30- Movin' Out

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Blaine's POV:
In one week, it was our little Tracy's first birthday, she can talk a bit more now, and she is getting the hang of walking.

    Kurt was cooking a part of dinner in the kitchen. It was 1 when I woke up, so I got out of bed and walked up behind him quietly and wrapped my arms around his waist and placed a gentle kiss to his side. With this movement, he jumped a little bit.

    "Sorry honey," I apologized. "Don't apologize, you just caught me by surprise," he assured me as he kissed me on my nose.

    "Where's Tracy?" He asked me. "Santana and Brittany are playing with her right now," I answered.

    "Santana would've been a great full time mom," Kurt said with a smile.

    "Kurt, I was thinking," I started. "Oh god, you were thinking," he said sarcastically.

    "Shut up!" I said to him rolling my eyes. "You don't have to agree, but I was thinking we could maybe, move out," I said quietly. "I mean we are married and we have a kid," I said trying to get him to say yes.

    "I was actually thinking the same thing, Santana can see Tracy when ever she wants, unless we're doing something with her. But I think it's a great idea, I was going to ask you later today," he told me.

    We really are alike. I'm so glad we're soulmates.

    "That's good, we can start looking whenever you want," I said to my hot husband.

    "We can start tonight after we get Tracy asleep?" He asked. "Yeah, that's perfect," I said.

    I brought my hands to his hips and brought them closer to me. We shared a kiss and just made out for a few minutes. Then we got interrupted.

    "Get a room," said Carson while going into the kitchen. "Like you don't do the same thing with Rachel. And maybe even more when we're not here," Kurt said slyly.

    Carson turned bright red. Kurt and I just laughed and he continued to make dinner for later this night.

    Kurt can cook like a dream, no wonder he starts on dinner in the afternoon. He was making a macaroni salad, Mercedes and Sam are in town, so they are coming over for dinner too.

Later that night...
Kurt's POV:
     Around 5:30, Mercedes and Sam arrived. They brought some chips and a pie for dessert.

"Boo!" Mercedes said while wrapping me in a hug. "Where's that little girl of yours?" She asked me.

"Right here!" Santana said while walking out with Brittany while Tracy was in her arms.

    "Aww, she gets adorable every time I see her," Mercedes said while looking at Tracy.

    "You only saw her twice," Blaine pointed out, "she is still so adorable!" Mercedes cooed.

    "Dadda," Tracy requested.

    "She can talk?" Mercedes questioned in awe. "Yep, Blaine and I taught her how to tell us apart!" I said excited.

    "Yeah, dada is Blaine, and papa is Kurt," Santana said while handing her over to Blaine.

    "That is amazing, what else can she do?" Sam asked, cutting in. "she can walk pretty well now," Blaine while kissing Tracy on the cheek.

    "Can I see later?" She said happily.
    "Of course, Cedes," I said.
    "Papa!" Tracy squealed in joy, she had both of her arms reached out towards me.

    "She wants you now Kurt," Blaine said while putting our baby girl in my arms.

    I held Tracy close, Blaine and I dressed her in a pink dress. The dress was a hot pink color, it had a small bow near her neck and it poofed out a little bit by her waist and ruffled out. She also had a hot pink headband on, there was a lighter shade of pink colored flower attached to the headband.

 She also had a hot pink headband on, there was a lighter shade of pink colored flower attached to the headband

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She looked so adorable.

Tracy put her head in the crook of my neck, and she just stared at Blaine. "She really loves you guys," Sam said to us. "I know," I said as I kissed her head.

We all had dinner and Mercedes and Sam we're going to sleep over. They were in the guest bedroom.

At 4am, Tracy cried out. Like always, Blaine was up before me, how does he do that?

"Seriously, how are you always up before me?" I said with a quiet chuckle. "I guess it's just daddy's instinct," he shrugged with a crying Tracy in his arms.

To calm her down, Blaine started to sing quietly into Tracy's ear. By the first few words, I could tell that he was singing Teenage Dream.

So, I started to hum along.

Soon enough, she was sound asleep in Blaine's arms. So we also went back to bed.

Earlier Blaine and I were searching for some apartments, we found a nice one that is in the same apartment building. We'll be close to Rachel, Santana, Brittany, and Carson. But we'll be in our own place.

    So we got it.

    We will be moving out in 1 week, they'll freak out at first, but they'll understand.

    The next morning, I got a bottle ready for Tracy, and Blaine made everyone breakfast.

    Tracy woke up around 10am, so we fed her and all that baby stuff.

    We were going to tell them today.

    "Hey guys," Rachel said while walking out of her bedroom with Carson. What was weird was Rachel was in Carson's arms.

    "Rachel? Are you okay?" Blaine asked. "Oh, um yeah, I just feel sick, so he carried me," she replied. "She threw up this morning," Carson said.

    "Rachel, I can make you some tea," I suggested. "Sure, thank you" she said weakly.

    So I made some tea, and we all were sitting in the living room. Santana came out a few minutes later, she grabbed  some coffee and sat down. Blaine was sitting with Tracy on his lap.

    "So, we have something we need to talk to you guys about," I said while leaning into Blaine's shoulder.

    "What's going on? Are you pregnant Kurt!?" Brittany said while walking out of Santana's bedroom. She has been staying here a lot lately.

    "No, we're men, we can't get pregnant," Blaine said assuring her. "That's not what all my fanfictions say, Harry Potter to Sherlock Homes!" Brittany said.

    "Well, we're...moving out" Blaine said softly. "What?" Rachel said sitting up fast.
"But guess what?!" Blaine said happily.
    "What?!" Brittany said. "It's only right downstairs!" I said.

    We all shrieked in joy, Tracy joined along too.

    Life is going to get better.

A/N: yay! Another chapter! Klaine is moving out! And Rachel is sick, sickness sucks! See yo later turtles!🐢🐢🐢🐢

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