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Kurt's POV:
    "You are actually my first boyfriend" I said to him. "You are mine too, I also have a question" he said to me. "Go ahead, shoot away!" I said laughing.
    Blaine then got on one knee and pulled out a ring box. "Blaine, we just had our first kiss! What are you doing!" I said, I am scared, this can't happen too fast. "No, I'm not proposing" Blaine quickly said. "Okay you scared me there, but what is it?" I asked.
    "It's a promise ring" he said with a smile on his face. "Okay, but what are you promising?" I asked curiously. "It's a promise to always love you, to defend you even if I know your wrong, to surprise you, to always pick up your call, no matter what I'm doing, to kiss you whenever and wherever you want. But most importantly, to make sure you remember just how perfectly imperfect you are." He said to me.
    "That is so sweet, but if you aren't out yet, I will wait for you" I said to him. "I am going to come out, it might take some time, but I want to be able to hold your hand and call you my boyfriend in public, without worry" he said.
"I believe in you, I will help you no matter what" I said to help support him. "I love you Blaine, no matter what hell comes our way, I will love you, forever and always" I told him promisingly. "I love you too, forever and always" he said back. Then I was the one who initiated the kiss. We stayed like that for awhile, but I had to get home.

Blaine's POV:
As soon as I dropped him off at his house and walked him to the door, and did a happy dance on the way back. I turned around and saw him staring at me. "Uh I'm gonna go, love ya!" I yelled and got back into the car really embarrassed.
Kurt's POV:
    Blaine is so cute, he is just like a small five year old, and by small I mean short. As soon as he gave me the promise ring, I put it on, and I am never taking it off my left ring finger. Unless I have to shower.
    Ever since Blaine came into my life, my life, it now has purpose. I really love him, and his promise ring.

The next day at school: (Kurt's POV) still
    "Porcelain, my office now!" Sue the principal said over the head speakers. I quickly ran their before Aizimo or Karofsky found me.
    "Dad? What are you doing here?" I asked as soon as I stepped into her office, Blaine broke my shell, so I tried talking. "I saw your bruises and cuts, who did this to you?" He asked me. "I told you I fell a couple times" I said back to my dad, "I know your lying, stop and tell me who?!" My dad yelled.
    "Porcelain, Mr. Porcelain and I need to know who did this to you." Sue Sylvester said to me. "Okay! It was Karofsky and Azimio. They do this to me almost every day!!" I yelled, luckily the office was soundproof. "Okay that is all Lady Hummel the Porcelain Doll" Sue said as I left her office.

After school: (still porcelain's POV)
    Kurt: Blaine can you come over?
Blaine: yes I'll be over in 10 minutes
10 minutes later...  (3rd person POV)
    "Hey I missed you!" Blaine said as Kurt pulled him into his bedroom. Then Kurt just kissed him, "my dad found out, the principal is going to talk to them, what if they hurt me again?" I cried to Blaine. "Your okay, listen I will protect you, no matter what, I'll love you until my dying day" Blaine said to me. "Thanks I love you so much!" I said back.

Future: Blaine's POV:
Well graduation is just around the corner, Kurt and I have been together for a almost two years. At graduation I am going to come out to the school because our relationship has been secret for almost two years. I am valedictorian so I will give my speech, tell the school I'm gay, and then I am going to propose.
I even took a secret job and saved up for the ring and a couple thousand for the wedding. I want to have a long engagement, but I had a lot of money so I am saving it for our wedding. I am praying that Kurt says yes.

Graduation day: (Blaine's POV)
"Blaine Anderson, he is your valedictorian for this year, he will now give his speech" Sue the principal said. "Here goes nothing!" I said.
"Hello everyone, I am this years valedictorian. I just want to wish everyone an awesome year ahead! I will miss you all! Follow your dreams cause they do come true! Also before I walk off, I haven't been true to myself or anyone in this school except for one person. That person is the love of my life!" I look over at Kurt, he is blushing bright red and has the biggest grin on his face, the I continue.
" That person is Kurt Hummel, my boyfriend, and yes I am gay, I don't care what anyone has to say! I love him and always will love him. Kurt will you come up here?" I ask.

Kurt's POV;
Oh my hot dang! What is going on?! He just came out in front of the whole school and said we loves me! I got to get up and go to him now!

Blaine's POV:
Kurt walks up on stage and has tears in his eyes. Then I continue on, courage, Blaine, courage.
"Kurt, you are the love of my life, ever since I got your name on my wrist, I filled the missing thing in my heart, and that's you. I have never stopped loving you. You are the most beautiful, smart, funniest, person alive" I say as I get down on one knee and pull out a ring box.
"So Kurt Elizabeth Hummel, my amazing friend, my one true love, my soulmate, will you marry me?" I asked with now tears in my eyes.

Kurt's POV:
I am now tearing up big time, he just told me in front of everyone that he loved me and wants to marry me. Now I just have to answer...

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