29- Firsts

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4 months later...
Kurt's POV:
It was three in the morning, I woke up to screaming and crying. Before I could get up, Blaine was right beside the crib cradling Tracy in just his boxers. I couldn't help but stare.

"Hey we already have a child," he joked quietly. We didn't want to wake up Satan. "Oh shut up," I whispered back.

I then got out of our comfortable bed and walked over to him, "she doing okay now?"
"Yep, probably just the midnight madness," he said and winked.
"Okay, stop it, I don't want to start singing right now!" I said while smacking him on the shoulder playfully.

"She is getting so big," I said while staring at her.

For the next few minutes, Blaine and I just stared down at her admired by her beauty. We were so lucky to have such pretty little girls. Tracy then gave a small yawn and reached her tiny hands down and she grabbed Blaine's finger.

I saw that he had tears in his eyes.

"Blaine, baby, are you okay?" I whispered in his ear. "Yeah, I'm just-I love her, and you so much. I could never let any of you go again," Blaine said while leaning into me.

I wrapped one of my arms around him and used my other to help support our baby girl.

We were very lucky.

7 1/2 months later...
Kurt's POV:
Over the past 7 months, Tracy has grown quite a bit.

Blaine and I were off of work, so we were playing with Tracy. Tracy was in her high chair and she was just being beautiful like she usually does.

Tracy was now almost a year old, she had a tiny bit more of brown hair on her head. She had the most beautiful glasz eyes now, they were more bright then ever!

    She is so damn beautiful.

    Then she started making sounds, like she was trying to talk.

    "Blaine! She's trying to talk!" I said cooing at her.

    "Rachel! Carson! Satan! Get over here!" I yelled throughout the apartment. "What do you want?" Satan said while coming out of her room with Brittany, Brittany was staying over with Santana.

    Then Carson and Rachel were coming out of their room.

    They walked over to us and Tracy, "Tracy, she's trying to talk!" I said with clear joy in my voice.

    "Oh my god!" Rachel said.
    "Aww," Santana said.
    "Santana, that's partially your kid!" Britt said smiling.
    "Yay!" Carson said clapping his hands.

    Then Tracy said her very first words, "Daddas?"

    "Oh my god! She's talking about us!" Blaine said smiling wide. Tracy just looked at Blaine and I and said, "Daddas!" She was clapping her hands together happily.

    So I unstrapped her from her high chair and took her into my arms. She started to kick a little bit, so I set her down on the carpet. She probably wanted to crawl around, she loved to try to explore the house.

    Then it happened. Tracy crawled a few feet towards us and she steadied her arms and slowly brought herself to her feet.

    "Oh my god Kurt!" Rachel said, while jumping up and down.

    Tracy then ran/stumbled very slowly to Blaine and hugged his legs.

    "Killed two birds with one stone today! She can somewhat walk and talk!" Carson said while giving me a hug, I hugged him back and tears were stinging in my eyes.

    After Carson pulled back, Blaine picked up Tracy and brought me into a hug. Then he gestured for everyone else to join in. We all had a big hug, and then everyone went along with their business after freaking out a little bit.

    Blaine and I took Tracy into our room and set her down on our bed. Blaine and I shared a passion filled kiss before giving Tracy a kiss on both of her cheeks which made her go into a fit of giggles. She was one of the most precious things in our lives.

    "Momma?" Tracy then said.
    "Your mommy is with her girlfriend right now. Should we take her to go see Satan?" I asked my husband.
    "Careful, don't say that around her," Blaine said back.

    "But yes, let's go!" He said while picking up Tracy and walking out of our bedroom.

    When we were almost to her curtain, Blaine set down Tracy. Tracy made her way to her feet and she walked her way to Santana's curtain.

    She then started to slap the curtain with her tiny pink hands.

    "Hang on, hold your llamas!" We heard Santana say to whoever was pounding on her curtain.

    Then Santana opened her curtain up and she looked confused, she saw us, and gave us a questionable look. I looked down to tell her to look down.

    She looked down and saw Tracy.
    "Mama?" She said.

    Santana looked at her in awe. She then picked her up and kissed her head, "yes, I'm your mommy," she said to the baby girl.

    Tracy was growing up, and thankfully not too fast.

A/N: okay a few time jumps here, this book will be ending very soon, I'm going to say probably an estimate of  5-8 more chapters left. Tracy is growing up fast, first/second words and walking for the first time. There will be a time jump to 3 years old next chapter, but not at first, first there will be her first birthday! See y'all later🐢🐢🐢🐢

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