23-A New Romance

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Carson's POV:
I am so nervous. It's a little awkward too, considering I am Kurt's twin brother. I know, confusing, let me explain.

Okay, basically Burt Hummel (Kurt's dad) and my mom Sheryl Phillips had us two, but apparently Burt loved someone else, so he took Kurt back to Lima, Ohio, his hometown. Sheryl found my dad, they fell in love, and he didn't care she had me. Then they 'fell' out of love. My mom finally told me the truth about me having a twin. So I did some research, he lived in New York.

I know what your thinking, "wasn't I struck by lightning that which killed me?" Well, I was struck by lightning, but I survived. I wanted to escape the shitty town of Clover, California. So I had an art student make a realistic version of me as a dummy. These people will believe anything, that's why I was the only one with an IQ size that is larger than my shoe. And I will not hesitate to remind people of that fact. So I got all my savings and I drove to New York, I had a lot of money.

"Hey!" Rachel said as she sat down, "sorry I'm late, my friends ask so many damn questions. I hope your not mad" she added. "Of course not" I replied.

We ate dinner and I walked her home. No one was going to be home until 6pm tomorrow, so we were going to hang out at her place. I really like her. "Thanks for an amazing night" she told me with a big grin. "No problem! Your pretty amazing!" I said back. Then we hugged, I felt warmth, and sparks.

As we pulled back, I stared into her brown eyes. I usually describe people that have brown eyes, as 'shit eyes'. But hers, they are beautiful. Then at that moment,we both leaned in, and kissed. Our lips colliding against each other, moving in sync.
After what felt like an eternity, we stopped to catch our breath. "Tomorrow?" She asked. "Most definitely" I replied back to her.

The next day: Rachel's POV:
Around 3pm, Carson came by. Right now, I don't care that he's Kurt's brother, I really like him. It all feels different with him than other guys.

"Hey beautiful" he said as he pecked my lips with a short kiss. "Hello handsome" I said back smiling. We decided on watching the musical Rent, of course I cried during the beginning when they sang Seasons of Love. But Carson held me and comforted me through it. Towards the end, we both kinda tuned out the movie, and we all of sudden leaned in and kissed hard.

    The normal kiss, turned into a steamy kiss, then into a hot make out session. It was now at the point, where I was laying down on the couch, and he was on top of me, all of it was just filled with lust and love.

    Then at that exact moment, the front door opened, and Blaine walked in. "What the hell?!" Blaine shouted.

    His shouting startled both of us, because Carson fell off of me and onto the floor while I just shot up. "I thought you said no one was going to be home until at least 6!" Carson said extremely scared. I would understand why, it looks like I was just making out with Blaine's husband.
    "Okay, seriously? Kurt! We are freaking married! And we're having a kid!" Blaine shouted at us.

    "And I'm guessing that's Blaine?" Carson asked me sarcastically. "What do you mean? We're married, remember?" Blaine said with tears in his eyes. "Blaine! It's not what you think, this isn't Kurt!"I said trying to explain. "No, don't talk to me" he said walking into his room.

    "Oh god, Rachel? am I going to die?" He asked with a scared chuckle. Then he continued, "I'm going to go" then he got up from the floor. "Don't, go in my room! Take a nap to cool off" I said while pushing him into my room.

    Kurt will be home any minute now, lets just hope that Kurt and Blaine won't completely murder the hell out of each other. Blaine just walked in on what looked like his fiancé, the love of his life, his soulmate, making out with his best friend who is his roommate, and also a girl!

    Oh god! What if they divorce?! That will be because of me! I wish Blaine could just hear me out and listen for 5 freaking minutes!!!!

Okay, happy Valentine's Day! I know, this is not very lovey dovey, besides the kissing part with Carson and Rachel. I'm really shipping them right now. Also, what will happen between Kurt and Blaine? Because this looks bad, really bad. Stay tuned to find out!!

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