31- The Truth is Revealed

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Santana's POV:
    Tomorrow, Kurt and Blaine are moving out. Rachel and I talked, and I am moving in with Brittany! She is only right across the hall, so we will all be close by!

But it seems like Rachel is just getting more sick.

But if I don't know any better, Rachel's pregnant.

I guess Rachel and Carson did get their Wanky on.

"Rachel?" I asked as I peeked in the couples room. Then I heard some stumbling and she opened her curtain. She had her pajamas on. She had a blue top with a red outline along with red buttons. It could easily resemble a Dalton Academy blazer. But it also had some blue  short, shorts with red outlining on, to match.

 But it also had some blue  short, shorts with red outlining on, to match

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    "You feeling any better?" I asked her.
    "No, is anyone here?"
    "No, Kurt and Blaine took Tracy out to the store with them,"
    "Okay, Carson's with me too, by the way,"

    "Just try not to make a twin!" I thought.

    "Can I talk to you?" I asked Rachel. "Alone?"

    "Anything you can say to me, you can say to him too," she stated.
    "Fine, I know!" I blurted out.

    She looked confused, so did Carson.

    "You know what?" Carson asked.
    "Rachel and you! She has a bun in the oven!" I yelled.

    "How do you know that?!" She shouted at me.
    "Morning sickness? I was pregnant too you know?!" I informed her.

"Rachel? Is this true?" Carson asked her. He looked a little scared by the answer she was about to give.

Rachel then turned towards Carson, tears falling into the dark wooden floor, "yes, it's true,"

"Why didn't you tell me?" He asked.
"I was going to do it today! But Satan over here blurted it out!" She said crying.
"You told me I could say it in front of him!" I pointed out.

"I don't even understand how this would happen! We used a condom! We were safe!" She said disappointed.

"Rachel?" I said.
"Condoms can break you know?"
"Oh god! I'm so stupid! How am I going to take care of a baby?!" She said crying more.

Then Carson spoke up, "Baby, I'm not going to leave you. You are the love of my life. No one and nothing could ever tear us apart. You and I will raise this child and he or she will be healthy and happy for a very long time. I would never ever leave you! So don't ever think that. I love you with all of my heart, I still get butterflies when I'm around you. My brain turns to mush, I love you, so, so much,"

"I love you too!" She replied with a big hug.

"I'm going to leave before I see man hands make twins," I said while walking out.

Kurt's POV: (5 hours later)
Well, that's was most of it! Blaine and I were about ready to fully move out.

Tracy was in her crib in the living room of our old house.

So Blaine and I went to go and pick her up. When we walked in, Rachel and Carson were watching her.

They started talking so we listened in.

"I still don't understand," Rachel said to Carson.
    "I know, but, I guess, it broke," he said back.

    What the hell are they talking about?

    "Look at Tracy. Kurt and Blaine are great parents. How can I be one?" Rachel said while tears sprung into her eyes.

    Is Rachel pregnant?

    "I will help you through it all of the way, I will not leave you!" Carson said determined.

"I know you won't, but I'm just so damn scared," she said, continuing to cry.

"Rachel Barbra Berry, you are the most beautiful in this entire world. No one is like you. I know you are like from heaven, and I'm from hell, but we are meant to be. You are so amazing and talented and you will make such a great mother! I love you so damn much, and I will never let you go." Carson told her.

By this point, The lovely couple along with me and Blaine were both in tears.

To get their attention, I slightly knocked on the door, "Um, hey. We came to pick up Tracy," I said softly.

"How long were you guys standing there?" Rachel asked while wiping her tears.

"I guess the condom broke?" I said hoping they wouldn't be mad.

"Yeah, I'm...pregnant," Rachel said.
"Rachel, we can still help you," Blaine told her.
"I know, but I'm just scared," she said.
"You shouldn't be. We are all here for you, and by Carson's speech, I can tell he'll be there for you." I said.

"I know," she said taking a deep breath.
"I love you guys so much," she said.

"I guess the secret is out then!" She continued laughing. We all laughed with her.

"So I'm guessing Satan and Britt already know?" Blaine said while draping his arm around me.
"Yeah, Satan said she knew because she was pregnant before too," she said while laughing again.

"True," I added, we were all laughing.

"Well, we need to grab Tracy, and then we will be out of your hair," I said while getting Tracy.

As I was walking out of our old apartment (which was now Carson's and Rachel's apartment), I looked back.

There I saw Carson leaning over and kissing Rachel on her hairline with love filled eyes.

I'm so glad Rachel found love after Finn died. After Finn, she was always so sad, she tried to kill herself to see him! But then along came Carson. He may be my twin brother, but I totally love them together.

They deserve each other.

A/N: sorry for the SUPER late update! I have had writers block, it's like I have all these ideas but I don't know how to write them... But other than that, I have no other excuse. Next chapter should be longer, I promise😔😔😔😔
I love all of you so much and thx for all the sorry's...🐢🐢🐢🐢🐢🐢🐢🐢

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