18-Notes and Funerals

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Kurt's POV:
    "What do you mean Rachel's dead?!" Blaine shouted at me. "Santana called, she said Rachel overdosed on pills" I said tears coming to my eyes. "Come on, let's start packing then" Blaine said putting a hand on my back, "okay, I'll be right back" I said. I then walked into the bathroom.

I looked in the mirror and just thought 'why Rachel? Just why? We all love you... Is this because of Finn?' I then dropped to the ground with a loud sob. "Kurt?!" Blaine said as he ran into the bathroom. Blaine then got to the ground beside me and pulled me into his warm embrace. I just grabbed onto him and cried into his chest, why would she do this?
It can't be just because of Finn, can it?

"Kurt come on, let's get you onto the bed" Blaine said, then he picked me up in his arms and carried me into the bedroom, he then laid me down on the bed. "I'll start packing, you can join in when you want" Blaine said getting out our suitcases from under the bed.

Blaine's POV:
    I have to try to be strong for Kurt, Rachel was his best friend. They were as close as Finn and Kurt were.

On the plane:
    After at least 5 hours on the plane, Kurt hasn't done much. All he has been doing is listening to songs that Rachel loved, or songs they sang as duets. But I need to stay strong for Kurt. As the plane landed, Kurt jumped a little bit, he looked as if the pilot just announced that everyone was about to die.
"It's alright, we are in New York now" I said trying to calm him down. But that just made it worse, Kurt started to hyperventilate. "We need to go now!" Kurt said as he shot up from his seat.

When we got off the plane Kurt's hand was shaking, I noticed this and reached for his hand and intertwined our fingers. As soon as I did this, he stopped shaking. After, Kurt and I got our suitcases and hailed a taxi cab to take us to our apartment.
"Santana?" I said as soon as we got inside. Kurt took one step and his tears instantly came back and slid down his rosy cheeks.

"Kurt, Blaine!" Santana said rushing towards us. "Oh Kurt" she said and gave Kurt another hug while he cried into her shoulder. "He's taking this hard, isn't he?" Santana asked me while trying to calm Kurt down.
"I know this might make matters worse, but Rachel left behind a note. A suicide note" Santana broke the news softly. "Can you read it?" Kurt asked pulling away from her.
"Yeah, I was waiting so we could all read it together" she replied. Santana then pulled out the note and began to read.

"Dear Santana, Blaine, Kurt, or anyone who finds this. I'm sorry, I couldn't handle things anymore. All the guys who have ever 'liked' me, actually hated me, I also slept with Santana! That could've hurt her baby! And to top it all off, I got dropped from my role as Fanny on Funny Girl! The producers decided not to do it anymore or something like that, but most of all, I miss Finn. He is the love of my life, maybe with this path, we'll be together again" Santana paused holding back tears.

Kurt let out a sob, then she continued. "I do love you guys, I just can't take this anymore! With this, goodbye cruel world, and my awesome friends. Signed Rachel Barbra Berry" Santana ended, by then we were all in tears.

2 1/2 months later: Kurt's POV:
Today is the day of Rachel Berry's funeral, Rachel was my best friend, why did she kill herself? We all loved her, she was amazing...
After we all sat in our seats, the priest person started calling up people to give speeches about Rachel. "Kurt Hummel-Anderson, would you like to give a speech?" He asked looking directly at me. I then stood up and walked my way over to the podium.

"Rachel, she was my best friend, sure in high school she did ignore for a couple years, but we quickly made up. But we've always known that deep down, we were always best friends. I will miss her and continue to miss her forever" I ended. After all the speeches, everyone went to go bury her. Blaine, Santana, and I went home because frankly, we couldn't handle it.

Rachel's POV:
"Rachel?!" I heard someone scream my name. I opened my eyes and there was nothing but pure white, then I turned around and I saw Finn. "Rachel, what are you doing here? Why did you kill yourself?" Finn yelled at me.
"Go back!" Finn said grabbing my face and forcing me to look at him. "I miss you" I simply put it. "Go back! I won't be able to 'live' with myself if you did this for me" he said to me, I saw him start to tear up.

Oh god! What have I done?! Then my eyes shot open, I looked around and I was in a small box. Oh my dear freaking god! I'm alive, in flesh and all, but I'm trapped in my own coffin. In my own grave...

Okay sorry it took me so long to update! A week, but still! I had so many good ideas in my head, 3 plot twists to be exact, and I had to write it down. Back when I was writing the chapter before the wedding, I wanted to kill Rachel, but bring her back alive in her own coffin. There is more to come, so stay tuned, I have another plot twist ready!

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