7-Protective dad

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Kurt's POV:
    Tomorrow I am so supposed to get my NYADA letter, so is Blaine. I am freaking out! Just 2 years ago I thought I would be stuck in the Lima Bean cow town forever. But now my life is great! Ever since Blaine came into my life everything changed. Now he is my fiancé, we graduated, the bullying stopped, and we might be getting into NYADA. Might? No, we are going to get in.

Blaine's POV:
    Life is good, Kurt is my fiancé, and he'll get into NYADA. I don't think I will get in though.

Kurt's POV:
    Any minute Blaine should be coming over, it's been 2 days since graduation and my dad wants to talk to both of us about this. By "this" I mean the engagement.
    After I want Blaine and I to just sit on the couch and have cuddle night. Cuddle night for us is when we cuddle up with pillows and blankets and watch movies for the night. It is fun, trust me.

    *ding dong* That must be Blaine now! "Hey!" I said when I saw Blaine standing at the door. "Hey! I got these for you!" Blaine said while handing me a bouquet of red and yellow roses. "Thanks I love you so much! You are so sweet!" I said to him and gave him a kiss. Then I realized my dad was right there...

"Dad, this is boyf- fiancé" I corrected myself. "I just wanted to talk to you boys about this" my dad told us. "I'm sorry sir, I should've talked to you about this, but I wanted it to be perfect and-" he was cut off by my dad. "It's fine Blaine is it? I just want to know that you'll take good care of my son, and please, call me Burt" "okay, Burt, I love Kurt and I would never intentionally hurt him. He is the love of my life" Blaine said back, I was blushing bright red.

"I can tell because of how much Kurt is blushing right now" my dad said which made me blush even harder. "And I love him too" I said as I have Blaine a kiss on the cheek. "Okay you to have your little movie night, and Kurt, no funny business!" my dad yelled to us. "DAD!" I said.
"Sorry Blaine I know he-" I was a cut off by a kiss, "it's fine, I just love you so much, and you and your dad have a better relationship than me and my dad" Blaine commented.

Blaine's POV:
About 15 minutes later we were eating popcorn and watching a movie. Then Kurt went to go to the bathroom, his phone rang with the defying gravity song.

I wasn't snooping, I just saw the text on his lock screen and it said 'I am sorry for the way I've been acting towards you, and I saw you at the store and your outfit was cute'. Is Kurt cheating on me?

I know it was pretty short but it did seem intense at the end. But it is Kurt cheating on Blaine?

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