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Sebastian's POV:
    The job is done, well, part of it. I overheard their conversation too. "So Tracy and Arianna are their names?" Karofsky said with a grin after I explained everything to him. Now I'll explain how I am, well, "fast."

How do you think I got to the hospital that fast? And by the way, I'm not a doctor.

Basically, after high school, I wanted to be a detective, it seemed fun. Then a famous scientist, who's not so famous anymore, he built a particle accelerator. Something happened, and I was working on a case in my lab.

What I mean by 'something happened,' I mean that, the particle accelerator blew up. It made Central City go into a blackout for a 5-6 hours. Central City is in New York. I moved their after high school too.

When the accelerator blew up and the blackout began, I was struck by lighting. I somehow survived, and was brought into a science lab called S.T.A.R. Labs, I was in a coma for nine months.

When I awoke, I had these powers. But these people who are like me, we call them meta-humans. I am one, I have super speed! Others include, cloning, invisibility, controlling the weather, and more that my team and I have to figure out.

My team consists of, Me, Caitlin Snow, Cisco Romone, and Dr. Harrison Wells. Dr. Wells, well, he can't be trusted.

Back to reality. Kurt has to pay, he stole Blaine from me. I had my eyes for him. But they just had to be boyfriends!

Now we, as in Karofsky and I, are going to get revenge. But hurting them, would mean hurting something that they both love.
I don't care if they are still together after, we still hurt them. That's what matters to me.

That thing that they both love, well that would be one of their daughters. Only one will perish, we're not complete savages.

Now we just have to figure out the rest of the plan.

Quinn's POV:
Life is terrible. At first, everything was great. I had my wonderful husband Puck, and I am 7 months pregnant with a baby boy. Puck and I are planning on naming him Zachary. We thought it was cute and, well, I thought it was adorable!

But today, everything came crashing down. I was throwing up constantly for a week straight, I thought it was because of pregnancy, but it was NEVER this bad with Beth.

So I decided to go to the doctor. The doctor transferred me to the hospital immediately.

But I didn't know why.

But I just got told now.

Apparently I have a virus, and not a small 'common cold' virus, a big one! And what I mean by that, my doctor told me I have 4 months to live.

4 months. 4 months to do everything I ever wanted to do in life before I would be gone.

I'm going to tell the Mr. Shue and the glee club. I love them, they made me the woman I am today.

The woman I would be today.

Blaine's POV:
Life is going good for me, and my new family. Today Santana, Kurt, me, and the twins, are going to be going home today. Carson and Rachel have came by to see the kids, Carson is basically an uncle. And Rachel is basically, a godmother. I guess that's what she is, not an aunt.


Back at home, us five, got out of Kurt's blue navigator. When we walked into our apartment, it was pitch black, how? It was daylight outside!

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