I smell stuff!" I yelled at him. "What kinda stuff?" He said seductively as he poked his head into the room. "Because I can tell you haven't gotten in the bathroom and gotten ready, because I can't smell your raspberry hair gel. But what you smell is our breakfast" Kurt said bring in 2 plates of food on a tray. "Aww Kurt, you do this for us at least  twice a week, I need to do something for you!" I said with a huge grin and my eyes wide.
    "You know you don't have too. I love doing this for you, I love doing this for us" he said and kissed my nose. I looked down at the food, it was pieces of bacon spelling out 'I', then a mini pancake in the middle that was shaped into a heart, and then more pieces of bacon spelling out 'U'.

    "I love you too" I said and kissed him passionately. "Let's eat" Kurt said pulling back. Moments later I saw some whipped cream on the side of his mouth from his pancakes. I leaned over and licked it off, "hey!" He said with a smile. I smiled back into his beautiful Glasz eyes, every time I look into them, I fall in love all over again.

"I also have some here" Kurt said pointing to his bottom lip.
"No you don't"
"I know, I just wanted you to kiss me"
"Well, then you have whipped cream all over your lips"
"Why don't you get it?"
I leaned over and kissed him, then we almost knocked the leftover food we didn't eat yet. "Let me move this first" he said taking our plates and putting it on the tray and moving it to the ground.

Then he got back up and kissed me back. Then I layed him down and climbed on top of him, right then we heard a voice behind us. "Wanky, good thing Rachel's not home!"

I got off of Kurt and we both looked to see Santana.

Santana's POV:
I was in New York now, my life awaits. I remembered back in high school where one of them, either Kurt or Rachel (I can't remember) told me if I needed a hand I could go live with them in New York with them and Blaine. Now here I am!

I walked into their apartment, it looked really nice, they did freaking amazing with the place. Where my bitches at? I looked into one room and instantly realized it was Rachel's room. It was so many damn stars! I want to smack things out of her head, I would say but those are words I can't say out loud with people around.

    I saw another room, well not really a room, they were separated by sheets. I mean, what if Rachel comes home with a guy, or Kurt and Blaine with each other? Will they just listen to each other? I mean wanky! But that is just too deep. We don't need Snix getting out.

I walked over to the second 'room' and walked right in. I saw Blaine on top of Kurt, I know I promised not to, but a million awesome gay jokes just popped into my head. Mostly because some kinky gay shit is going on. So I decided to speak up, "Wanky, good thing Rachel's not home!" I said they stopped sucking each other's faces and turned around and looked at me dead in the eyes.

"Santana! What are you doing here!?" Kurt said with his famous 'bitch please' face. If looks could kill, I would be so dead.

Then I remembered, Kurt was the one who told me to move in with them! Damn I'm good! "Remember at graduation you said I could move in with you guys? Well, now I am" I said with a smile. "Oh yeah, okay we can make you another room with the space we have left" Kurt replied.
"Okay thank you, I really love you for this, thank you so much, I am having a really bad week, well month, Brittany and I broke up" I said, I felt my eyes getting watery, then I broke out in a sob.

"Santana come here" Blaine said opening his arms and Kurt following his lead. I ran into both of there arms and just cried my heart out.

"What happened?" Kurt asked me, "if you don't mind us asking" Blaine added. "I'll tell you, can you just give me a minute?" I said as I walked out of there room.

A minute later I walked back in, "I need to grab something from the gas station, "I'll be back in like 10-15 minutes" I said to them and walked out of the bathroom.

25 minutes later:
I walked back in and yelled to them "I'm back, but I'll be few minutes, need to use the bathroom bad, also if I come back and you guys are getting it on again, Snix will come out!!"

I then walked into the bathroom and locked it, no one can find out, not yet. I did what I needed to do, and this was now the 5th time I've done this, I need to be completely sure. Brittany found out and she broke up with me, I can't lose anyone else.

Finally the 2 minutes were up, I looked at the stick and cried a little more.

"I really am pregnant"

Okay I know I haven't updated in awhile, but I honestly had writers block and had no clue what to right! But as I got into I came up with amazing ideas and got my mojo back, stay tuned. When will Rachel dump that slut you call Brody? When will Santana tell them? Or will they find out themselves? Stay tuned for the next chapter of My Soulmate...

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