9-The Board

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Blaine's POV:
    I haven't talked to Kurt for 3 days. I can't believe he would cheat on me! But he did say it's not what I think, what if it's just one of his friends? I need to talk to him.

Kurt's POV:
    I don't know, I shouldn't use that to talk to Finn, maybe I don't- I don't know what to do!
I looked in my bathroom for my small black box. There it is! I opened it, and they were gone, who found them! The only person I let in my bathroom is, Blaine! He must have taken them to make sure I didn't self harm anymore!
   I forgot I told Blaine about when life was just to hard for me and I didn't want to be in it! Yeah I am using the board to talk to Finn!

    I grabbed the board from my closet and read the title, "The Ouija Board" I said. I then set everything everything up. To make the board work maybe, better, I lit candles all around, 6 candles to be exact. I put my fingers on the pin-ship, and spun it twice to be safe. I know playing with only one person is dangerous, but I don't care!

    Then I decided to call Finn out, please work! "I call out to Finn Hudson my awesomely handsome stepbrother" I said quietly so my dad couldn't hear he was at work, but if he came in I didn't want him to hear. "Finn, are you here? Please? I really need to talk to you, please?" I said with tears in my eyes. Then 5 seconds later the pin-ship went to yes.

Blaine's POV:
*ring ring* Damn it! Kurt won't answer his freaking phone! Maybe I'll just go talk to him, I can try to listen to what he has to say.

Kurt's POV:
    "Finn! Is this really you?" I asked to the board, it moved to yes, " I need help" I said.
Then the triangular piece moved around the board and spelled out, 'yeah what's up little bro?'. "Blaine thinks I'm cheating on him" I said to what think is Finn. The piece spelled out 'who is Blaine?' "Oh yeah, you don't know Blaine, he is my boyfriend, or at least he still is" I said back.

    'Get some little bro!' He said. "He thinks I'm cheating on him, I got a text from Rachel, but I deleted her number because she like hates me, but not anymore. What should I do?" I asked my brother. The board then spelled out 'call or text him my gay stepbrother' "okay don't call me that! Also he won't answer anything!" I cried out.
    *knock knock* "What if that's Blaine? I'll take the pin-ship with me, you can meet him!" I said to the board as I kept my hands on the pin-ship, stood up, and ran to the door.

Finn's POV: (ghost Finn)
    Apparently Ouija boards do work, I can actually talk to my brother Kurt! I know I'm, well, deceased, but I miss them, a lot.
    I can actually see them too, I've been watching over them forever, but I haven't seen Blaine yet. I have been watching over Rachel too, so that is probably why.

    "Blaine?" I saw Kurt say to I'm guessing his boyfriend Blaine. "I decided I'll listen to you, who was the person?" Blaine asked Kurt. "That person was Rachel, I deleted her number, so it didn't say her number" Kurt cried out "I believe you, and I'm sorry! I love you so much!" Blaine said to my brother. Then they kissed passionately, I made the triangular piece of wood pull them apart. They are cute together, but I don't want to see my little brother make out with his boyfriend.

    Now I can talk to Blaine...

I literally cried while making this! But yay! Klaine made up! But Kurt talked to Finn! But did you get what was in that black boxes of Kurt? It was razors, but go Blaine? Stay tuned! Finn is going to have a talk with Blaine about their relationship...

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