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Blaine's POV:
"Kurt, what was that? And what are you holding?" I asked my beautiful fiancé. "Okay you might not believe me, but I'm talking to Finn" Kurt said to me. "Finn? As in your dead stepbrother? Finn? As in how?!" I said to him, is he serious?

"Through an Ouija board, but it's working! I was asking him what to do about you!" He said to me. "Cool, can I talk to him?" I asked, "yeah let's get back to my room, to go talk, to Finn!" Kurt cried out. He ran to my arms and hugged me, but still didn't let go of the weird shaped piece of wood.
"Did I ever tell you that when you cry, your eyes just get even more beautiful?" I said to the beautiful man in front of me. I then picked him up, bridal style, and carried him to his room. "Did I ever tell you I love you?" He said to me, "multiple times, actually!" I replied to him laughing.

Finn's POV:
I swear Kurt and Blaine make a really cute couple. I am happy to see Kurt found someone, he was so depressed, but I can see that Blaine makes him happy.

A week later: (Kurt's POV)
It is so weird, Blaine and my NYADA letters came here today. Well hopefully we got in!
Then Blaine and I met up in the auditorium at McKinley High, we wanted to open our letters Ina very sacred place. "You go first" Blaine said to me, "how about we go at the same time?" I suggested to him. "Yeah, on 3!" Blaine said.

"3, 2, 1!" We said in unison, we both teared open our letters and read them. "I got in!" We both said at the exact same time, we both got super excited and hugged each other and kissed. "We-are-both-going-to-New-York-together!" I said between kisses.

Blaine's POV:
"Hey I know it is really sudden to say this," I said after I pulled away away from his soft pink lips. "But, after I saved a lot of money for the engagement ring, I also have a lot more saved up for our wedding," I said. I knew it was sudden but I just wanted to tell him.

"You did? That is amazing, I don't want to have the wedding now though" Kurt said a little worried, "I know, I just wanted to tell you, I couldn't hold it in any longer" I said to him. "That's okay, I just want to enjoy a long engagement, but I love you, so much, and I do want to marry you" he said to me.
"Dance with me," I said, "but there is no music" he replied. "Make it in your mind" I said.

Kurt's POV:
Blaine and I imagined a beautiful symphony playing the best music in the background. The. We both danced lovingly in each other's arms, we slow danced around the room, "what song are you thinking of?" I asked him. "Our song, Come what May" he replied looking at me with his handsome hazel eyes. "Aww, you remembered?" I said with tears in my eyes, again! "Of course! I remember the exact outfit I wore when we first officially, met" he said to me.

Right there I knew that Blaine and I were meant to be together forever and ever, for all eternity, and I know he feels the same way.

I had to add some klaine fluff in there somewhere, you can't fight the klaine romance! Stay tuned for the next chapter!

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