14-Now you know

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Santana's POV:
"I really am pregnant"

I didn't want them to find out just yet, so I went to the trash can and put the stick in there, but then I grabbed some toilet paper and crunched it up and put it on top. I wanted to check one more time just to be sure, I have known this for 2 months, but I just told Brittany this month. If you couldn't tell I am on the 3rd month, Brittany noticed I have gained a few pounds, but then I told her what happened.

2 and a half months ago I went to a party while Brittany had to go on a trip with her parents for a week. It was the worst mistake I ever made.

"Hey pretty lady what's going on?" A new friend I made tonight said. "Nothing, just dancing and drinking!" I said very drunk. I had to admit, he was really cute with his brown hair and blue eyes. I was in New York because Brittany and I got an apartment. "How about you and I go get a hotel room?" The guy said to me seductively, "I'm a lesbian" I said sorrily. "Doesn't bother me if it doesn't bother you" he said looking into my eyes.

"Fine" I finally said, so we went and got a hotel room. Long story short, some things went down.

The next morning I woke up to a shirtless guy next to me, then I saw I wasn't wearing any clothes, and the bed was messed up. I just did something terrible. And his name was...

*flashback ends*

I then dried my tears and walked out of the bathroom and into Kurt and Blaine's room, thank god nothing too heated was going on! "Do you want to tell us now?" Blaine asked. "Can I not right now?" I asked them, "sure, of course" they said standing up. I instantly broke into new fresh tears. Then they both ran over to me and held me tight.

Rachel's POV:
I finally got back to my roommates and my apartment. I walked in and I heard crying, "Kurt? Blaine? What's wr-" I cut myself off as I ran into their room and saw Santana crying into their arms.

"First of all, not to be rude, but why is she here? And second of all, what's wrong?" I asked the 3 standing by the bed. "We don't know what's 'exactly' wrong, but Santana is going to stay here. I told her after graduation that she could come live with us if things got rough, and it did. Her and Brittany broke up" Kurt said for me.

"I'm so sorry Santana, what happened?" I asked Santana. "I'll tell everyone later, I'm not ready yet" Santana replied. "Okay, I respect that" I said, "woah, Rachel respects something?" Kurt said appalled. "Shut up!" I said sarcastically back.

1 week later:
Ugh, today is trash day, so I went into the bathroom, the trash can in there hasn't been taken out in 2 weeks. I grabbed the bag and tied it up and pulled it out of the can. Then I heard a small this on the ground, I looked at the bag and there was a small hole. I then looked at the floor to see what fell,
It was a pregnancy stick, and it was positive.

I then hurry and put the trash out but kept the stick with me. I ran back inside and closed the door. After Santana got here, I helped Kurt and Blaine put up her room (with sheets). She was laying down on her bed she bought or something, I wonder if the stick is hers. She has been wearing baggy clothes lately and those won't show off her stomach.
I hurry and checked Santana's room, she was thankfully asleep.

"Kurt? Blaine? Are you decent?" I asked. "Yes, come in" I heard Kurt say, "what's up?" Blaine asked as I walked into their room. I held up the pregnancy stick and they gasped, "are you?" Kurt asked me. "No! It's not mine!" I said back.
"Unless either of you has really been a girl all these years, it is Santana's" I said with a serious face. "Last time I checked we aren't girls" Blaine said to me. "Okay, eww, and I'm pretty sure it is hers" I said with a disgusted look on my face.

"It is mine" Santana said as she walked in with blood shot eyes and tears streaming down her face. "I thought you were asleep" I said to her, "I heard your footsteps and pretended to be asleep" she answered.

Santana's POV:
"Santana, your for real pregnant?" Kurt asked me. I then pulled up my shirt and revealed my 3 month baby bump which the shirt hid really well. "Oh my god, is that why Brittany broke up with you?" Blaine asked.

"Yeah, I went to a party here a few months ago while she was on a trip with her parents. And I got really drunk and hooked up with a guy I met" I told them remembering his brown hair and blue eyes. "I am going to tell him today that I'm pregnant" I said now sobbing. "Come here!" Rachel said as she hugged me. Now they know.

Blaine's POV:
After Santana went back in her room along with Rachel, I decided to tell Kurt about our wedding in 10 days. "Kurt?" I asked. "Yeah Blaine?" He said turning to me in our bedroom. "I know I haven't told you yet, but-" he cut me off, "you planned a secret wedding for us?" He said with a smile.

"How did you know?" I asked him, "I heard you talking to someone on the phone about it, and it was your present to me for our 3 year anniversary" he responded. "It's in 10 days" I said, "I know, I've been counting" he said holding up his phone that had a notification that said '10 days secret wedding'.

"How would you feel if it was actually in 5 days?" I said a little scared. "I got tux picked out for me, that would be lovely" Kurt said while hugging me. "I also got the blue flowers switched to better ones, I love you so damn much" I said to my soon-to-be-husband. "I love you so damn much too" Kurt said with a small laugh.

"I already told everyone else, even your dad, so don't worry" I said to assure him that he didn't have to worry. "Okay, let's go see Santana" Kurt said as we walked out hand in hand. "So Kurt already knows?" Rachel said. "Yeah, and as you heard, the wedding is in 5 days now" I told them.

"Okay Santana just called the guy who impregnated her" Rachel told us. "He is coming over in 5 minutes, my boyfriend lives over there too" Rachel said. "Ugh your boyfriend? That douchebag? Please tell me he is not coming over too?!" Kurt said with a groan. Santana just giggled in the corner, with now a tighter shirt on that showed her baby bump.

"Wait I hear him!" Santana said opening the door. "Santana, are you really pregnant? I am so sorry!" We heard a familiar voice say.

Kurt, Rachel and I walked out to see the mystery guy, then we couldn't believe who it was...

Okay who do you think the mystery guy is? I think it is a bit obvious, but who knows? Also who is excited for the klaine wedding?! The wedding should be in the next episode and I am not going to explain the honeymoon that much because we all know what happens on honeymoons. And I don't want to write about that. Thx for reading! Also the picture is how big Santana's bump should be...

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