32- Wanky

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(Prepare for some Wankyness later in the chapter😏😉)
5 months later...
Rachel's POV:
It's been five months (20 weeks). I've been showing a lot.

The baby is the size of an artichoke, and Carson and I are going to be figuring out the gender today!

    "Hey honey?" I called to Carson.
    "Are you ready to go?"
    "Yep, I have the phones, keys to both the car and house, water bottle, is that everything?"
    "Yes, come on let's go!" I said while grabbing our phones and the water.

At the doctors:
    "Oh my god my back hurts," I mumbled as I sat down in one of the waiting room chairs.
    I'm not having sex for a while after this happens.

    About 10 minutes later, the nurse came out and called my name to take me to the ultrasound room.

    "Okay Rachel, lift up your shirt and we'll get started!" Nurse Nancy said happily.

    I lifted up my black long sleeved shirt up to my chest where you could see my baby bump.

    I lifted up my black long sleeved shirt up to my chest where you could see my baby bump

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    It was small, but amazing.

    Nancy got out the weird ultrasound gel and warned me, "now this is going to be a little cold,"

    She squeezed it on my stomach and I jumped a tiny bit, Carson gave me a smile and a slight chuckle.

    Nancy got out the wand stick and rubbed it around in the gel on my stomach.

    "Please tell us it's just one baby," I quietly said.

    "It's only one! And would you like to know the sex?" She replied.

    Me and Carson looked at each other, we wanted to know.
    "Yes," I answered.

    She looked around a little more and she pointed to the screen where the baby's abdomen is.

    "Look right there," she said to Carson.   
    "See how there is no tiny stick thing popping out?"
    "Yea, does that mean it's a girl?" Carson said with a smile.

    "Congratulations you two! You are having a baby girl!" She said with a huge grin.

    I looked at the ultrasound with complete awe. I am going to be a mom to a beautiful baby girl.

    I suddenly felt tears spring into my eyes.

    "You okay Rachel?" Carson asked me.
    "Yeah, I'm just so happy and excited to have a baby girl with you, my one true love," I said wiping my tears.
    Nancy got a paper towel and wiped off the scoldingly cold gel gingerly.

    Everything in life suddenly just seemed right.

Third person POV:
    "We are finally moved out," Blaine said to his husband as they stood in their house. Tracy was with Santana and Brittany, so they had some time to their selfs.

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