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Kurt's POV:
    Later I got home and saw my dad. "Kurt? What the hell happened to you?!" He yelled at me. "Nothing, I just fell down, a lot, the floor was very slippery" I said and before he could answer back I ran upstairs to my room and locked the door.
    I ran into the bathroom and looked for my little black box in the back of the cabinet. It wasn't there...
    Then I pulled out my phone and decided to text Blaine.

Kurt: Blaine? Can I talk to you?
Blaine: yeah what's up?
Kurt: when I came home my dad was very suspicious about the bruises and cuts, he knows I'm lying!
Blaine: I know you don't want to hurt him but he is the parent. He is supposed to take care of you and worry about you, not the other way around...
Kurt: okay thank you, why are you being so nice to me? I'm hated by basically everyone!
Blaine: you are amazing! Just undeniably perfect, if not to everyone else, then to me.
    Blaine is being so nice and sweet, why? He is undeniably cute, but why me? Is this because we're soulmates?

Blaine: do you want to hang out at a field I know tomorrow? It is isolated so we could just talk...
Kurt: sure, that would be nice. See you tomorrow then?
Blaine: yeah cutie <3 goodnight!
Kurt: <3 goodnight!

    Did Blaine just call me cute? Maybe he likes me too? But I can't get too ahead of myself, I'll see him tomorrow.

Tomorrow after school:!still Kurt's POV
    "Hey stranger!" Blaine said to me at my locker. I waved at him "You don't wanna talk at school? That's fine we can wait till we get in my car or to the field." He said to me. I simply nodded yes.
Blaine's POV:
    Kurt is so fragile, just one simple move and I could mess it all up. I am thinking, maybe today at the field I'll confess my feeling for him. It honestly feels like I can tells him anything.
    "Hey what are you doing here lady? Trying to turn Blaine gay too?!" Karofsky said as he passes us. Then he dumped a bucket of glitter on both of our heads. "Come on Kurt, let's just go!" I told him, the. I grabbed his hand and we walked down the hall and out to my car.

Later at the field: (still Blaine's POV)
    "Like it? It's isolated and we can just talk, no one can bother us!" I said to him sweetly. "Yeah, I feel like I can trust you with everything, I know we're soulmates but it feels like I actually "know" you" he said back. "Yeah"
I replied.
    We got there around 3:20pm and it was now 4:30. Kurt and I just sat there talking, I feel like I know everything about him. Well it was now or never, he has to like me, I think I might love him. "Can I try something?" I asked the taller boy. "Yeah, what is it?" He replied with a soft, cute, wonderful smile. "Please, just stay still and don't talk until I'm done" I said to Kurt, I was scared how he would react.
    Then I put my hand on his cheek, leaned and kissed him. I felt fireworks! I must've done something right because he instantly kissed me back. After what felt like hours, we had to breathe so we pulled away. Kurt had a deep red blush on his face, I smiled and turned to him "sorry, I just really like you and we are soulmates, but why does it feel weird?" I asked him. "I really like you too, can we do that again?" He asked quietly, but quiet enough for me to hear.
    Our second kiss was just like the first, beautiful, amazing, just FIREWORKS.
     I honestly love this man...

Kurt's POV:
    I can't believe it, Blaine Devon Anderson likes me, and I like him back. He was my first kiss. I think I love him- wait I know, I love him.
    "I love you, oh my gosh, I'm sorry that was too sudden." I said to him. "It's fine, I love you too, I feel like we've known each other forever." He said to me. I didn't regret saying that to him. "Kurt Elizabeth Hummel, will you do me the honor of becoming my boyfriend?" He asked me.

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